Nemo ruined it! Bring back hydrolators!


Well-Known Member
I guess people don't read much any more, and therefore don't recognize sarcasm when they see it. Try reading Dr Albert Falls post a little more carefully.

Yes, but the sad thing is, there are actually some people that think this way. So, while it may be sarcasm from him, others actually agree with him.

For example, see the post above me.


Well-Known Member
Great post, Dr! :wave:

Yes, but the sad thing is, there are actually some people that think this way. So, while it may be sarcasm from him, others actually agree with him.

For example, see the post above me.
Yeah, kinda scary, huh?

Some would take a dead pavilion that nobody visited over a vibrant, rejuvenated pavilion that will entice more guests, thrill more visitors and help generate capital needed for further improvements and additions to the parks.


Well-Known Member
Other than the loss of the film, I'm all for this plussing the attraction. I do love the narration of The Seas!

And it rained, and rained, and rained...


New Member
Great post, Dr! :wave:

Yeah, kinda scary, huh?

Some would take a dead pavilion that nobody visited over a vibrant, rejuvenated pavilion that will entice more guests, thrill more visitors and help generate capital needed for further improvements and additions to the parks.

Maybe Disney will take the "capital" generated and put it towards ruining Imagination for a third time. And I don't see how you could call the pavilion "dead". If anything, the nonexistent/unthemed relationships shared amongst the present attractions in Future World create a "dead" atmosphere.


Well-Known Member
Yes good point:brick: That horrid unthemed dead atmosphere that has seen Epcot's attendence numbers rise steadily the last few years and drive guests survey scores through the roof.

Dr Albert Falls

New Member
Original Poster
If you couldn't figure out the sarcasm in my original post, then you deserve to be angered by what I said :)

And if you AGREED with my sarcastic rant, then you are exactly the type of person I was making fun of. ;)


Well-Known Member
lol, if I only had a nickel for everytime people completely missed the sarcasm in posts like this I'd have at least 10 dollars. lol

Seriously, people just don't get sarcasm anymore. I was getting upset for the first paragraph but then it hit me, someone is using that age old method of communication called sarcasm. It wasn't a perfect use, but it was close enough.


New Member
What an angry post.... where to begin.... ???

The new Living Seas is AWFUL! (and I will always call it "The Living Seas", because that's what the original Imagineers intended, and since they came up with the name first, that is the only one that should be used. Ever.)

Actually.... the original name for the pavilion was to be "The Seas". Kind of like "The Land". Here's a photo of the original model.

The Seas preshow was originally designed to start out in a cave like area and the concept was that guests were supposed to feel like a storm was coming. The walls of the grotto would close in and Poseidon would appear as lightening flashed. He was then supposed to serve as a narrator until guests reached the coral reef.

The point is, EPCOT should be a place where people can sit on a bench and watch a documentary. That's what Walt intended.
Um.... nevermind...


Well-Known Member
Arrr the only thing I miss are the hydrolators!!!

The whole nemo overlay I agree will bring both old and new generations back to the seas pavilion *as it was ORIGINALLY meant to be called when it was to have a poseidon character overlay*. I very much like the blue color scheme, plants, etc that have been planted.

I have a slight "waaa" that the sun is gone from the mural, along with the pavilion symbol, but the new mural using much of the original mural is very vibrant and appealing, and they kept the wave effect on the sign as well.

Though I was thinking in the original concepts that nemo and friends would edujcate visitors on the seacabs to seabase alpha, the nicely detailed and themed queue, all the way to the clammobiles is very appropriate for what has become of the ride.

Here I can see why they had to take these hydrolators out because it would make no sense with the current themeing, but when we actually go to seabase alpha/seabase if it weren't for the exit hyrdolators being taken out, I still think they would have made a neat way to still exit the pavilion. :wave:

Other then that, I can't wait to see the seas when I go in Jan 07, and especially see the queue and how it looks like we are heading under water! :sohappy:


Yea and supposidly Bruce ate the Dreamfinder! Death to Nemo!:fork:

:lol: Well, I can't wait till people actually start saying things like this and meaning it. LS was a dead concept. I hadn't been in it for years until they put Turtle Talk in. Epcot is being reborn before our very eyes, and no one seems to appreciate that. Many people find Soarin' to be a great attraction(I disagree, but that's not what is important), but of course before that we had "Not Food Rocks! It's a classic!" Mission Space is a one of a kind attraction, and Test Track is incredibly popular. Let's face it guys EPCOT Center is dead. It's been dead for a looooong time. Let it go. It's fine to mourn a death, but eventually you have to move on. We have to celebrate these great new attractions we're getting. Sure there have been some mistakes, like the closing of WoL and Imagination, but the positives outway the negatives. Of course I still want Epcot to continue to educate, but there's room for fun in there, too. So please, let's let go of EPCOT Center, and let's embrace Epcot Reborn and all it has to offer.


New Member
Ha....poke fun if you want....but there is simply no denying it......Future world has effectively been dismantled through the rehab of pavilions such as The Living Seas. Future World should be renamed because the glue holding the attractions togather (concepts promoting progress, peace, conservation, ect...) have been replaced by unrelated rides and arcades. Who cares if pixar is popular....when did education and imagaination become unpopular?


Ha....poke fun if you want....but there is simply no denying it......Future world has effectively dismantled through the rehab of pavilions such as The Living Seas. Future World should be renamed because the glue holding the attractions togather (concepts promoting progress, peace, conservation, ect...) have been replaced by unrelated rides and arcades. Who cares if pixar is popular....when did education and imagaination become unpopular?

Oh, yea there's noooooo imagination in the Seas. There's only two brand new forms of ride technology being used, a brand new song involved, and some great animations from Pixar. There's also plenty of educational material.


New Member
I haven't had a chance to ride yet, but honestly, ever since Finding Nemo's success I always wondered if Disney would theme a ride around it. I think the Living Seas was a great opportunity to add such a popular character as Nemo, and revamp an almost dead ride. Don't get me wront, I miss the old EPCOT just as much if not more than the next person, but we must come to terms with the fact that EPCOT is changing. We may not think it is for the better, but just think how lucky we were to have experienced old EPCOT. And if this is the "new" EPCOT that my children and their children will be enjoying and loving then I will learn to love it as well!!
( I still hate Journey into Imagination)

14 days till Disney!!!!:)


Well-Known Member
I hear where you are coming from. It sickens me to see children running up to the Clown Fish tanks and yelling, "Look mommy! Its NEMO!!!"

Think of it, a decades worth of children growing up thinking it is called a "Nemo Fish" when it would be far more inspiring to see them calling it by its true scientific name: "Look mommy! Its an Amphiprion percula!!!" and adding, "And did you know mommy, Anemonefishes are protected from the anemones stinging cells by their mucus. They are protandrous hermaphrodites (mature as males, reverse later and become breeding females). Eggs are laid near or under the anemone and tended and protected by the male. They feed on zooplankton and algae...

Isn't that interesting mommy!?!?!"

Well put!!!! :lol:
You better believe I feel that way....I'll take Sea Base Alpha over a stupid puppet show any day of the week.

Let me know when you're in the area, I'd love to be able to ride with you so you can point out all of these so-called puppets...poor me, I only noticed a few animatronics, and projection...:lookaroun

Haha, great post, Dr! You had me going for a was the whole documentary bit that finally convinced me you were being sarcastic. :lol:


Well-Known Member
I never loved the old EPCOT. Never. I visited as a twentysomethingyearold and was bored by everything but the Land ride, Spaceship Earth, and JIYI. OK, and maybe I liked the American Adventure. None of it enough to visit again until the last 7 years. It was pretty, but never really engaged me.

I love Epcot. Test Track, MS, and Soarin are the best hit parade on property. I still love the Land. Ellen saved a boring pavillion (IMHO), although it did always have that super cool ride system. Illuminations (Which didn't exist when I was younger) stands tall alongside Wishes and Fantasmic. And Innoventions blows the hell out of the old Communicore.

As far as I am concerned.......Everything that Disney has done (except for the evolution of JIYI to JIYIWF) has been great. I never saw horizons (though I bet I would have liked it), but the only thing I liked in WOL was Cranium Command so no loss to me there. Body Wars was the only ride in the Universe that ever made me sick. Epcot also spans the generations of my family (Parents, Wife, and kids all love the place) and we have all visited together a number of times. Great Restaurants, street entertainment, shows, and attractions that are varied and creative make it a must see for us now. And the old EPCOT wasn't that way for us.

I always love reading these boards. I cannot understand why people condemn stuff that changes. It tickles me to death to read the posts.

So even though I haven't seen it in person, I predict that I will love the update on the Living Seas. And if it gets a few more people interested in protecting our fragile ecosystem, then good for them and good for Nemo. I am a salt water hobbiest and love aquariums in general, and their job is to educate AND entertain. Darn it to Disney for injecting multiple millions of dollars to update a closed ride with fresh faces and creativity. Who the heck would spend money on stuff like a new theme song? Animatronics? When carboard cut-outs would do? Who makes those stupid decisions? Only the greatest entertainment company in the world. Warts and all. Even if Stitch really does stink. (The attraction, not the movie).

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