Nana Adores MJ


Well-Known Member
What an idiot! :eek:
I don't know much about this kind of thing, but taking his orchestra class away from him would be totally unacceptable!
Why do guidance counselors always seem to treat parents like they don't know their own children?
I know! I mentioned that he intended to major in music, and he had specifically told her that he specifically did not want the CAD programand that he saw her write that down and her attitude is, well, then he should have chosen full-year subjects. It's going to be a long year!


New Member
Beautifully said, Jess.

thanks dot... i meant every word...

*sigh* sappy moment: seriously, how did i get so lucky as to meet so many great people on here? lol... i think that all the time... there's a few magicer's i could do without... :zipit: :lol: but for the most part, y'all are the best bunch of people I've ever come across... :kiss:


Well-Known Member
((hugs)) haven't talked to you in a couple days... thanks for being there for me the other night (and tell nana thanks too) i'm off to my attorney's today to work on teh paperwork.. :hurl:

whatever, sometimes life just has to move forward... Love you Bonny! :) Hope you and MJ have a great day... :kiss:

Hang in there Love......:kiss:
I know exactly what you are going through..
I just hope you dont have to go through with all the junk that I had and am going through....
Got to love Katrina...:rolleyes:

Let me know what happens.....
I love you...:kiss:


New Member
Hang in there Love......:kiss:
I know exactly what you are going through..
I just hope you dont have to go through with all the junk that I had and am going through....
Got to love Katrina...:rolleyes:

Let me know what happens.....
I love you...:kiss:

thanks sweetie... i get sick every time i think about what the next few months are going to hold for lizzy and i... and how uncertain i am of everything... so... *sigh* anyway... i'll let you know... i'll probably call you bawling from the attorney's office.. :cry: :lookaroun :lol: before i even walk in the door lol...


New Member
We should start a club :lookaroun


I'm in!

I've been trying to watch the Emmy's and it's amazing how many shows/ actors/actresses that I've never heard of! :eek:

We've still yet to watch them, but when we do dress commentary will abound

My computer doesn't like to post over there - for whatever reason, it runs very slow there, and my posts don't always show up. I just go over ad read there on occasion.

:( I'm sorry Betty, what kind of computer do you have?

Hi Bonny!

Hi Betty!

((hugs)) haven't talked to you in a couple days... thanks for being there for me the other night (and tell nana thanks too) i'm off to my attorney's today to work on teh paperwork.. :hurl:

whatever, sometimes life just has to move forward... Love you Bonny! :) Hope you and MJ have a great day... :kiss:

You're welcome, anytime, love you too!


Active Member
DS has finished most of his requirements, and being a senior, he's chosen a few electives (Marine Bio, psyche, Studies of war,and one other). She insists that she can't get him into an orchestra class because his schedule isn't rigid enough - his electives are half-year classes so they're hard to schedule around. So she placed him in a FRESHMAN CAD class instead, and dropped his marine and orchestra classes. I suggested to her that she check his gym period and perhaps that could be switched, and all of a sudden, she had computer "problems" and I'd have to call her back later....

Man, that's awful. But none too uncommon unfortunatley. I had some similar issues when I was in high school. It was a nightmare, and I go so tired of fighting the system. (hugs)

((hugs)) *gently* sweetie,

*sigh* i wouldnt' begin to know what to say, other than you've been in my prayers continually, and now you're up for a double dose ;) Krystyna when the time comes (and i have no doubt that it will in one form or another) you will be such a fantastic mommy. You are one of the sweetest people i've ever met, and you have such a big heart. When the time is right you and Marc will bring the perfect little person into your home, and I have no doubt that they will be one very loved and precious child... You two are just too sweet to have anything else...

I know that doesn't help the here and now. But timing is everything, and right now you need to focus on you and getting you back to full health.(which i think you're doing a great job at, stupid hospital's don't help ;)) Mommyhood and all the stress/joy that comes with can wait. I love you girly, take care of yourself (which i know you are doing, and if i haven't told you in awhile, you married a great man... - passing chores off to most men is a joke, but Marc stepped up - you married a good man Krystyna) Add it all up, and I'm sure there are some wonderful things on the horizon for you two. Getting past this mountain in your lives will only make the reward that much sweeter...

((hugs)) :kiss:

:cry: Oh that was so beautiful! :cry: :cry: It really did make me cry! And you're right about Marc. He's one in a million! Here's hoping for some light at the end of the tunnel.

thanks dot... i meant every word...

*sigh* sappy moment: seriously, how did i get so lucky as to meet so many great people on here? lol... i think that all the time... there's a few magicer's i could do without... but for the most part, y'all are the best bunch of people I've ever come across...

I don't know what I'd do without you guys! :kiss:

thanks sweetie... i get sick every time i think about what the next few months are going to hold for lizzy and i... and how uncertain i am of everything... so... *sigh* anyway... i'll let you know... i'll probably call you bawling from the attorney's office.. before i even walk in the door lol...

(hugs) It's been a rough couple of weeks for everyone around here hasn't it?

Just wanted to say hi. I'll be in for a little while! :D

Hi Nibbs! How goes?


Well-Known Member
Bunny said:
Hi Nibbs! How goes?

It goes. Let's see. I got up an oil change...went to eat breakfast...went to drop off a tape at the cable company...dropped off our checks from the wedding at the bank...and came back to my parents to talk to you fine people and get some laundry because it's a cool day here...and I really only have summer clothes at home.


Well-Known Member
We really do have our peaks and valleys here, don't we. . .
sometimes on the same day! :rolleyes:
But at least we have one another! Certainly is nice!

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