OK, Hans asked, and some others are confused, so let's see what happened, and what needs to be addressed.
First off, what is in front of the planning commission is JUST the Disney portion of the project, and not the overall "Anaheim Eastern Gateway". What that means is there is a large part of the project that the city (along with the county and state, and its agencies) has to do, mainly the roadways and related transportation that is on public right a ways, plus the city has to take into consideration other projects, such as the new 4-star that Wincome wants to build on the Anaheim Hotel property, and the JW Marriott and one more hotel on the vacant GardenWalk property. Plus the city has to protect its big asset, the Convention Center with Direct and indirect impacts.
So we are talking about the roads from the freeway on/off ramps, and mainly Harbor Blvd, Disney Way and Manchester. But also Katella Avenue, Anaheim Blvd. (Remember the city owned Sports Center that hosts the USA Volleyball and Badminton teams) is on the east side of I-5 across from the Disneyland part of the project, and even Ball Road.
Legally, all parties can talk to the city staff, except the city council direct for legal reasons. The city bylaws and other rules/regulations state that the council can only address specific senior staff, and only at specific times. Plus the councilmembers are limited when and where a group of them can get together and talk as a group. (Open Meeting laws)
So the city staff has to predict the wishes of the council, and related groups, such as the planning commission, whose job it is to approve the actions once completed. For a comparison, sausage making. The interested parties want to make sausage, The Chef knows what he wants to do and make, in this case Disney. But the end user, the city tells the Chef they want a Chicken and Pork used as meat, and a bit spicy, but not too spicy. So the Disney staff, along with the city staff work to make it. Once it is done, then the City Council can taste it, and can send it back to the chef, saying it was too spicy, and had more chicken then they liked, and want more pork.
So, the city staff knows it has access to grant money from other agencies to help with the roads/transportation, if designed in a specific way, such as freeway off-ramps, bus stops, and other road improvements, and tells Disney to place take this into consideration where your project interacts with those points. They also tell Disney what things meet code, and which parts can't e approved. Plus they give Disney a list of requests the "staff" want, such as better signage, help with the impact of the other projects, etc. Also, the city tries to make the project "revenue neutral" to itself. But is required by law to pay for some of the issues, such as the roads, as Disney is not the only cause for the traffic on those roadways.
So the crosswalks on Harbor are not controlled by Disney and not part of what it is of the project being presented to the planning commission. Only the location of entrances of driveways can be changed by Disney. The only thing that can be looked at is parts of the bridge, and the eastern landing. Anything from the west edge of Harbor is already part of the "Master Plan" and Disney can do whatever it wants. Moving the Monorail tracks, so long as the change is on Disney property and meets current build codes, can go anywhere. What Disney does with the current Transportation Hub, the city can't sop. Where Disney puts a Security check (or lack thereof) and its size on current property is also not part of the approval process. Heck, Disney could today close and fence off all of the current land used of the entrance and force everyone to enter off Disneyland Drive and the west side through Downtown Disney. (Only requirement would be exits to meet fire codes, but every one of them can be just an exit used at limited times). Now, that could cause Disney a lot of problems, but legally they can do it, and there is nothing the Harbor Blvd Businesses can do about it.
As for Harbor Blvd, the bridge itself is allowed for many reasons, and does not need approval to be built. Now, the design is up for discussion, so the "look of it" is being discussed. This is a privately owned bridge, so access to it can be controlled by Disney, and why Disney can make it part of its secure zone. Disney could also get Federal government law enforcement agencies support for the need for the security checkpoint as part of the Eastern Gateway, and already has the un-official support for the need of a larger space, so the city is limited once again to the design and location adjustments, but can't remove it from the project.
As mentioned, the Structure itself is approved, and part of the master plan.
The city can't require the purchase of more land, so the eastern landing has to be the Carousel property.
So the Security checkpoint and new private transportation hub needs approval, but some of the access can be mandated by other governmental agency in regards to public transportation and carpool access (Which is pretty much every shuttle). So Disney can use those laws to make the city approve it as part of the "new" project.
So we are down to aesthetics, and public access to that part of the project.
The city staff, looking at the other items mentioned, overall traffic flow, the 4-Stars, and other things that make or will make the city more money, is asking for specific places where the driveways and sidewalks will be built.
But the planned work at the Harbor and Manchester intersection, including new left turn lanes. The city staff can tell the planning commission why they want Disney to locate their driveways in a certain way, but does not have to explain the fine details. Same with the Pumbaa access, and here is one key. This is the city asking, not telling Disney how to design the structure, so Disney can play off the city's need to have specific points to make the Disney Way and I-5 improvements work.
Now, the city can ask Disney to help pay their fair share for the needed public improvements, but they also know how much the city can get in grant money for those improvements.
So what type of Direction did Disney get from the workshops, well, make the bridge look better from the public viewpoints (aka off-property views). Also better public access to the project. That said, Disney cannot force any private business to allow share access, nor does Disney have to do it. So the city can ask for better access, but not that Denny's must have a direct path to the entrance.
So find ways to get the public to the "entrance" of the park, which will be on the Manchester property.
The city doesn't want to admit to the fact that the removal of the current crosswalk was a request it made, for traffic flow reasons, and that Disney wants to move the access point on the West side, which the city can't stop. And Disney wants the Harbor access to be the minimum, and desires as much traffic as possible to be at Manchester. The new Toy Story Tram station on Disney property is an corporation with the city, since they own ART, and for overall traffic issues. And yes, Disney is looking into having a security checkpoint at the Toy Story Lot to process those guests. Once again, something the city can't control.
So look for better signage, a prettier bridge when looking at it from Harbor, and some adjustments to pedestrian access to the new Security checkpoint.
What won't happen is Disney saying what their plans are on the West side of Harbor, and what will be at the current main Pedestrian entrance, which will be changing.
So you will see ways to improve the access to the new sidewalk next to the Pumbaa Structure on Disney Way, and some type of pedestrian access to the new security checkpoint from the North side of the bridge. Also, agreements with specific private businesses for shared access points between the properties to allow better access to the new entrance.
Also, some sort of agreement for Disney to help pay for some of the needed public road improvements.
But the discussion is limited to the newly purchased land, and that will still frustrate many, including members of the current city council, but they know they can't ask for the moon to approve the project. So they will be playing a big game of drama, where the results will be pre-determined, to appease their supporters.