My DH's A-hole boss is threatening to take our vacation away!!

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OMG! I am so mad right now!! My hubby put in for this vacation in the beginning of Feb. Initially his boss gave him a hard time because we are going to be gone almost two weeks. Finally he approved it and everything has been fine. Now today this A-hole tells my hubby that HE is going to be on vacation dring the 2nd part of our vacation and both of them cannot be out at the same time so we have to CANCEL OUR VACATION!! :mad::fork: Can you believe it??? We have had these plans for a few months now and he KNEW about it and just because he decides on a whim to plan a vacation at the same time he thinks his takes precendence!! There is no way in hell I am cancelling it because he is a total jerk! :mad: I am so mad!!!! :fork: We are going this week because the kids will be on vacation and we are meeting some friends there that we have not seen in over a year and he has no kids to plan around so he can go on vacation pretty much any time. My Dh really needs to get a new job!! :cry: :mad: :cry: :mad: :cry:


RunDisney Addict
Does your husband have to file any paperwork or have anything signed for the days off? If he has it in writing somewhere that he was approved off for that time, then there probably isn't a whole lot his boss can do about it.


New Member
That is horrible! I would go have your husband talk to Human Resources. I am not sure about all workplaces, but in mine, the boss is not the end all for these types of decisions. It's worth a shot. Plus your husband had his not only planned, but approved (which is the key) before the boss planned his trip. Is this approval in writing by chance? That definitely would help!
Hope things work out :)


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Fievel said:
Does your husband have to file any paperwork or have anything signed for the days off? If he has it in writing somewhere that he was approved off for that time, then there probably isn't a whole lot his boss can do about it.

Yes, he has the signed paperwork so he went to HR (useless people!!!) and they told him his boss could retract it for "business needs" :fork: I don't think 'business needs' refers to his boss wanting to take a last minute vacation at the same time we are scheduled to!!!


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
i think that id be telling him were to shove it.............. as long as he really doesnt need this job.

good luck and keep us informed. he may have to come back and let yall stay.


New Member
Well, I am sending possitive vibs your way!!!! I will be praying for horrible weather were ever it is your hubbies boss is planning on going. I would be so mad if I were in that situation. I hope you make it there, sounds like you need it.


Well-Known Member
Trishnh said:
Yes, he has the signed paperwork so he went to HR (useless people!!!) and they told him his boss could retract it for "business needs" :fork: I don't think 'business needs' refers to his boss wanting to take a last minute vacation at the same time we are scheduled to!!!
They may be able to retract it for business needs, but I am sure that if you present to them documents that you have this vacation planned and that there is a hefty cancellation fee and all kinds of hassles to do it, possibly they would relent?? Also I think it is time for DH to get another Job!!! Thinking positive thoughts and Pixie Dust!!!! Marie


Le Meh
Premium Member
I would submit an invoice for the entire cost of the vacation and tell them that this is what it will cost the company for you to not take the vacation. Two things could happen:

1. They tell you to take your vacation.
2. They pay you and you reschedule, but now have your vacation paid for.


-Edit: What is a "DH"?-

I have very strong feelings about your predicament having been in a similar situation myself.

If you tell HR that his boss's "business needs" is actually a vacation - will HR change their tune?

I would say that if your financial situation/family situation warrants, perhaps he should just take a stand and say you're going on vacation no matter what the boss says. Would he be fired? reprimanded? Sometimes an ultimatum works - but you have to be prepared to follow through and accept the consequences.

You know the worst part with this kind of person is that once a boss sees that he can get away with behaviour like this, he will continue to do so on a much larger scale. Perhaps leaving this job would be best if the boss is going to be abusive and continue to be abusive.

It's bullying plain and simple.

I will be thinking of you and your family - best wishes!


New Member
THAT IS NOT FAIR! Everyone deserves to go to Disney. You had these plans WAY BEFORE THIS GUY! You need to let him know that you are NOT going to cancel this trip. There is nothing he can do about it, it is his faul after all. Show him the paper work and tell him you guys had this planned WAY before him! Some people think the WHOLE world revolves aound them... if push comes to shove don't go to Disney for the WHOLE 2 weeks only go for a week or a week and a half. I mean you still will get to see Disney!! GOSH THIS MAKES ME REALLY MAD!:mad: :mad:

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Here is the plan. First your husband finds a new job. Second he acts professional and leaves his 2 weeks notice the last day of which will just happen to fall 1 day before his former boss wants to leave. The higher ups make your husbands former boss cancel his vacation. You guys go to Disney and your husband can start his new job when you get back.Remember the Klingon proverb “Revenge is a dish best served cold”. :fork:


New Member
Whether or not the boss reverses his decision to let your DH have the holiday, it's time he finds a new job now this his current employers have shown how callous they are.

I don't supposed talking to the boss of his boss will do any good?

Hope it all works out.


Account Suspended
ddodgers67 said:
I'll Go In Your Place ..:d

That's going to make her feel SOOOO much better. :brick: This whole thing p*ssed me off as it is and then seeing that made it worse. It seemed incensitive to the fact that she is upset.

Trishnh, sorry this all happened. I really want to go kick the boss' ______ now for y'all. Maybe give him a few Stone Cold Stunners. :lol:


Active Member
Not sure if this is an issue, make sure if there is any cost to be incurred such as cancelling reservations, changing flights, etc. the company is aware that you expect to be reimbursed. I typically just ask where should I expense those costs and let it go from there. Of course they answer I can't, to which I simply/dumbly ask what I'm supposed to do since I've already incurred the obligation based on being told I could be on vacation and now the vacation is revoked. I further state that if I have to stay for "business reasons" then this is a valid business expense. The company may not be under any obligation, but it has worked for me once they realize there are penalties associated.

Be forwarned, though, that I'm willing to push, and push hard, because my skills are rare and the last thing they want is for me to leave. I don't attack them, I simply treat it as a business issue and a reasonable expectation. It's all in how you approach it.

An "unique" (i.e. perhaps underhanded) approach would be to go to his bosses boss and state "I don't want to create any problems since we all should take vacation and I don't mind having to cut my vacation short so someone else on the team can go even after being cleared, but I have some sunk costs that I'd like the company to reimburse me for in exchange for my obvious flexibilty. It wouldn't be fair for me to cut my plans short and then have to pay for it, right? I didn't want to bring this up to xxxxx because I didn't want it to appear like I'm pressuring him into changing his plans. I want to be a team player."

If nothing else, perhaps you can write it off on your taxes.

Yellow Shoes

Well-Known Member
Most of these approaches will work if you already have made plans and some money has exchanged hands. If you don't have any money at stake, your options may be more limited.

This proposed vacation is in February, right? 2006? 10 months from now?

Going on the trueism that one catches more flies with honey than vinegar, I would try to get a grip on your emotions and obvious disappointment.

Point out to the boss that this will be a school vacation for your child, and this is one of the few weeks you can make this trip. Perhaps whatever the boss has planned could be done another time? (Of course this may backfire if the boss is going to a family wedding, golf tournament, if he has to coordinate with a spouse, etc. and his dates are just as firm)

I would hardly characterize the boss's plans as "last-minute".

There is also the possibility that he may just as abruptly change his plans--especially if your state your case calmly and rationally.

Good luck with this.


Well-Known Member
Yellow Shoes said:
This proposed vacation is in February, right? 2006? 10 months from now?

Actually, I think she was saying that her husband put the paperwork in for the vacation back in February of this year.


Well-Known Member
No, they started planning in February, and they're going down April 26- May 5th. It's in her signature.
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