New Biergarten Chef


New Member
I ate there about 2 weeks ago. It seems better than it did the last time I ate there in 2000.

I must say, after eating WDW food for 9 days straight, from counter service to Boma, that the Biergarten was probably my favorite meal there. I found 90% of the WDW food to be pretty subpar.

I wonder if the new chef started before or after I dined there (I don't remember seeing any muenster cheese anywhere)?


As for the allegedly rude manager, get over it. He is getting paid peanuts by Disney. And he has to deal with guests who mis-judge the level of service and courtesy they should expect relative to the compensation and expectations Disney places on its Cast Members.

And.... scene.
get over it? You have got to be kiddin


Well-Known Member
As for the allegedly rude manager, get over it. He is getting paid peanuts by Disney. And he has to deal with guests who mis-judge the level of service and courtesy they should expect relative to the compensation and expectations Disney places on its Cast Members.

I noticed your avatar says your "earning your ears" so here's a hot tip...

You'll never earn them that way! Customer service and quality experience is what determines business success, unless a business is a monopoly, which Disney is not. (i.e. Universal, Sea World, Busch Gardens, etc.) Thus, Disney must take such issues seriously. Perhaps each "complaint" does not warrant an big action other than a simple "I'm sorry some of our changes are not to your satisfaction. I'll note it for our next review. I hope you're next visit with us is a more pleasurable experience."

I can say that whether it's the entertainment business like WDW, automotive, enterprise computing, etc., every business must ensure customer satisfaction or their competitors will win. You may want to consider the long term impact of responses (such as that supposedly made by the CM) and think about how that alone will alienate guests and cause business to nosedive.



Well-Known Member
That doesn't mean the manager was unsympathetic. I mean, no matter how much your Dad complains, if they don't have the cheese, they don't have it. There's not much they can do about it at that point. So the next best thing would be to suggest places where the customer can get the product that he desires.

Of course, HOW he said it is key, and I wasn't there to witness that, so I can't judge whether he was being rude or not. But in and of itself, I don't see anything rude with telling a customer where they can find a product that you don't have.

The person was inquiring about cheese being on the buffet so he could enjoy it with his meal. Your saying the manager was correct in saying he should go to Wal Mart for his cheese? I guess I should make sure I bring my half pound of cheese with me the next time I go to Biergarten.


Well-Known Member
The person was inquiring about cheese being on the buffet so he could enjoy it with his meal. Your saying the manager was correct in saying he should go to Wal Mart for his cheese? I guess I should make sure I bring my half pound of cheese with me the next time I go to Biergarten.

What I'm saying is, the restaraunt does not have the cheese. Period. No amount of complaining, ranting, raving, or whatever, is going to change that fact. The dude could stand there for an hour and complain to the manager and the fact would remain that he isn't going to get his cheese because THEY JUST DON'T HAVE IT! That's why I'm not a big fan of griping to someone unless there's actually something that the person can do to change it. You can gripe until you're blue in the face, but if the person you're griping to can do absolutely nothing about it, then what did you accomplish? True, the manager could make a note of it, but what would that accomplish for THIS visit? Absolutely nothing. Because, again, they simply don't have the cheese in stock. Bottom line. He can whine about it all he wants, but it ain't gonna get him his cheese.

So to make a long story short, there is no way the restaraunt can satisfy him this time around. Yes, they can choose to put it on the menu again, but that won't help for this visit, plus it would be very poor business policy to try to make such decisions on the basis of one customer. So, since they don't have the cheese in stock and can do absolutely nothing to rectify that for this visit, then it seems reasonable to me to point him somewhere where he CAN get his cheese.

I dunno, maybe I'm thinking to much from my POV as a Walmart employee, where we tell customers to check Sears or Home Depot if we don't carry something. It just seems reasonable to me to direct a customer somewhere else to find a product that you no longer carry.

Perhaps it's different when it's a restaraunt, but like I said, I just don't understand what the guy thought he was going to accomplish by making a stink over the lack of cheese. I can understand making a complaint about poor service or bad food, in which case, there is an easy solution to the problem: bring out new food, refund the bill, etc. But there isn't too much that can be done to rectify the situation by making a stink over a new policy, or the lack of a food that you like (in this case, cheese), etc. Sure, they can note your input and if enough other customers have made similar comments, they may reverse the policy. But in that case, just politely voice your opinion, then leave. Not a thing can be accomplished by standing there whining about it. It's not like the manager can just run to the back and get you your cheese, and they certainly aren't going to change policy over one customer complaint. And even if they did, it wouldn't satisfy your complaint for THIS visit, as the fact remains, no matter what, they don't have the product tonight. So standing there whining and boohooing to the manager is a totally fruitless excercise and a waste of time, so why do it? So, since noting the complaint does nothing to satisfy him TONIGHT on not getting his cheese, then why not tell him where he can get some TONIGHT if he wants it bad enough?


Well-Known Member
What I'm saying is, the restaraunt does not have the cheese. Period. No amount of complaining, ranting, raving, or whatever, is going to change that fact. The dude could stand there for an hour and complain to the manager and the fact would remain that he isn't going to get his cheese because THEY JUST DON'T HAVE IT! That's why I'm not a big fan of griping to someone unless there's actually something that the person can do to change it. You can gripe until you're blue in the face, but if the person you're griping to can do absolutely nothing about it, then what did you accomplish? True, the manager could make a note of it, but what would that accomplish for THIS visit? Absolutely nothing. Because, again, they simply don't have the cheese in stock. Bottom line. He can whine about it all he wants, but it ain't gonna get him his cheese.

So to make a long story short, there is no way the restaraunt can satisfy him this time around. Yes, they can choose to put it on the menu again, but that won't help for this visit, plus it would be very poor business policy to try to make such decisions on the basis of one customer. So, since they don't have the cheese in stock and can do absolutely nothing to rectify that for this visit, then it seems reasonable to me to point him somewhere where he CAN get his cheese.

I dunno, maybe I'm thinking to much from my POV as a Walmart employee, where we tell customers to check Sears or Home Depot if we don't carry something. It just seems reasonable to me to direct a customer somewhere else to find a product that you no longer carry.

Perhaps it's different when it's a restaraunt, but like I said, I just don't understand what the guy thought he was going to accomplish by making a stink over the lack of cheese. I can understand making a complaint about poor service or bad food, in which case, there is an easy solution to the problem: bring out new food, refund the bill, etc. But there isn't too much that can be done to rectify the situation by making a stink over a new policy, or the lack of a food that you like (in this case, cheese), etc. Sure, they can note your input and if enough other customers have made similar comments, they may reverse the policy. But in that case, just politely voice your opinion, then leave. Not a thing can be accomplished by standing there whining about it. It's not like the manager can just run to the back and get you your cheese, and they certainly aren't going to change policy over one customer complaint. And even if they did, it wouldn't satisfy your complaint for THIS visit, as the fact remains, no matter what, they don't have the product tonight. So standing there whining and boohooing to the manager is a totally fruitless excercise and a waste of time, so why do it? So, since noting the complaint does nothing to satisfy him TONIGHT on not getting his cheese, then why not tell him where he can get some TONIGHT if he wants it bad enough?

Good job of completely missing the point. For a manager to suggest to a customer that they "go to WalMart" for ANYTHING is showing a total lack of understanding of how to treat a guest. I don't think that the OP was trying to discuss the lack of cheese so much as the service experience. Disney has a well earned reputation for delivering an extremely high level of service in all areas, so this sort of action by a manager is highly inappropriate. Given the limited facts that were presented, it doesn't sound as if the guest was irrational or angry or pressing the issue. If they had merely mentioned it, even strongly, a good response would have been an apology and an offer to find a suitable replacement if possible. If not, an offer to report their complaint up the ladder would be appropriate. If the guest WAS pressing the issue or was very upset by it, then all you can do is basically let them know that there's nothing you can do, but will certainly pass their comments along. If they continue, get the next level manager involved, or maybe refer them to Guest Services.

And yes, you ARE thinking too much like a WalMart employee. Its one thing to direct a customer in a grocery /retail environment to a competitor to find a discontinued item, but doing that to a guest in a restaurant? Not even close to the same concept. Say you walked in to a KFC and ordered a Chicken meal with cole slaw, and they tell you they didn't have any. You complained that you REALLY missed it, and a manager told you to go down the road to Krogers if you wanted it that bad. Are you going to tell me that you wouldn't be totally fuming mad at being talked to like that? You have every right to tell them you're upset that they don't have an item that you are used to getting there.

Like I said, you totally missed the point here. I think it's great that you're willing to offer shoppers in your WalMart another store to find an item. Given the total lack of customer service in the three WalMarts near me, your store may be an exception to the rule. But you can't treat a guest in a sit down dining restaurant like they are shopping at WalMart. That goes for anywhere, let alone at WDW. **Climbs off soapbox** :)


Well-Known Member
...the menu (has changed) considerably and several of their favorites are gone, including Muenster cheese (replaced with nothing).


I see you "Just Joined" WELCOME to the Boards! :wave:

If you get a chance, could you find out from your folks exactly what else has changed on the menu besides their favorite cheese? Any other items missing or tasting "different"??

I am a big fan or the Biergarten and would hate to be surprised when I get there! Any other info would be appreciated.




Well-Known Member
I'd like to believe the conversation about the cheese went like this...Hopefully I am correct!

(For those with a sense of humor, it was probably very lighthearted and just lost something in the "message board translation", so let's all just take a deep breath and not worry about who cut the cheese!....or something! :lookaroun ):

Guest: Excuse me Sir, do you have any Muenster Cheese?

WDW Mgr: Oh, I'm sorry sir, it looks like we may be out right now, so we have replaced it with cheddar, pepper-jack, provolone, fresh mozzerella, and velveeta over there on the salad bar. Here, let me show you.

Guest: Bummer! The muenster cheese we have here is some of the best we've ever tasted and we really looked forward to having some today!

WDW Mgr: Again, I'm sorry.

Guest: Any idea where I could find some?

WDW Mgr: Walmart, maybe? HAHAHAHAHA! I'll talk to the chef and make sure we don't run put again. Thanks for bringing it to my attention!


Well-Known Member
As a long time customer service manager, it sounds like the manager really missed the opportunity to turn a negative into a positive. Of course, we are hearing only one side of the story.


New Member
What exactly was the manager supposed to say? I guess I think that this was a silly complaint and can't believe that there has been this much discussion about it.

...every business must ensure customer satisfaction or their competitors will win. You may want to consider the long term impact of responses (such as that supposedly made by the CM) and think about how that alone will alienate guests and cause business to nosedive.

Actually I'm not so sure about that. Look at Wal-Mart. Horrible customer service but makes lots of money. I wish people would punish places with their purchasing dollars for bad customer service but sadly they don't.


Well-Known Member
What I'm saying is, the restaraunt does not have the cheese. Period. No amount of complaining, ranting, raving, or whatever, is going to change that fact. The dude could stand there for an hour and complain to the manager and the fact would remain that he isn't going to get his cheese because THEY JUST DON'T HAVE IT! That's why I'm not a big fan of griping to someone unless there's actually something that the person can do to change it. You can gripe until you're blue in the face, but if the person you're griping to can do absolutely nothing about it, then what did you accomplish? True, the manager could make a note of it, but what would that accomplish for THIS visit? Absolutely nothing. Because, again, they simply don't have the cheese in stock. Bottom line. He can whine about it all he wants, but it ain't gonna get him his cheese.

So to make a long story short, there is no way the restaraunt can satisfy him this time around. Yes, they can choose to put it on the menu again, but that won't help for this visit, plus it would be very poor business policy to try to make such decisions on the basis of one customer. So, since they don't have the cheese in stock and can do absolutely nothing to rectify that for this visit, then it seems reasonable to me to point him somewhere where he CAN get his cheese.

I dunno, maybe I'm thinking to much from my POV as a Walmart employee, where we tell customers to check Sears or Home Depot if we don't carry something. It just seems reasonable to me to direct a customer somewhere else to find a product that you no longer carry.

Perhaps it's different when it's a restaraunt, but like I said, I just don't understand what the guy thought he was going to accomplish by making a stink over the lack of cheese. I can understand making a complaint about poor service or bad food, in which case, there is an easy solution to the problem: bring out new food, refund the bill, etc. But there isn't too much that can be done to rectify the situation by making a stink over a new policy, or the lack of a food that you like (in this case, cheese), etc. Sure, they can note your input and if enough other customers have made similar comments, they may reverse the policy. But in that case, just politely voice your opinion, then leave. Not a thing can be accomplished by standing there whining about it. It's not like the manager can just run to the back and get you your cheese, and they certainly aren't going to change policy over one customer complaint. And even if they did, it wouldn't satisfy your complaint for THIS visit, as the fact remains, no matter what, they don't have the product tonight. So standing there whining and boohooing to the manager is a totally fruitless excercise and a waste of time, so why do it? So, since noting the complaint does nothing to satisfy him TONIGHT on not getting his cheese, then why not tell him where he can get some TONIGHT if he wants it bad enough?

You are comparing apples to oranges. You are at a restaurant in a park. You don't have the choice of leaving and picking up a pound cheese at your local Wal Mart. The manager dropped the ball with his comment big time. Let me tell you what service you expect from Disney. I was at the Biergarten this past Christmas. My brother in-law and I were drinking the Octoberfest beer that we got from the stand outside Germany by the lake/lagoon. The waitress informed me she didn't have that inside the restaurant. We were disappointed but we understood. Before we even had a chance to say what we wanted she said I will just walk out there and get you guys your Octoberfest. That is the service I have come to expect at Disney. Of course I wouldn't expect the manager to walk over to another country to get cheese but he could have said "I understand your disappointment with not having cheese as a selection. I will notify the chef of your request."


Well-Known Member
What exactly was the manager supposed to say? I guess I think that this was a silly complaint and can't believe that there has been this much discussion about it.

Then you don't understand how to run a restaurant. No matter how silly a complaint it may be to you, as a manager you must take care of the situation. You never want someone leaving your place feeling bad or like no one cares.


The customer was obviously voicing his displeasure at the loss of one of his favorites in the hopes that the manager (a person with some influence) may get it back again for his next visit. Perhaps too if something is a favorite of many people and is removed they will bring it back if enough people are heard from so this gentleman's complaint COULD be useful.

Jimmy Thick

Well-Known Member
All of this over cheese?

Last I checked, at Biergarten, there was lots of other great things to eat except cheese.

Can we get back on topic?


Well-Known Member
What exactly was the manager supposed to say? I guess I think that this was a silly complaint and can't believe that there has been this much discussion about it.

[In response to "customer service" issue] Actually I'm not so sure about that. Look at Wal-Mart. Horrible customer service but makes lots of money. I wish people would punish places with their purchasing dollars for bad customer service but sadly they don't.

A. I don't think the issue here is so much about removing the cheese as the manager's attitude.

A2. He was supposed to say, "I'm sorry we don't have that item you like any more," or words to that effect. I think you know that.

B. Wal-Mart is not in the same business as Disney. It's like if I go to the Wal-Mart grocery store, I don't expect the kind of service I get at Whole Foods. You are correct that bad service isn't going to hurt a place like Wal-Mart, because they aren't selling service, they are selling on low prices. If Whole Foods offered Wal-Mart like service they would go under. Similarly, Disney charges a lot for a meal--more than they should based on the quantity or quality alone. The extra cost is worth it for some people because of the overall dining experience, which includes the customer service. Long story short, bad service will hurt Disney in a way that it could never hurt Wal Mart.


Well-Known Member

My folks went to Epcot tonight and ate at their favorite Biergarten.

Much to their disappointment, the restaurant has a new chef. Apparently, he has changed the menu considerably and several of their favorites are gone, including Muenster cheese (replaced with nothing).

They heard others in the buffet line expressing similar displeasure.

My dad even went so far as to discuss it with an unsympathetic manager and was told if he needed the cheese so badly, he "could get it at Wal-Mart".

They say based on this experience, they do not plan to go back.

Anyone else try it yet?
Do you really expect people to believe that a chef at Disney told you to go to Walmart?You shuold be ashamed of yourself!


Well-Known Member
Do you really expect people to believe that a chef at Disney told you to go to Walmart?You shuold be ashamed of yourself!

The op didn't say it was the chef, it was the manager. And, yes, I believe it. When we were at The Biergarten I asked about a specific mustard and the reply was "you can get it anywhere, like Wal-Mart" I don't shop Wal-Mart (we don't have one..I know the shock!) and hadn't seen the mustard in the gift shops in Germany where I thought I could buy it.

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