Thanks TP2000, first off, I want to state the current MiceChat staff and writers are still friends, and the info they present is presented as rumors, same as when I wrote for them. They need to be taken that way, just like my posts tonight.
But then if you look at who was at my wedding at Knott's, it included members of the LA Times, OC Register, and non-Disney Business management. ( I could hint at actual Disney management, but will leave it at that...).
Different reporting groups have different standards, with Newspapers being fairly strict. (But somehow some of my info ended up in an Associated Press story that was the first news and proven 100% correct (Disney and McDonald's in the parks).
As for life in general, well, my father passed, and one of the reasons for the new house was to allow my mom to move in with us, and having the need for ADA accommodations to help her out. It has been fun though in making the initial changes, and no converting the house to an meeting high "green" standards in regards to energy and water use. (and I am not a big environmentalist, just want to not pay for energy, and increase the resell value.)
And it wasn't only until after I moved in that I found out about the STR across the street. It recently sold for 1.7 Million, which helped with my home value, which is still a lot less than that!
But for the most part, I have had a very blessed life, won a First Class trip to Istanbul, Turkey, still do a lot of travelling for both business and vacation, and get access to special park events that are held during hours normally closed to the public.
But getting back on point, a lot of the decisions haven't been finalized, and what I have posted, I hoped I made clear is based on current info and subject to change.
I know the non-Disney business are preparing for the more than likely Planning Commission hearing in September, and that is only the first of many things that can force changes out of Disney and the city hands.
I did like the news of the new Cambria Hotel being announced for the former Flakey Jake's lot (which was used by Disney for the expansion of DCA and staging its construction vehicles).
The article also talks about other Hotel projects in the area.
In 2017, I don't see much impact on Harbor, but more on the Manchester/Clementine roadway east of Harbor, and work on Disney Way.
More than likely, work on the actual bridge wont start until late 2017 based on the current plans.
And I am trying to wrap this up and go join my wife who is already in bed, to keep my marriage happy..