First, you mention paranoia... When people state a fact as to what this technology will do is not paranoia.. again, the paranoia comes in when people think Disney will do evil things... Not everyone believes that... So, no, there is no paranoia on my part... Can't speak about others, though I can see why you do mention paranoia...
Second, you are wrong with them not creating databases... Open an account on Disney, you have now become part of their database... and this new technology will make it easier for them to monitor and track you, to know your habits...
They can monitor your purchases now without this $2.5 billion dollar investment, without these RFID readers, without these bands... All they need to do is, and I stated this before, to add the purchase to your database when you use the KTTW card as a charge card... With the RFID technology, they will now know when Monty enters Emporium, not just when Monty buys a shirt from Emporium... That is the difference today... And again, no paranoia there... Nothing nefarious going on with that...
And I disagree about tracking each individual's movements would yield little to no return on investment... Again, they now know Monty has entered Emporium, and has spent 10 minutes looking at the tee shirts... apparently, Monty is conflicted, do I buy this shirt now or no?.. Well, Monty gets a text/email: MONTY BUY THIS SHIRT WITHIN THE NEXT 5 MINUTES AND ENJOY 15% OFF!!! Monty buys the shirt... Now, spread that out over 50,000 people a day, for 365 days a year... Yea, they are going to get a nice return on their investment even if half fall for the marketing ploy...
I will agree with you regarding the ebb and flow of guests... And this is where I see this as a positive... They will be able to, with greater ease, determine the most heavily crowded areas... And they can help disperse those crowds... Send a text/email to half the people of a free FP for rides spread over the park to use in the next hour... People think they got a deal and run...
I, for one, do not subscribe to Disney's evil plot that some do with this technology... I'm going to use it in October... I'm waiting for the confirmation email that my bands have been shipped (still have 10 days to customize them so it will be at least another 2 weeks before I get them)... I made my FP+ choices already... I want to test this out for myself before saying if I hate it or like it... I do hate they spent the money on this and not attractions, but it is what it is, and no amount of complaining about it will change things... I can say I don't like the choices of only 3 attractions, but hey, who knows? Maybe they tweek that too...