my little disney souvenir!


Well-Known Member
Wow, I'm just reading this for the first time! What a great story!!! (I was in WDW at the same time as you.)

The little babies always make me tear up b/c they remind me of my own two and yours certainly brought a tear to my eye. Mine were preemies as well (5lbs 4 oz. and 5lbs 7 oz.).

I love the picture in front of the train station - what a story for the baby book!

I hope the new family is doing well. Congratulations!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I just got the Disney Insider email tonight and guess what story was featured as the fan spotlight for it. This one of course. Congratulations and hopefully you and your family will have a very Merry Christmas this year with the new addition to the family.:xmas:


i was starting to think they wouldn't publish it.



Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Almost 2 months later, this story is still making me tear up! How big is little Elias now?

Congrats on being in the Insider as well!

thanks to everyone! and he's doing great!!!! i can't tell you how much i enjoy being a dad! i'll have to get a few pics of him on here for everyone to see. he's already getting so darn big- over 11 pounds already!

i can't believe it's been 10 and a half weeks:)


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Wow, I'm just reading this for the first time! What a great story!!! (I was in WDW at the same time as you.)

The little babies always make me tear up b/c they remind me of my own two and yours certainly brought a tear to my eye. Mine were preemies as well (5lbs 4 oz. and 5lbs 7 oz.).

I love the picture in front of the train station - what a story for the baby book!

I hope the new family is doing well. Congratulations!

i have already had two pictures blown up and custom framed for my dear wife for a christmas gift!


Well-Known Member
What a great connection the 3 of you have to WDW now! Elias will certainly be a fan for life, what fun he will have when he's older telling his friends of where he was born! WDW really is magical!


Well-Known Member
I remember being in WDW the day you posted this story and I never got a chance to comment on it while I was there, and I know it's 2 months later but I wanted to say Congratulations!!!! Made me smile the day I read it and made me smile now when I just read it again! :)Glad to hear lil Elias is doing well! Love the pictures especially the one where Mickey Mouse is real close to him so cute!

Dad 2 M & M

Well-Known Member
you know, i really agree about cast members! not just because of this trip and really nothing to do with "free stuff" either. i've had my fair share of frustrations with a few decisions that disney has made over the last decade or so. but, i really have to hand it to the cast members!

i forgot to mention housekeeping! they actually folded the laundry i had started! the manager even called to speak to us personally because she was concerned!

the cast members really gave me a little "something" that was nice having when we were so far from home and in such exteme curcumstances. if any are reading this THANK YOU AGAIN!!!! we've already started writing a few thank you letters.
Its refreshing to see comments like these! I really wonder how many (most I believe) of the negative experience comments that I have seen happened at the end of a long vacation when the participants were worn out. We actually really consider whether or not we want to ask for help. The reason is most of the time the cast members go so far above and beyond the call we almost feel guilty.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
What a great story!

why thank you sir! i feel no shame whenever this thread pops back up whatsoever. :D i've got to update my pictures onto my computer so i can get a few new one on here. my wife even dressed him up in a mickey outfit for his birthday, lol!

he's getting SO big already!

this trip was easily our favorite ever, and i can't tell you how many times i've retold the story over the last 3 and a half months!
Such an incredible story. Thank you for sharing. Hopefully the adjustment to being parents has been an easy one. Congratulations, and hope Elias enjoyed his first Christmas!


Well-Known Member
Awww... he is gorgeous!!! What a beautiful story.


Another Phillies, Flyers, Penn State, Eagles & DISNEY fan :sohappy:

"Let The Memories Begin" indeed :wave:


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Such an incredible story. Thank you for sharing. Hopefully the adjustment to being parents has been an easy one. Congratulations, and hope Elias enjoyed his first Christmas!

i'm having the time of my life being a new dad! not even minding the diaper changings yet.

we even have devoloped a really cool father son moment after "mount elias errupts". after i get the next diaper on, i get the worlds biggest smile and giggle! makes it all worth it!

What a fantastic story and I hope Elias and your family had a wonderful Christmas and peaceful new year :wave:

christmas was very enjoyable, if not too quickly past. we wrapped a few things just for pics, but the real fun was watching him "talk" to his new pillow pets. glad i had the video camera!


Well-Known Member
OMG!! What a truely amazing story! Congrats!!! Elias is beautiful!!! I'm sure there are not many babies out there that can say they were at MK when they were 3 days old!!! :wave:


Well-Known Member
Just seeing this now, but wow, what a story. Things like this are a nice breath of fresh air every once in a while after reading one too many threads that devolves into negativity. Nothing against saying negatives about Disney (I do it frequently), but it's nice to be reminded of the amazing things, too.


Well-Known Member
What a wonderful story! Thank you for sharing it with us and congratulations on the new baby!

ETA: I just went back to see the pictures and he is adorable! LOVE that hair! This may forever be my favorite Disney story that I have ever heard!

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