Holly, in the process of reading all this stuff Tracey & I have come down to 2 options IF the port arrival times aren't enforced by the time we sail in September. Option A: Be off Disney property by 8:00 a.m., hit up a drive-thru for breakfast on the way, get to the port no later than 9:30 a.m., and be prepared to camp. Think Best Buy on Thanksgiving afternoon.
Option B: Get a nice night's sleep, sleep to about 8:00 or 8:30 a.m., have a breakfast ADR for about 9:45 a.m. (I'm thinking Kona), leave Disney property by about 11:15-ish, arrive at the terminal by 12:30, then go with the flow at a slower, less-stressed pace. I've read that the big rush and long lines are generally done with before 1:00 and the Disney transfer buses arrive from about 1 - 1:30. If being on the boat early is a big deal think early early because people are lining up outside the terminal well before they open it up for embarkation.