So... because Universal has five exposed coasters (I'll be easy on you by counting Dueling Dragons twice and the two kiddie coasters) Disney is better. I see track on the Barnstormer. I've never seen a train go up a mountain so steep like on Everest... or circle back on itself in a helix... completely illogical. And... yeah... you can see the supports on the drop outside the mountain. And you can see the rafters on the inside the mountain. If you have never experienced Spiderman, Poseiden's Fury, Jurassic Park (the whole island), Dueling Dragon's queue, the Revenge of the Mummer or Men in Black: Alien Attack, then don't knock Universal's theming. You look like you have no idea what you're talking about.
I see your point, and Universal does do a good job. To say they dont do theming well is ridiculous. But if you take something like Hulk or Dueling Dragons and compare it to something like Everest, I think its very obvious which one is far better themed. I think thats why people equate some of the coasters at IOA to something like Six Flags. Not saying they have no themeing, but they seem alot closer to a regular coaster than Everest does.