New E-Ticket @ Epcot for 2005


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Original Poster
At 2:51pm today, we were told that a new "E-ticket attraction" was going to open in 2005 between The Land and Imagination pavilions. More details would be announced later in the fall, but should guests call us about it were were to let them know that a new attraction in true Disney fashion would appear there in 2005.

What do you think...Soarin' Over blank or Stormrider?

2005 is looking pretty good! New E-tickets at DAK, Studios and now Epcot.


Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Its a inverted, dark, high speed meet n greet. You raise your arms half way through and a Souvenir t-shirt is automatically slipped on mid ride.


Well-Known Member
I'm surprised it's going on that side of the land, there doesn't seem like there's much room. I would have put it between the Land and the Living Seas. Interesting though, thanks for the info!


Al Lutz on reported in his latest article said, "I previously told you here about the plans to add a Soarin' Over California attraction to Epcot's The Land pavilion. That new Epcot attraction is planned to be built during fiscal year '04 and opened to the public during fiscal year '05. In fact, it is planned to open in the spring of 2005 and be marketed to East Coast audiences as a "gift from Disneyland" in honor of the 50th Anniversary."

He said it will be the same ride film as the one in DCA....and that eventually they might change it.......this dissapointed me because I don't want to be Soarin' over California, I want to be soaring somewhere else. It will be called Soarin' according to Lutz. The theme "will resemble a contemporary big city airport that will mesh better with the 1980's modern architecture of The Land pavilion. The new Soarin' attraction will be built off to the side of the current pavilion, and the entrance will be from inside the pavilion in the current location of the "Food Rocks" show. Fans of Food Rocks, if there are any, would be smart to go see that show one more time in the near future."

It is still great news that Epcot will receive another E-Ticket though. Lutz also said they are building it so soon becasue they are concerned that MS is making too many people sick, which is BS to me just how Jim Hill reported.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Supermatt70
At 2:51pm today, we were told that a new "E-ticket attraction" was going to open in 2005 between The Land and Imagination pavilions.

Hey Supermatt!, welcome to the boards. I was wondering, what part of Disney World do you work for? It sounds like guest relations or something, am I right? Do you work at Epcot? One last question, who told you about this? Sorry to ask so many questions, but I guarantee they will arise sooner or later :)


New Member
There should be enough room for a smaller sized Pavillion such as a Soarin' type over there. That is the original location that was slated for the Space themed Pavillion according one old construction map that I have seen. Maybe an Air or Flight themed Pavillion since there is not one themed to that yet.


New Member
2005!!! That's not that far away.

SPace took how many years? I know Space was really advanced and the whole horizons demolition, but to have a new ride/pavilion in two years, ground breaking should start pretty soon I think.



Well-Known Member
Anyway, yeah, there's a pretty good amount of space in between TL and I! for a large, rectangular-shaped extension to The Land...

Click here to see my diagram of it! (Scroll all the way down the page!) :)

The only thing that I am a bit disappointed about is that they are (rumored to be) recycling the California film, considering that Epcot is a long ways away from California! :lol: But at least they can change it, so that's OK. I'm also glad to see that they will be utilizing the architecture of The Land pavilion (supposedly) to theme it to an airport (after all, I love the architecture of Future World! :lol: )...

Soarin' seems like it'll be a good attraction, one which families can enjoy together.. And Food Rocks?... :( oh well... :lol:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by jwbeck3
Al Lutz on reported in his latest article said, "I previously told you here about the plans to add a Soarin' Over California attraction to Epcot's The Land pavilion. That new Epcot attraction is planned to be built during fiscal year '04 and opened to the public during fiscal year '05. In fact, it is planned to open in the spring of 2005 and be marketed to East Coast audiences as a "gift from Disneyland" in honor of the 50th Anniversary."

He said it will be the same ride film as the one in DCA....and that eventually they might change it.......this dissapointed me because I don't want to be Soarin' over California, I want to be soaring somewhere else. It will be called Soarin' according to Lutz. The theme "will resemble a contemporary big city airport that will mesh better with the 1980's modern architecture of The Land pavilion. The new Soarin' attraction will be built off to the side of the current pavilion, and the entrance will be from inside the pavilion in the current location of the "Food Rocks" show. Fans of Food Rocks, if there are any, would be smart to go see that show one more time in the near future."

It is still great news that Epcot will receive another E-Ticket though. Lutz also said they are building it so soon becasue they are concerned that MS is making too many people sick, which is BS to me just how Jim Hill reported.

Thanks for the info! Of course, I'm beginning to question AL Lutz as a source. He mentions a lot of what "could" or "will" happen, only to say that Disney "cut back" when what he says doesn't come true. I'm not saying he isn't right about this or other things, but it is easy to exagerate rumored plans so when they don't meet those reports it was because of "cutbacks".

Anywho, concerning if Soarin' is built using the same video, it might work. I was hoping for a Soarin' over the world or something, but California does have some of the most interesting landscapes and does cover a lot of different topographies including cities, water/lakes/oceans, deserts, forests, etc. I've never experienced it firsthand, but a video I saw showed the ending of the ride "soarin'" over Disneyland as it landed. That would be out of place I think, so hopefully, should they use the same video, it will end with soarin' over Epcot and not Disneyland.

Here's to another great attraction for Epcot :)

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Aplixus
Maybe an Air or Flight themed Pavillion since there is not one themed to that yet.

Exactly! That's just what I was thinking!:D It could talk about the history of flight and more. The soarin attraction could be, "Soarin over the world". Just imagine. That would be cool. Picture a simulated flight over Niagra Falls, The Eiffel Tower, The Pyramids of Egypt, The Great Wall of China, The St. Louis Arch, The Grand Canyon, The Leaning Tower of Giza, and more! That would be awesome! They could also add storm rider here. It would be paerfect! I hope they do this!:sohappy:


New Member
2005 seems like it is going to be a great year at WDW -
Epcot - Soarin'
MGM - Motors Stunt Show

Question is what will MK get for 2005? My guess probably just a new parade to celebrate DL's 50th Anniversary.


New Member
I remember reading a rumor once how each Disney Theme park around the world was supposed to get something new and an attraction from each of the other parks. Thus, EE would be new, Soarin' would be the gift from DL, and Motors would be the gift from Euro what do we get from Tokyo???? (assuming this rumor is true)


New Member
Originally posted by dox
I remember reading a rumor once how each Disney Theme park around the world was supposed to get something new and an attraction from each of the other parks. Thus, EE would be new, Soarin' would be the gift from DL, and Motors would be the gift from Euro what do we get from Tokyo???? (assuming this rumor is true)

Sorry to post again....the above is in reference to the alleged plans to celebrate DL's 50th at WDW in 2005.


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Re: Re: New E-Ticket @ Epcot for 2005

Originally posted by CTXRover
Hey Supermatt!, welcome to the boards. I was wondering, what part of Disney World do you work for? It sounds like guest relations or something, am I right? Do you work at Epcot? One last question, who told you about this? Sorry to ask so many questions, but I guarantee they will arise sooner or later :)

Hey CTX Rover! Thanks for the welcome. I''d prefer not to say where I work, but you're pretty close with your guess. As for my source, let's just say it's an official source and we have an FAQ script to go by should guests ask about it. You can call Disney and ask about this info if you want. Everyone got the FAQ this afternoon. You can always email or AOL IM me if you want to know more, CTX. :)

And GoofyMike29, I was referring to the new Stunt Show @ the Studios. We are calling that an "E-ticket" attraction officially.


General Grizz

New Member
Expect "Soarin' over [The Land?]" to be put in this area.

Thus, when this has been announced, Project: GEMINI has begun.

And Al seems right. Go see Food Rocks - fast!! Look for this area to begin development sometime after Mission: SPACE opens.


Well-Known Member
Re: Re: Re: New E-Ticket @ Epcot for 2005

Originally posted by Supermatt70
Hey CTX Rover! Thanks for the welcome. I''d prefer not to say where I work, but you're pretty close with your guess. As for my source, let's just say it's an official source and we have an FAQ script to go by should guests ask about it. You can call Disney and ask about this info if you want. Everyone got the FAQ this afternoon. You can always email or AOL IM me if you want to know more, CTX. :)

And GoofyMike29, I was referring to the new Stunt Show @ the Studios. We are calling that an "E-ticket" attraction officially.


Thanks Supermatt! Its always great to see someone new on the boards that can provide us with such great info! I have no doubt you know what's going on. Thanks again :)


We've had this one pegged for a while.
It will be a Soarin' attraction, though I am not 100% sure about Al's info about it being the same film. Could be though, with updates added periodically.

Look at this photo:

See the small buildings to the right of the Land? Kiss 'em goodbye. That is where the theatres will go.

(I fixed the link.)


New Member

I think you meant this photo.

Most of those greenhouses are part of the boat ride. Only the first two or three are research only. Still, if you got rid of Food Rocks and the little store (the two squares at a 45 degree angle at top of the pavillion) and moved the first two greenhouses (relatively inexpensive to reconstruct) you do have some space before you hit the bathrooms at Imagination.

So, is this big enough for two theaters or just one? (I'm still betting there will only be one Sorin' theater at Epcot).

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