Move over KRYSSA! - Tk421-sw and Thimblekisses Easter Week update!


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Move over KRYSSA! - Tk421-sw and Thimblekisses HUGE Easter Week update! - PART ONE

Welcome to another joint post from myself and Ryland (tk421-sw)! He took some of the pics and I took some too. Nothing too new, but a few brief updates and cute pics to keep you updated. Hope you like them!
Here ya go...
We were up at WDW again this week! What a change since two weeks ago! I have never, EVER seen so many people at WDW. Here are some of the highlights:
On Monday we began by visiting the Easter bunnies!

Here we have a lovely Easter lily in the Easter bunnies meet and greet area. The CM told me that the other flowers in the box behind it were tulips, but that the cold had made them wilt already.

See the pretty eggs dangling in the tree. Nice theming! Cute, cute, cute!

Ryland and I with Mr. and Mrs. Easter Bunny themselves! Three days at WDW and this moment made my trip. I was sooo excited!

This is just the beginning of the crowds, around 9 am.

Here, Easter bunnies take part in the trolley show. SOOO cute! See the trolley, in a special Easter edition of Pimp My (Trolley) Ride!

More Easter-fabulous trolley show, including one pastel-clad CM! (right)


Mr. E. Bunny does a little soft shoe!

Ring around the bunnies!

Cute trolley sign.

Sorry for the abundance of E.Bunny pics, I am a big bunny fan! (I have two of my own here at the humble abode.) I was VERY thrilled to meet these rarely seen characters!

More to come. Stay tuned!


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This was already posted, but it continues to baffle me, so I include it. . . the hotdog added to the menu at the noodle station. Because THAT's so Asian cuisine, but whatever. Weird.

Yet another updated version of the menu addendum that sits atop the cash registers.

We took a little spin on the Speedway first thing in the morning.

This is my everyday reaction to Ryland's driving . . . j/k. It's fun if you let go of the wheel and see what happens!

Look at the lines!

On top of being crowded, it was windy. At least it warmed up some, though. But the poor flags and draperies were really struggling in all that wind!

If you saw our video post previously, you may have seen the CM come out, with this curtain open, set the pyrotechnics and proceed to princess-wave to the crowd (setting up for Cinderellabration). We noticed that this procedure is now carried out much more discreetly, with blue curtains drawn.

This, my friends, is the ABSURDLY long line JUST TO GET ON THE MONORAIL to go from TTC to MK. Unbelievable! I have never seen anything like this before! Good thing we were on our way to MGM.

Look at them all! I hope none of you friends were in that line. It wove around and around. . . roped off all over the courtyard area.

Stay tuned, more to come!


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Because of the monorail, ferry lines, a bus was also taking guests to MK, and here's its line:

On to MGM! Also crowded.

This line for Muppets went through the queue and all the way out this far into the courtyard. UNREAL!

Our lunch at Mama Melrose's. Great food! We were already a bit crowd-weary.

Star Tours boasted an unheard-of 60 minute wait!

Look at em go. Go on, try to walk through there. I dare ya.

Crowds to and from ToT and RnRc.

Back at MK, a back walkway was opened backstage, so that guests could pass from front to Tomorrowland without crowds. Amazing! Desperate times call for desperate measures. Things were thinly covered with plant arrangements. We saw a whole room FULL of the silver Mickey/Minnie balloons. Yet, we never miss an opportunity to sell those light-up toys, even to guests backstage! A little blurry, but here's the cart:

More backstage photos. A cast member finally told Ryland "No pictures backstage, please!" Too late!


Still more to come. . . I promise!


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Imagine my surprise when I discovered that this guy in Tomorrowland talks! I had fun playing with him for a few. See my light up crown? I love that thing! Its batteries finally died Wednesday night, though, after almost a year of use. Time to replace them!

Everytime we passed by this bathroom, this supply closet was wide open. It's in Tomorrowland near the back of Merchant of Venus. Strange. Free toilet paper and cleaning supplies for ME? You shouldn't have!!!


Sadly, the LiveStrong bracelet has now disappeared from our beloved surfing boy in IASW. We were all ready to show Ryland's parents, too, but alas! All gone.

Close to closing time at MK, the CMs got a little silly. This VERY tall CM climbed up on a podium thingy in the Uptown Jewelers and pretended to be a mannequin. Very very silly!

Another pose, and another delightfully silly CM.

We stayed at the All Star Movies resort. My first time at a Disney Resort in 11 years! I highly recommend this resort. It's so cute! We were in the Love Bug section. I love these bedspreads!

A wee glimpse of the Steadfast Tin Soldier section of the Fantasia 2000 portion, at the All Star Movies resort. Various wings of the resort are themed after different movies.

A few more, coming your way momentarily!


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In the wee small hours of the morning, the pool was relatively empty, as it was still a little cold on Tues morning, but not for long!

Tues night we dined at the Boma restaurant (in Animal Kingdom lodge) for Ryland's mommy's birthday. Here are his mom and dad at Boma:

And here we are, loving Boma!

Great theming, beautiful lighting.

After Boma, we nipped over to watch Fantasmic. When leaving, this bus pulled up to pick up passengers. It was broken! The bottom half of the back end (see below) was about to fall right off! Luckily, we got on the next bus.

Some pressure washing of the Fantasia 2000 area was taking place Weds morning at the All Star.

More misty pressure washing.

Weds, at AK. Love these rickshaw benches. AK was HOT and crowded as ever.

This is the line for Kali River Rapids. It went alllll the way out of the queue and down. That was before it broke down just as we were getting on it!

Everest is on its way up, up, up!


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Horrendous crowd volume combined with rising temperatures made for a weary day at AK.

We have started a mental file of shirts you should never be allowed to wear at WDW. EVER. This one goes on the list:

Coming out of the Tree of Life after viewing Tough to be a Bug, we noticed this big tented area. Any ideas what that's about?

Note the wait time for Kali River Rapids mysteriously dropped to zero minutes! That's because it broke down. We were in our raft, ready to go, when it shut down. It never reopened before we left in the late afternoon.

Here's a wall in Camp Minnie-Mickey. . .

That Ryland took pictures under while I went to the little Minnie's room. Here's what he saw: (show buildings, I suppose?)


Bikes! I could have used those to plow through crowds!


It looked as though there had been a battle in Camp Minnie-Mickey. These people were everywhere, SRO in Festival of the Lion King, and hot melting bodies were on benches and the ground everywhere, trying to relax amidst the character meet and greet chaos.

FotLK was fun, our first time viewing it! We were in the very last row, standing up.

Well, folks, it's VERY late here in Florida, so we're calling it quits for the night. Stay tuned sometime tomorrow (maybe late night) for the second half of this post. Yes, sirree, this has turned into a GIANT post, but I hope you like the pics!
Keep your eyes peeled, the exciting conclusion to our Spring Break trip is yet to come!


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P.S- I did all the picture work! haha

It was a good trip overall. Crowds were crazy but we managed...:D

More pics to come keep checking.


Active Member
Great Picture Update!!!! My fave's are the Indy Speedway and Bunny pics.

The Tomorrowland Terrace Noodle Station has been open a little more than a week and their already starting to add Americana food to the menu. I seriously doubt the bean counters of WDW will let this counter service location exist in it's current state for very long.

Did you guys happen to catch if the restaraunt was busy at all?

Oh ... and any Sony VX2100 supa-video tours?


New Member
For real, you guys never let me down. I know I say it all the time, but really awsome update!!! Sometimes I just can't wait for your updates? You guys stayed at the allStar? I thought you lived close by? I would stay to just for the extra hours, even if I did live by.

Thanks always!!!!!!


New Member
Fantastic update and photos - thanks!

Two thoughts come to mind:

1) This "grown up" would give anything to have my picture made with Mr. & Mrs. Easter Bunny.

2) When we were there in early March all the bathroom supply closets seemed to be opened - I'd swear I saw that same sight at least 5 times in different locations.


New Member
What a fun trip for you guys! Great pictures, I feel like I was there. I can't believe the crowds! MMMMmmmmmm, Boma. *drools like Homer*.

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