Nemo ruined it! Bring back hydrolators!

Lewis Carroll

Account Suspended
Have either of you even ridden the ride?? You can't tell me I'm not allowed to have an opinion because I've only seen the new attraction if you've only seen the old attraction...

Dear Madame,

When did I ever say you were not allowed to have an opinion? As for me, I have seen photographs of the queue and I will inspect the attraction in person tomorrow for a definitive evaluation. Needless to say, my expectations are low but hopefully the ride itself will be able to make up for the "cheap tie-in" vibe I am getting from this whole affair.

For the record, it should be noted that I was never a fan of the hydrolaters and I felt the seacabs was a huge letdown. I will also say the idiotic decision to shut down the seacabs without replacement converted the attraction from mediocre into a train wreck. However, sandwhiching the high tech Sea base alpha theme with the cartoony finding nemo was NOT THE ANSWER!

WDI could have gone in a number of more tasteful directions to revive the pavillion. For example, they could have retooled the pavillion into something more akin to the original concept for the living seas which would have featured an extraordinary dark ride that would have incorporated everything about the seas including its lore and...darkest mysteries.


The old ride was as fun as getting a tooth pulled. I'm sorry, I love most of the old Epcot rides, but the old Carribean Coral Reef Ride was lame. It was too short to actually matter. The hydrolators were cool, but after that I wasn't too thrilled with LS.


Well-Known Member
Lewis Carroll said:
As for me, I have seen pictures of the queue and will inspect the ride in person tomorrow for final evaluation. Needless to say, my expectations are low but hopefully the attraction itself will be able to make up for the "cheap tie-in" vibe I am getting from this whole affair.
Good lord. Are you happy with anything Disney does? Because reading your posts sure make it sound like everything Disney does disappoints you. I am not trying to slam you...I just don't understand your dislike for anything new that is done. Please explain it to me. I'm sure a lot of others here are curious why too.

Why is it so bad to use a "cheap tie-in" as you call it to help a dying pavillion? Because Nemo has been introduced to the seas, it has increased the traffic of this pavillion ten-fold. And while I haven't been on the new ride, I have seen Turtle Talk and been in the Seas pavillion and I personally believe that they are teaching children about the undersea world...but guess what? They are doing it in a way that these kids can relate to. By making it a Nemo themed pavillion, it gets kids excited and then they can learn about the undersea world without actually realizing they are learning. And sure, there are probably arguments that can be used about that statement, but to me, as long as a child is gaining is never a wasted idea.

I look forward to this new ride. I think it will be a huge help to Epcot and the Seas. And we all have to remember what's been said so many times in this thread. Epcot is not the same park as it used to be. They tried to make it so "adult" that kids didn't enjoy it. They are trying to make things edu-tainment now so people of all ages can enjoy it. But there is still some sort of education going on in Epcot. It's just not as in your face anymore. (Once again, there is probably an agrument waiting in that statement, but as long as something is being learned, I see no problem with the way it is presented.)


Well-Known Member
Bring back the old dive suits! Bring back the faded posters and black-and-white photos showing early diving pioneers. That was some exciting, INTERESTING stuff! And talk about a showcase of Imagineering's storytelling ability! In the original Living Seas queue, visitors really felt like they were in an under-funded museum of oceanography history. What was Disney thinking by removing that?!?!?!?!?

And bring back the film "The Seas". Even though it was 20 years old, and showed outdated technology, I still managed to learn something new every time I saw it. Well, just about every time. OK, so maybe I had it figured out by the third or fourth viewing. But that's not the point! The point is, EPCOT should be a place where people can sit on a bench and watch a documentary. That's what Walt intended.

And don't even get me started about the hydrolator removal. I'll never forget the first time I went on them. You enter this rocky cave that has some high-tech elevators in them. And then you board those elevators for a trip down a rocky shaft filled with green water. And then when you reach the bottom of the rocky shaft, and you're under the ocean!!!!!! After that first trip, I remember saying to my mom and dad, "I didn't know you had to travel through rocks to get to the ocean! I thought you took a boat to get to the sea. Or just walked off the shore!" Oh how my young mind was filled with amazement! To think, there's a place in this world where you travel through rocks to get to the ocean! The hydrolators inspired me. Someday, I WILL find that real-life place where hundreds of feet of rock sit just above a Caribbean coral reef teeming with life!
You know that really was quite the post. I love the new ride, but some of us still love those Hydrolators. And that was a great film. And there's nothing you can say to make us believe that the old Living Seas was not an amazing place.

Tim G

Well-Known Member
I understand where you are coming from. BUT,please dont think that EVERYONE on this forum shares the negative views that you read. The vast majority are positive about the changes being made, but may not be as vocal as the anti-change people.


On the other hand... :D although it's a rehab to the pavillion, and everyone is hyping... and filled with joy... it still worries me to see that there are more and more Pixar figures in a park which wasn't meant for it...
I've said it before, and I say it again... these are dangerous developments...
One just can't insert a Pixar figure in every ride or pavillion... and in this case I think it's bad for the park, but not for the merchandise...

But I still think it's a bad idea... a Pixar figure in Toon town... no problem... Pixr in MK... no problem, even Pixar in MGM... but trying to make an extra buck by putting Nemo in DAK or EPCOT... is a desperate move... and therefore not too well chosen...

Thanks! :D

Tim G

Well-Known Member
Okay, if this is ANOTHER sarcasm post, I think I'm gonna scream. It's a little old... I'm sick of having to guess if people are being serious or not!!!

But in any case, Dr Albert, or whatever, you are going way over board (pun not intended..heehee)..with the topic about Epcot changing. Is your house cluttered with things? It seems like you have a death grip on the past. I loved the old Epcot too, the wonders of life building, everything. But no one wants to hear it. You could have simply posted your comment in one of the Nemo threads that have ALREADY been started.
I think you have to cool down... it's just a post...


Well-Known Member

On the other hand... :D although it's a rehab to the pavillion, and everyone is hyping... and filled with joy... it still worries me to see that there are more and more Pixar figures in a park which wasn't meant for it...
I've said it before, and I say it again... these are dangerous developments...
One just can't insert a Pixar figure in every ride or pavillion... and in this case I think it's bad for the park, but not for the merchandise...

But I still think it's a bad idea... a Pixar figure in Toon town... no problem... Pixr in MK... no problem, even Pixar in MGM... but trying to make an extra buck by putting Nemo in DAK or EPCOT... is a desperate move... and therefore not too well chosen...

Thanks! :D
I agree with you about Nemo in AK though. I don't see that one. Especially where it's situated in the park. And I understand what you are talking about in regards to nemo in Epcot...but there was a cartoon/mascot for Imagination in Figment...what really makes it so different?

I also agree that the Pixarization is a bit excessive...but I think in the Epcot instance, it worked. And while it is commercialization, I guess I don't see it as desperate.


Well-Known Member

On the other hand... :D although it's a rehab to the pavillion, and everyone is hyping... and filled with joy... it still worries me to see that there are more and more Pixar figures in a park which wasn't meant for it...
I've said it before, and I say it again... these are dangerous developments...
One just can't insert a Pixar figure in every ride or pavillion... and in this case I think it's bad for the park, but not for the merchandise...

But I still think it's a bad idea... a Pixar figure in Toon town... no problem... Pixr in MK... no problem, even Pixar in MGM... but trying to make an extra buck by putting Nemo in DAK or EPCOT... is a desperate move... and therefore not too well chosen...

Thanks! :D

Hey Corrus!!! :D :wave:

Good what other direction could they have taken the update of this pavilion and still get people to come visit?


Well-Known Member

On the other hand... :D although it's a rehab to the pavillion, and everyone is hyping... and filled with joy... it still worries me to see that there are more and more Pixar figures in a park which wasn't meant for it...
I've said it before, and I say it again... these are dangerous developments...
One just can't insert a Pixar figure in every ride or pavillion... and in this case I think it's bad for the park, but not for the merchandise...

But I still think it's a bad idea... a Pixar figure in Toon town... no problem... Pixr in MK... no problem, even Pixar in MGM... but trying to make an extra buck by putting Nemo in DAK or EPCOT... is a desperate move... and therefore not too well chosen...

Thanks! :D

Well stated, Corrus. I think that is the issue.

I think this looks like the actual execution for this was well done quality-wise. The story seems just a bit off mark (i.e. not milking the "look what I found, Dad" angle in the final scene), but I will hold off on making that adamant until I see it in person.

As for the "Adult" argument, I never found EPCOT Center to be adult. It was more scientific and more abstract, but it was never adult. I know many adults that never "got" EC and many kids that did. Does that mean it should be returned, almost certainly no. But, does that mean the premise was flawed and non-kid friendly? no. There is a balance.

What I think would be extremely interesting is if this update would have been done almost verbatim but with an original character or no "host" instead of Nemo. Someone made the interesting claim that this is the new JII. I think that is a valid statement in many ways. I think this shows the audience appeal, though. Will kids go if it isn;t Crush and Nemo? maybe not. Will kids enjoy it, though, if it isn't Crush and Nemo? That's another story. Which of these is the better way to go in the long run? Well, I'm not a consultant. ;)

With the amazing marketing Disney used to be known for, I really think this is a missed opportunity to create a brand new franchise of characters and attractions. EPCOT needed to be more "fun" for most. But, Epcot did not necessarily need to be more "Disney."
I personally don't like the new queue line.....It's just hard tannish concrete with some grass and quotes "beach like" stuff dealing with Finding Nemo. As as cast member all I see is a new place for children to climb all over the place and for adults to sit atop on. =/ I myself do miss the old queue line. It was awesome seeing all the nautical stuffs and whatnot. I hated the preshow ~_~;;; and the ride itself but the queline was freaking awesome!

Speaking of the old queue line, anyone has some pictures?


Well-Known Member

On the other hand... :D although it's a rehab to the pavillion, and everyone is hyping... and filled with joy... it still worries me to see that there are more and more Pixar figures in a park which wasn't meant for it...
I've said it before, and I say it again... these are dangerous developments...
One just can't insert a Pixar figure in every ride or pavillion... and in this case I think it's bad for the park, but not for the merchandise...

But I still think it's a bad idea... a Pixar figure in Toon town... no problem... Pixr in MK... no problem, even Pixar in MGM... but trying to make an extra buck by putting Nemo in DAK or EPCOT... is a desperate move... and therefore not too well chosen...

Thanks! :D
Now there's something I can agree with!

Lewis Carroll

Account Suspended

On the other hand... :D although it's a rehab to the pavillion, and everyone is hyping... and filled with joy... it still worries me to see that there are more and more Pixar figures in a park which wasn't meant for it...
I've said it before, and I say it again... these are dangerous developments...
One just can't insert a Pixar figure in every ride or pavillion... and in this case I think it's bad for the park, but not for the merchandise...

But I still think it's a bad idea... a Pixar figure in Toon town... no problem... Pixr in MK... no problem, even Pixar in MGM... but trying to make an extra buck by putting Nemo in DAK or EPCOT... is a desperate move... and therefore not too well chosen...

Thanks! :D

If you won't read my posts at least read his!


Active Member
This was one stupid joke.

Sarcasm cannot be delivered effectively on a blog. Why is this under "News and Rumors"?

Oh, yeah, this was really great...Try getting that sarcasm. :mad: I'm calling shenanigans! :mad:


Well-Known Member

On the other hand... :D although it's a rehab to the pavillion, and everyone is hyping... and filled with joy... it still worries me to see that there are more and more Pixar figures in a park which wasn't meant for it...
I've said it before, and I say it again... these are dangerous developments...
One just can't insert a Pixar figure in every ride or pavillion... and in this case I think it's bad for the park, but not for the merchandise...

But I still think it's a bad idea... a Pixar figure in Toon town... no problem... Pixr in MK... no problem, even Pixar in MGM... but trying to make an extra buck by putting Nemo in DAK or EPCOT... is a desperate move... and therefore not too well chosen...

Thanks! :D
Why does it bother you that Disney is using a Disney character in a Disney park? I don't get the logic. The Disney parks were built with heavy character integration from the very beginning. Why is it OK for characters to be in MK, but not in Epcot?

Does it make sense for the future of a park to be dismal simply because there's some unwritten rule that characters can't be used? The introduction of characters (other than DF/Figment which apparently are excused... for whatever reason) have been met with derision by some, but yet that introduction was the beginning and a catalyst of the renewal of Epcot.

I just don't get the logic that characters should be banned from the park. Further, Pixar characters ARE Disney characters. They are one and the same now.

Good to see you posting... haven't seen you in a while. Take care!! :wave:

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