New Biergarten Chef


New Member
Original Poster
My folks went to Epcot tonight and ate at their favorite Biergarten.

Much to their disappointment, the restaurant has a new chef. Apparently, he has changed the menu considerably and several of their favorites are gone, including Muenster cheese (replaced with nothing).

They heard others in the buffet line expressing similar displeasure.

My dad even went so far as to discuss it with an unsympathetic manager and was told if he needed the cheese so badly, he "could get it at Wal-Mart".

They say based on this experience, they do not plan to go back.

Anyone else try it yet?


Well-Known Member
Hrmmmm. Raising my potential p!$$-iometer to code yellow pending further info. If they get rid of the Pretzel Bread, it's on!


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
My folks went to Epcot tonight and ate at their favorite Biergarten.

Much to their disappointment, the restaurant has a new chef. Apparently, he has changed the menu considerably and several of their favorites are gone, including Muenster cheese (replaced with nothing).

They heard others in the buffet line expressing similar displeasure.

My dad even went so far as to discuss it with an unsympathetic manager and was told if he needed the cheese so badly, he "could get it at Wal-Mart".

They say based on this experience, they do not plan to go back.

Anyone else try it yet?

I certainly hope they got that managers name. There is no excuse for such a rude and curt remark. You need to write a letter expressing your concerns and dissatisfaction.


Well-Known Member
I go all the time. I have not been for a couple months though, I will check it out next time.

So only the cheese is missing? If so I will be ok.

What would make me happy is if all Disney restaurants had sweet tea.


New Member
This sounds like positive progress to me. The quality of food at all Disney restaurants, but more noteably Epcot, has taken a nose dive. This is most likely due to new vendors who supply lower quality for cheaper prices. Take a look at the France bakery for example. The items in the bakery were once something to behold. Not so much anymore. The filling in the Nepolian desert now tastes like sugared wax paste - when with the original supplier it tasted like the most luscious creme filling in the world. (Im sorry, I just had to get that out.)

Anyway, Epcot restaurants are all making big changes. New chefs typically mean new ideas. And actions such as this usually result from dissatisfaction. Hopefully when the new Japan restaurant opens, their authentic Japanese garden salad wont be but just bulk spring-mix greens from the Disney warehouse with a Japanese dressing.

As for the allegedly rude manager, get over it. He is getting paid peanuts by Disney. And he has to deal with guests who mis-judge the level of service and courtesy they should expect relative to the compensation and expectations Disney places on its Cast Members.

And.... scene.


Grade "A" Funny...
As for the allegedly rude manager, get over it.

Always a great way to answer someone's question or thoughts. I've heard that great negotiators througout history often begin their discussions with "...get over it..." :rolleyes:

He is getting paid peanuts by Disney.

Wow. I guess he should consider working somewhere else perhaps.

And he has to deal with guests who mis-judge the level of service and courtesy they should expect relative to the compensation and expectations Disney places on its Cast Members.

Let's talk about expectations for a moment. We live in an age where more and more places of business believe they are doing the customer some special grace by taking their order, taking their phone call, or completing the stated contracts which they advertise. This often doesn't work out for the business as it is the customer who is actually doing the favor by spending their money with the business. Thus, in the end the customers expectaion of the business is broken and the particular business owner has a broken expectation as the customer no longer spends their money there. (If you didn't detect some sarcasm in that paragraph - see your doctor.)

I cannot speak for the people involved in this instance, nor would I attempt to. I can however attempt to put myself in the same situation.

When I visit WDW I have a level of expectation. I expect to witness a level of service that defines what Disney is. This is an expectation based on the organizational advertising that occurs in so many formats. It is also based on previous experiences that add up over the years. I can conclude that the Disney organization has done their best to keep me in a park, and spending money. This would include finding people who agree under their own free will to work within the expectations Disney has asked of them and for the pay specified.

I would like to think that I am a relatively low maintenance guest when I visit the parks. I understand there are mechanical breakdowns, weather problems, and all manner of problems that arise in the daily operation of a theme park. I've also worked jobs that were low paying with high expectations - which by the way can really tell you a good bit about who you are and what your work ethic is going to be like in life.

Had I asked a manager a question regarding a change on a menu and been answered with " can get it at Wal Mart..." would I be inclined to complain? - Perhaps. At best the response was veiled sarcasm and at worst it was a foolhardy remark meant to end the conversation.

Whether I would pursue the situation to a complaint stage or not, I would have witnessed a failure in the level of service expectation.

Last time I checked, no one employed at WDW was working there because they had a gun put to their head. Asking a question about the service and courtesy of cast members deserves a better response than "You expect too much."

And.... scene.


Scar Junior

Active Member
As for the allegedly rude manager, get over it. He is getting paid peanuts by Disney. And he has to deal with guests who mis-judge the level of service and courtesy they should expect relative to the compensation and expectations Disney places on its Cast Members.

And.... scene.

thats one of the dumbest things i've read in the 5 1/2 years i've come to this website. my initial reaction was 'are you retarded,' but then i realized that even a would have more sense than that.


Well-Known Member
Getting back on topic here, My suggestion would be to write ( yes snail mail and E mail) to Disney. A few restaurant menus had changed most notably France. Some items were removed and others added that werent even close to the quality that most people expected. Several people I know were less than happy and made that displeasure known. Well recently that menu was changed back to reflect some of the great dishes that had been on the menu in the first place!!!! Customer input can do a lot especially if it is from multiple people.
As far as the manager, Disney is known for their customer service stadards. If he wasnt meeting up to that I would certainly be complaining to his superiors so the situation can be rectified. I Am sure the OP didnt get hostile with the manager, but was simply letting him know that the meal was not as good as it had been in other times. There is no excuse for getting snapped at like that. I certainly agree that the CM's should expect to be treated politely and with courtesy as well, but they should be giving that too. Belle


I have to agree here! You cannot be talked down to by anyone! Even someone at Disney. I never expect that from anyone! I have always been nice to anyone I encounter and I expect the same in return. I don't care if you make 5.00 an hour or 100.00 an hour. Anyway, we are going to eat there in 123 days, I will let you know how it is.


New Member
"Get over it"? Something tells me that the person who posts with "Get over it" would have a much different reaction should they be treated like that. Bad service from a server or manager and should not be tolerated. I don't care how much or how little someone is paid, they are paid to deal tactfully with customers whether they are taking complaints, suggestions, or even compliments for that matter. I don't care whether you're a manager at a mom and pop restaurant, Applebees, Berns Steakhouse or a Disney selection, you treat your customers like they're gold (unless they are unruly, which I sincerely doubt the original poster was).

Back on topic, while some items could stand to be cycled out, I would hate to see the menu drastically altered. Biergarten is my stand-by World Showcase dining locale (followed by many furious exercise sessions).
We ate at Germany in early May, and it was probably one of my favorite meals while I was there. As a buffet, its menu is constantly changing and sometimes things are offered that are different from what was offered the past week. If the only noticeable change was a lack of cheese, I wouldn't stress about the menu too much. HOWEVER, bad customer service from the manager is never acceptable, and as other people have mentioned, you should write Disney to let them know.

*shrugs* I didn't think the quality of the restaurant was down any, but I did notice some things were there that I hadn't seen two years ago, and some things were not there that were two years ago. The pretzel bread and the YUMMY desserts were all in attendance at my meal.


Well-Known Member
Ok, as I help my husband recover from the shock...The Biergarten is one of our favorites. We love it, the kids love it, we go every trip sometimes twice (if were lucky). We have several favorites on the menu but if they even thought of touching the desserts I think my sister would go postal (and seeing as she is a 20 yr postal worker it could get ugly).


New Member
Before everyone gets up in arms, Biergarten actually changes its menu quite frequently. Some of this might have to do with a new chef but I doubt it. It's probably a good thing that they got rid of the Muenster cheese since it's only vaguely German in the first place.

As for the bad customer service, I hope that you got the managers name. Write a polite and proper letter and let it go. While I wouldn't be as rude to say "get over it", at worst that comment was uncalled for but it wasn't horrific. Maybe he thought that the complaint was kind of silly. He certainly shouldn't have said anything but I suspect that's what happened.


Well-Known Member
First off, my entire family (consisting of me, DH, and mom) are incredibly nervous at the 'new chef' at Beirgarten. We will withhold judgement until we eat there again. This is our absolute FAVORITE restaurant at WDW (well, closely tied with Chef Mickey's) and we would be heartbroken if certain menu items (sauerbraten, spaetzle, pretzel bread) were changed. Although, we could do without the Beef Remoulade....

Secondly, in ref. to the post telling OP to 'get over it' and that Disney doesn't pay their managers enough to care, WRONG. That is the stupidest remark I have ever seen made. Managers at WDW, while overworked, do not make minimum wage and are (usually) fairly compensated for their work, especially when you add in their benefits. Not to mention, you are working for Disney, which has some of the highest customer service and customer satisfaction standards known to man. Whether they are paying you $7 and hour or a yearly salary of $90K (most managers are salaried), you are working for Disney. You must adhere to their strict code of conduct and ethics, and that would include not being an ..... er, butthead.

Having said my piece, I still find the original post highly suspect. Can anyone confirm this change in chefs? Or is the OP really on about a lack of cheese? (Which I can fully understand - I get quite testy without cheese lol)


New Member
Original Poster
This information is coming to me second hand. Remember, it was my parents who ate there and usually do twice per month and sometimes more.

The "cheese" happens to be my father's favorite. He realizes he could get it anywhere, but chooses to enjoy it in the biergarten ambiance.

The cheese was specifically cited, but they listed other notable changes which I didn't bother to enumerate.

The whole incident was soured with the ridiculous comment from the manager. By the way, it was the manager who blamed the new chef for the changes.

I realize that buffet menus change. However, I have not seen a significant difference in this restaurant in over two years unless you count the difference between lunch and dinner.

As others have stated, I will withhold judgement until I try it personally.

Until then, I'm only reporting the news.


Well-Known Member
My folks went to Epcot tonight and ate at their favorite Biergarten.

Much to their disappointment, the restaurant has a new chef. Apparently, he has changed the menu considerably and several of their favorites are gone, including Muenster cheese (replaced with nothing).

They heard others in the buffet line expressing similar displeasure.

My dad even went so far as to discuss it with an unsympathetic manager and was told if he needed the cheese so badly, he "could get it at Wal-Mart".

They say based on this experience, they do not plan to go back.

Anyone else try it yet?

That doesn't mean the manager was unsympathetic. I mean, no matter how much your Dad complains, if they don't have the cheese, they don't have it. There's not much they can do about it at that point. So the next best thing would be to suggest places where the customer can get the product that he desires.

Of course, HOW he said it is key, and I wasn't there to witness that, so I can't judge whether he was being rude or not. But in and of itself, I don't see anything rude with telling a customer where they can find a product that you don't have.


Well-Known Member
We have been dining at The Biergarten on every trip, sometimes twice a trip since 1995. I would say this is one buffet that doesn't really change all that much. Fans of the restaurant know the food, know the atmosphere and the fun and thats why we return (often). I wouldn't want to see it totally changed....when I hear change the first thing I think of is the "new kids meal options" that were not really all that popular.

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