My most embarrassing moment at Disney, Share yours!


Well-Known Member
When I was 15 back in the old went to Disney with a tour group out of Brazil.
Right around Indiana Jones, I had to go to the bathroom REALLY BAD because something did not sit right with me...I ran in and took care of things...when I left, I was definitely in the ladies which this lady laughed when she saw my face as I stared at her messing with her hair and her daughter said, maybe around 5 or 6: Mommy, that was not a girl!
I came out and cast member was there and I apologized over and over, she didn't even care, but I definitely told her that I was desperate and went into the first bathroom I saw because I had the I totally embarrassed myself TWICE within a 10 minute window. At the end the lady happens, pay attention next time and that was way too much information. I hope you feel better!


Well-Known Member
When I was a senior in High School (class of 1989) I went to Grad Night with a very hot girl (You can say I out kicked my coverage). We decided to ride the Tea Cups (I hate the Tea Cups). Well she started to spin it really fast and I wasn't feeling it. So I decided to turn it the opposite way to slow it down. That didn't work. When we got off of the Tea Cups I had to go to first aid to get something for my stomach. Needless to say that was our first and last date.


Well-Known Member
When I was a senior in High School (class of 1989) I went to Grad Night with a very hot girl (You can say I out kicked my coverage). We decided to ride the Tea Cups (I hate the Tea Cups). Well she started to spin it really fast and I wasn't feeling it. So I decided to turn it the opposite way to slow it down. That didn't work. When we got off of the Tea Cups I had to go to first aid to get something for my stomach. Needless to say that was our first and last date.

kinda unrelated to it the topic, but related to the tea cups.
Last year we went and my wife always wanted to ride those. So her and my son are spinning it and she wanted pictures riding it. I'm on the ride spinning but seeing it all from the tiny screen of my digital camera...I don't know if they were spinning too fast or if it was the tunnel vision focused on that screen but I almost blacked out.
I rode Mission to Mars and didn't feel like that at all but the darn tea cups messed me much for being an astronaut I guess uh? lol


Well-Known Member
Recently, I was married at the Walt Disney World resort and had a great time. We chose the Boardwalk and had a fantastic experience with the ceremony, cake cutting, and photography.

To be honest, most everything was great except for one moment that was very awkward.... The after-after moments of our wedding... allow me to explain.

Staying at the AKL, we were transported back via limo to our honeymoon room where we were going to change, and also "change" into our evening attire for the dinner that we had arranged for our wedding guests. Being the groom, and not in the wedding gown being swooned over by other guests, decided to double check the room and make sure it was all good before my bride entered (even though I had already been checked in etc). This was a good idea as that very day was, unbeknownst to me, the day that new mattresses were being installed in the rooms.

Upon entering the room, which was opened already, I was met by a woman that looked to be from mouse keeping. I said hello politely and asked how long they would be, because I was just married and my new wife and I would like the room. She didn't appear to speak the best English, and so I tried my best to communicate with her. After a few minutes, she went and got the crew of men handling the mattresses, and they swapped them out.

No harm, no foul, and I think everything is good when they leave the room.


Going back to find my wife, whose being photographed, etc., We enter the room together and I decided to lock BOTH locks on the door. Normally I would just do the bolt, but this time I instinctually did the manual "chain/hook" lock as well. This later proved to be smart.

After awhile, my new wife and I were "changing" and the door suddenly starts to make clicking noises! Eyes wide, we wonder what in the world is that, thinking maybe its just an excited child going to the wrong room. NOPE. The door clicks again and this time UNLOCKS AND OPENS UP, getting caught by the manual "chain/hook" lock at the top that I used.

Disney mouse keeping / service essentially had just entered WITHOUT KNOCKING on my door, directly after my wedding. Completely flabbergasted at the idea, I was shocked at the unlocking clicks, and relieved when I realized that the "BANG" of the door being caught on the "chain/hook" didn't allow them to actually enter.

In summery, my wedding night nearly turned into a exhibition.

I really haven't figured out how to tell Disney about this concern without making it more embarrassing, and as time goes on I wonder if it is too late.

Anyway, what's your moment of embarrassment at The WDW?

Just wait until you have small ones, and you and the wife are "changing" and they will not stop knocking on the door. Even after you tell them "that unless someone is bleeding or dying, go away we're changing" the knocking continues.


Well-Known Member
Well, I must say I've had a few small here and there.

I was fairly young one time when I first went to a BB at WDW. I was got separated from my sister in the lazy river so I decided to remain on course instead of looking for her. We started to come along those caves with freezing cold water gushing down. I couldn't find a kiddy tube cover my head with, so I started paddling frantically away! A life guard saw me and stuck out his floatation device and screamed "I'll save you young princess!" And pulled me away for the icy water....everyone clapped for him. It was just a bit to awkward for me so my face turned bright red. O.O

I know a good one for my mother... My sister and I were still young when the 2nd Harry Potter came out. We always thought it was funny when Dobby would bang his head against objects. Being the silly kids we were, we'd bang our heads lightly against things to imitate Dobby.... When we went to Disney the year after, my sister and I began whamming our heads onto the table outside Kasey's. My mom tried to stop us but we only continued and attempted to synchronize our head banging and picking up our cups and hitting our heads on those . The people passing by gave us strange looks. My mom eventually gave up. :D She knew we were trying to embarrass her! :D So my Dad threatened to feed our hot Dogs to Pluto if we didn't quit... We quit.


my wife,youngest daughter and her friend from high school, and myself were going on TOT several years ago. the wife had just bought a large coke and decided to bring it with her. as soon as we started going down the first time i began noticing large brown globs floating in the air. i thought i was dreaming! the ride stopped and the wife and daughter are in hysterics because her large coke is now empty. now i know why they say no drinks on certain rides.


Well-Known Member
my wife,youngest daughter and her friend from high school, and myself were going on TOT several years ago. the wife had just bought a large coke and decided to bring it with her. as soon as we started going down the first time i began noticing large brown globs floating in the air. i thought i was dreaming! the ride stopped and the wife and daughter are in hysterics because her large coke is now empty. now i know why they say no drinks on certain rides.

The boarding CM didn't ask for you to dispose of the drink?


Well-Known Member
I have another one and although it's not embarrassing it fits in the "Things That Make You Go Hmmm" category. We were on a bus to Pop from DTD with a large boisterous family from Texas. The lady across from me got a phone call and had to talk loudly to hear. The whole conversation was "Hello. Uhhuh. Uhhuh. Uhhuh." Then she folded her phone and put it in her pocket. She looked around and said, "A tornado just hit my house." No one said a word the entire rest of the bus ride. She must have been in shock because she just stared out the window. No one said anything when we got off the bus either but I'm glad we went opposite directions because I definitely was wiping tears from my eyes.


my wife,youngest daughter and her friend from high school, and myself were going on TOT several years ago. the wife had just bought a large coke and decided to bring it with her. as soon as we started going down the first time i began noticing large brown globs floating in the air. i thought i was dreaming! the ride stopped and the wife and daughter are in hysterics because her large coke is now empty. now i know why they say no drinks on certain rides.
The boarding CM didn't ask for you to dispose of the drink?
the cm didn't see it. wife had slipped it inside her backpack.

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