Well-Known Member
As expected, the "no larger than the size of your hand" rule is being completely ignored and/or managed very poorly.
In his defense, you could make a valid argument that each letter is a separate tat and thus he's got at least five different tats there that are all smaller than the size of his hand.
The rules on visible tats are very vague and a mile wide and subject to broad interpretation. For whatever reason, Disney didn't want to put the same amount of thought into the tattoo rules as they do the sunglasses rules.
This is nothing but the sudden and dramatic lowering of standards. It's not a change for the better. For anyone, employees or customers.
It's one of the first pics of a new rule. Judgement day comes early ...
Give it some time and let things be. Grant them some time to moderate. What is and what isn't acceptable? Maybe his manager will have a chat that his tattoo is too visible and he'll continue to work with long sleeves.
Tattoo's aren't comparable to sunglassed (Never though I had to mention this.)
The old look had some clear and some unclear rules aswell. Not everything can be detailled down as sunglasses or the number of rings you can or cannot wear. I cannot imagine the earlier looks being flawlessy describes and implemented within 24 hours without any missteps.
It's fine to be critical of the new things. But apply the same criticism to the old situation aswell.