New DAS System at Walt Disney World 2024


Well-Known Member
I've always assumed (and posited in this thread) that the bathroom return to line system will likely involve cm's letting someone returning to line into the lightning lane. So long as this is coupled with an actual trespassing of people who are found to abuse it (say people who wait for 10 minutes in the FOP line and then "return to the fastpass line" and do this more than once), it could work.
But if someone has legit needs & is forced to use this feature disney is now using as a substitute you really cant label it abuse. Now if they leave line ride something else & come back different story lol


Well-Known Member
Ok. That doesn't change the fact that a return to line pass involving the lightning lanes is probably part of what's going to be in play here. Part of this needs to be intentionally opaque (including consequences for abuse and criteria for what constitutes abuse), because otherwise people will too easily find new ways to abuse it.
No offense. We have pretty much said past abusers will continue to find ways to abuse the system. This is only gonna cause issues for people who actually need this service. Im just glad i was able to get approved last night and not have to deal w this new system until its kinks are worked out

Fido Chuckwagon

Well-Known Member
But if someone has legit needs & is forced to use this feature disney is now using as a substitute you really cant label it abuse. Now if they leave line ride something else & come back different story lol
I didn't label that as abuse. Again, it's going to be situational, and probably very hard for Disney to figure it out, but I could see some edge/egregious cases being easy for Disney to figure out if they care to. Leaving, going on a different ride, and coming back could certainly be one example. Patterns of use could be another, but I do agree difficult to figure out what is legitimate versus what is not, and Disney will have to err on the side of legitimate in most cases.


Well-Known Member
I didn't label that as abuse. Again, it's going to be situational, and probably very hard for Disney to figure it out, but I could see some edge/egregious cases being easy for Disney to figure out if they care to. Leaving, going on a different ride, and coming back could certainly be one example. Patterns of use could be another, but I do agree difficult to figure out what is legitimate versus what is not, and Disney will have to err on the side of legitimate in most cases.
So people who specifically dealt with only DAS issues Disney deemed unqualified yet some college intern now is gonna be in charge of this? Hahaha. This gets better by the minute if this is truly the plan


Well-Known Member
Also true. However, abuse of the "return to line" system likely will not have as much of an impact on capacity and park operations as abuse of the current DAS "virtual wait" system.
Thats what Disney is 100% banking on but we have seen countless times them miscalculate things. The minute people find out they can leave the line and return via LL queue it will
Be a free for all open to everyone

Fido Chuckwagon

Well-Known Member
Thats what Disney is 100% banking on but we have seen countless times them miscalculate things. The minute people find out they can leave the line and return via LL queue it will
Be a free for all open to everyone
Well that's why I think Disney is being intentionally opaque with how exactly this will work, and I agree with that decision.


Well-Known Member
Well that's why I think Disney is being intentionally opaque with how exactly this will work, and I agree with that decision.
Why tho? That makes no sense… anyone who has a trip booked in June for most part still qualify under old system i just did it… so come Monday when people call and get denied Disney would most likely have to offer some assurance on how people will be accommodated and that will not go into effect until coincidentally basically when Tiana opens… so why this big secret

Fido Chuckwagon

Well-Known Member
Why tho? That makes no sense… anyone who has a trip booked in June for most part still qualify under old system i just did it… so come Monday when people call and get denied Disney would most likely have to offer some assurance on how people will be accommodated and that will not go into effect until coincidentally basically when Tiana opens… so why this big secret
Because one of the reasons the previous DAS system was so abused is because of how much and quickly information spread everywhere about how easy it was to abuse it. Keeping the information opaque should help with that somewhat.


Well-Known Member
Because one of the reasons the previous DAS system was so abused is because of how much and quickly information spread everywhere about how easy it was to abuse it. Keeping the information opaque should help with that somewhat.
How long do you really think any info is going to be kept quiet or secret?!? Come on Fido we both know better… and ive also said Disney already gave a blueprint on how to beat the system already. So basically anyone abusing the system who has a child will simply claim the child is “autistic” etc and from what we can tell will be approved


Well-Known Member
Because one of the reasons the previous DAS system was so abused is because of how much and quickly information spread everywhere about how easy it was to abuse it. Keeping the information opaque should help with that somewhat.
Access isn’t supposed to be a secret. That’s why there are requirements for certain design features to be in certain places, so people aren’t stuck trying to figure things out.

People have to know how the return to line system is going to function. That’s the only way it can work. Thousands of cast members have to know so they can actually do it. Thousands of guests have to know so they can actually deal with the accommodations.


Well-Known Member
Access isn’t supposed to be a secret. That’s why there are requirements for certain design features to be in certain places, so people aren’t stuck trying to figure things out.

People have to know how the return to line system is going to function. That’s the only way it can work. Thousands of cast members have to know so they can actually do it. Thousands of guests have to know so they can actually deal with the accommodations.
Disney’s plan imo is this. Cant stand a long time? Get a wheelchair or something similar. Have IBS issues no problem get in line you can go beforehand and then if you need to leave we will let you (hoping noone does bc now you cant go ride other things). Thats to me their initial plan and the other factor that will help is this. Getting rid of the pre books


Premium Member
Access isn’t supposed to be a secret. That’s why there are requirements for certain design features to be in certain places, so people aren’t stuck trying to figure things out.

People have to know how the return to line system is going to function. That’s the only way it can work. Thousands of cast members have to know so they can actually do it. Thousands of guests have to know so they can actually deal with the accommodations.
The accommodations you’re mentioning are in the regulations. This is different.


Premium Member
Disney’s plan imo is this. Cant stand a long time? Get a wheelchair or something similar. Have IBS issues no problem get in line you can go beforehand and then if you need to leave we will let you (hoping noone does bc now you cant go ride other things). Thats to me their initial plan and the other factor that will help is this. Getting rid of the pre books
They will probably also offer Genie +. Don’t forget that part.


Premium Member
Well Genie+ is already offered to anyone even DAS users… are you saying offering it for free? If so thats an interesting take and curious how that would play out
No, not free. I suspect they are hoping more people with disabilities will choose to buy it instead of waiting in line.


Well-Known Member
I am doing no such thing. There will absolutely be people who need the return to line system and will utilize it. That is something that I have been posting for weeks now, that people need to give Disney a chance and see what "return to line" looks like before immediately trashing it and insisting that only DAS will work for them and that a return to line system can't possibly work for them. I have also previously posted that I expect a "return to line" system will likely utilize the lightning lanes.

Any system can and will be abused, and hopefully Disney will also have something figured out for that as well. I suspect patterns of use will be part of that.
IMO, for what that's worth, return to line DAS will work if Disney allows people to enter through the exit to meet up with their group, otherwise, chaos in the line will ensue. I'm basing this anecdotally on my experience with the old GAC when it was being changed.


Well-Known Member
I understood it as DAS being very restricted, and the large group of guests who were previously eligible will now be directed to seek alternative/similar accommodations with frontline attractions CMs.
Yes, this is how I understood it will work, from the brief explanation that was shared with me. Frustration along the lines of: “How are *we* (attraction host) supposed to evaluate people, when Disney doesn’t want Guest Relations people doing it anymore?”

My example of a guest who may be dealing with this kind of uncertainty, is someone with temperature regulation issues. Not developmental, so still unclear if they will be given DAS. Can’t be solved with wheelchair + standby. So leaving it up to attractions who may have different outcomes depending on if the queue is inside with good A/C or outside.

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