my little disney souvenir!


Well-Known Member
I put this here since it happened while we were vacationing at wdw even though it's not necessarily Disney news. That said, here's a little story from our trip:

My wife and i had originally scheduled our trip to try and satisfy 3 things. First, we wanted to be there for the 40th. Second, we wanted to enjoy a few days during f&w. Most importantly, we scheduled this trip so we could get "belly pictures" for our baby to be! After a few months, we decided that trip was too close to our due date (November 2nd), so we moved the trip up a bit.

We ended up being booked 9/14 through 9/20 at akl kidani village. We were excited to learn there were going to be friends of ours there the same week! This was also our first stay at kidani, and we had a few dining reservations at new spots, so we had a lot to look forward to! We decided to drive figuring we’d be doing some extra shopping for little man including stops at the outlets and the mall at millennia.

The day we left, we had a doctor’s appointment as a final confirmation that my wife was still good to travel. We also did some research and had a map of hospitals every 30- 45 miles throughout the trip- just in case, and we brought all of our medical records of our pregnancy.

Our week was great! We loved kidani and I really, really liked having a vehicle on property. They accommodated my request of having us close to the lobby too. We enjoyed seeing our friends who were vacationing at the same time as us, and we were even able to meet up with friends we know who work there.

We really enjoyed getting some great pics at some character breakfasts; they really played up the pregnant thing lol. We ate at saana, rose and crown, via napoli, wolfgang puck express (best value for a counter service by far!!!) and kouzzina for the first time and loved them all. We even spent some time at the character meet and greets, and had a blast!

Monday came and we hit ak and mk for a few pics, took the afternoon off, and finished off the day at espnzone for monday night football. Oddly, we had even talked about leaving a bit earlier on Monday instead of Tuesday afternoon, but thankfully we didn’t. I enjoyed several beverages of choice at espnzone, so by the time we were back in our room falling asleep by 1130 was a fairly quick process.

Then the fun started, and my life changed forever!

Somewhere just after 2am I heard my wife get up from bed to use the bathroom. I vaguely remember her call my name the first time. But the second time was accompanied with “honey, I think my water broke…..”! I jumped out of bed and into the bathroom in a flash! “Maybe not. Maybe he just kicked my bladder” was what I arrived to. So, we crawled back into bed…. 5 minutes later, “nope! It definitely broke!”

Wow! We had planned “just in case”, but we really thought we were fine. We were 6 weeks early! I quickly helped her into comfortable clothes, got dressed, and grabbed what I thought we’d need for the drive to the hospital. We made our way to the elevator and to the empty lobby where I saw only one cast member doing custodial work. I asked for a manager, unfortunately she didn’t speak English very well, so she was a bit confused. So I gave a quick yell back towards the office lol.

The poor woman who answered got more than she was bargaining for. I said to her “ok, two things. First, I need exact directions to Celebration hospital. Second, we are supposed to checkout in a few hours and I don’t think we will be able to since my wife’s water just broke.” Her response was “huh?” (Inside I felt like laughing my rear off, but there were things that needed to be done) I repeated myself and she then insisted on calling 911 instead of us driving. We agreed and soon there after the ambulance arrived. I had pulled my car to the lobby, to follow them to the hospital.

Obviously, this drew the attention of what seemed like the rest of the cast members on duty. They were great! They got the info needed for the hospital and even got us laughing and a bit more relaxed for what was going on. My wife wasn’t having contractions yet, so it was a bit easier to be less worried I guess.

Off we went to celebration hospital! I won’t bore everyone with all of the non Disney/ medical stuff, so bear with me as I jump past a few things.

We were there for about 10 hours until they decided to transfer us to Florida hospital Orlando, near downtown. Still no contractions, so we thought it would be best if I stopped by the resort to let them know what the current status was since we were supposed to be checking out, plus there was no way I would have been able to keep up with the ambulance on that long trip up I-4.

When I got to the desk the shift had long since changed, so I again asked to speak to a manager thinking it would just be easier. While one cast member was going to bring the manager, the other two I was talking to asked if they could be of any help. I explained everything to them, as the manager was approaching, and was nearly scolded with concern. “You go take care of your wife. Don’t worry about the room. Just let us know when you won’t need it anymore!” Looking back I’m not sure why this surprised me.

I rushed back to the room to get a few other things we needed, and I was off to the hospital. The Walt Disney pavilion, to be exact!

Baby Elias (yes we had this name picked before the trip- lol) was born at 1:50 pm on Tuesday September 20th- 5lbs, 13oz and 18” long! He was happy and healthy even though he was 6 weeks early! He did have high biliruben levels for jaundice, which can be very common especially in premmies, so he had to stay for observation for 4 more days.

We ended up using the room at kidani for 2 additional days until my wife had been discharged. And after checking in with them after little man was born, the front desk (everyone seemed to know who I was now- lol) gave us a little care package- a onesie, a ‘mickey’s first t shirt”, a signed pic of the fab 5 wishing him the best, and a mickey towel for a baby. The room ended up being given to us at a greatly reduced DVC point value.

I have to admit to breaking down in the elevator back to my room. They didn’t have to do any of those things. The room being available was enough.

After my wife was discharged, we both went back to akl to checkout. They overheard us joking to each other about maybe taking him into mk to get a couple quick pics before heading home, and gave us two one day park passes! We checked out very grateful and headed to the Ronald McDonald house to be closer to Elias for the rest of the time we were there.

I have to give a ton of thanks to the Ronald McDonald house as well! They were wonderful to us!

Two long days later, my little man was ready to leave the hospital! I’m sure some may think we were crazy, but we decided to go to mk for some pics. Elias was 3 days, 20 hours old when we took him into the Magic Kingdom for the first time!!! We got a few in front of the train station and with Mickey at the meet and greet in the town square theater. Then it was off on our trip home- with one additional souvenir, we had some very anxious grandparents waiting!


AWESOME & UPLIFTING story! Congratulations to you and Mommy! I hope all are doing very well! This is the kind of story we all like to PROVES that MAGIC is all around. Kudos to the Cast Members and Disney for taking care of you the way they did! Your story brought tears to my eyes, which isn't an easy thing to do, but I guess that proves that I am getting soft in my old age!LOL! It shows us how the world can be, not cruel, but astonishingly a happy place to live! Please keep us updated with Elias and both you and your wifes health!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Awww... he is gorgeous!!! What a beautiful story.


Another Phillies, Flyers, Penn State, Eagles & DISNEY fan :sohappy:

"Let The Memories Begin" indeed :wave:

yes, yes, yes, no, and YES! we're a redskin household! (as difficult as that has been over the last 15 or so years.... :lol:


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Just seeing this now, but wow, what a story. Things like this are a nice breath of fresh air every once in a while after reading one too many threads that devolves into negativity. Nothing against saying negatives about Disney (I do it frequently), but it's nice to be reminded of the amazing things, too.

thanks for the words tom. i too am guilty of negativity on occasion. my frustrations are almost always directed a bit higher up the ladder.

i tend to always be amazed by the work that the cast members do on a daily basis. i honestly, can only remember one occasion out of the hundreds of days i've spent in wdw, that i've encountered a rude cast member.

in my case, i could really sense that there was an entire team there pulling for us! when we returned to the akl to show off baby elias, we were rock stars! even the guests who overheard us talking to the cast memebers- who were taking our pictures, got a sense of the genuine concern that was displayed.

i hope that little bit of magic rubbed off to everyone nearby!

btw tom, i need to be in wdw while you are so you can teach me a few things about my d90. now i have more reason than ever to have a bit more skill with it!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
OMG!! What a truely amazing story! Congrats!!! Elias is beautiful!!! I'm sure there are not many babies out there that can say they were at MK when they were 3 days old!!! :wave:

3 days, 22 hours :D. i'm not sure how anyone would ever know for sure, but something tells me he's gonna think he was the youngest ever when he get to a certain age! :ROFLOL:

What a wonderful story! Thank you for sharing it with us and congratulations on the new baby!

ETA: I just went back to see the pictures and he is adorable! LOVE that hair! This may forever be my favorite Disney story that I have ever heard!

i know it's mine! it's funny how many times i've told it over the past few months. and believe me, IT NEVER GETS OLD! not to me anyway, i'm a very proud pappa!

maybe in a day or so, i can get a couple of new pics up....


Wow!! Great story with a happy Disney ending. Best wishes to you and you new family member. Good Luck and think of the wonder baby Elias will experience at WDW in the near future. :ROFLOL:


Well-Known Member
ha ha! that's awesome! i never knew how difficult naming a child would be until i actually had to do it. we thought about doing something disney and had a few good ideas for girls. but when we found out we were having a boy, it was more difficult.

after thinking about it, walt's middle name sounded perfect!
What were some of the names you had for girls?


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Original Poster
What were some of the names you had for girls?

we had really come down to 2. my grandmother's name was ruth, and even though it's really not a name that's used anymore, i wanted it to be the middle name.

for the first mane, we still had 2 disney ideas that we had settled on. isabella (bella), mostly because my wife liked the name besides it's disney relation. but lillian would have ultimately been her name. i guess i liked the more subtle nod to walt's wife. ;)

lillian ruth. (maybe we'll get another chance....):D


Well-Known Member
thanks to everyone! and he's doing great!!!! i can't tell you how much i enjoy being a dad! i'll have to get a few pics of him on here for everyone to see. he's already getting so darn big- over 11 pounds already!

i can't believe it's been 10 and a half weeks:)

I can't wait to see pictures! :)


Well-Known Member
Just seeing this now, but wow, what a story. Things like this are a nice breath of fresh air every once in a while after reading one too many threads that devolves into negativity. Nothing against saying negatives about Disney (I do it frequently), but it's nice to be reminded of the amazing things, too.

Exactly what I was thinking when I read it.


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Original Poster
sorry, but i just booked our next trip just after his birthday and wanted to share a few pics for those interested. :wave:

we are gonna be returning to kidani village 9/28/ thru 10/5, no births this time though. :D i'm really excited to be there during the anniversary for epcot center, and can't wait to hopefully meet a few fellow board members!

i even just bought a button for my camera bar to go with my t shirt, so if anyone sees us, please say hello!!!! as you can see, elias is very friendly and always willing to share a smile. :D


Well-Known Member
sorry, but i just booked our next trip just after his birthday and wanted to share a few pics for those interested. :wave:

we are gonna be returning to kidani village 9/2/ thru 10/5, no births this time though. :D i'm really excited to be there during the anniversary for epcot center, and can't wait to hopefully meet a few fellow board members!

i even just bought a button for my camera bar to go with my t shirt, so if anyone sees us, please say hello!!!! as you can see, elias is very friendly and always willing to share a smile. :D

That is during my CP time. If I catch you in the parks I will be sure to say hello. Are you there 9/2-9/5 or actually a whole month like your post above says? Either way I think Elias needs a Disney 1st birthday party!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
That is during my CP time. If I catch you in the parks I will be sure to say hello. Are you there 9/2-9/5 or actually a whole month like your post above says? Either way I think Elias needs a Disney 1st birthday party!

Lol, sorry. But don't I wish! We r there 9/28 - 10/5. My head would likely explode if I really had 5 weeks at wdw. ;)


Well-Known Member
Lol, sorry. But don't I wish! We r there 9/28 - 10/5. My head would likely explode if I really had 5 weeks at wdw. ;)

Well I will be sure to keep an eye out and wish Elias a big happy birthday where ever I am working. You should put him in a new version of the "I was born in Disney" shirt that you showed a picture of here.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
You know what's even better than the pictures of your uber-cute kiddy? Your enthusiasm and joy as a father. It only gets better. Thanks for adding a little light to the darkness.

thank you sir!!! i can't possibly put into words the absolute joyride this has been! and while i know everyone thinks their baby is the greatest, he is such an incredibly happy boy.

we are just getting into the discovery stage, like his feet, being ticklish, his tounge, and trying desperatly to talk. :king: i'm a slightly older first time dad, and it couldn't be sweeter!

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