I am a long time reader, light poster as you can see. My family just got back about a month ago from the World, and I am still proud as punch that my 3 year old daughter rode the Haunted Mansion without crying or gettting scared for that matter. She out did her old man becasue when I was her age, I screamed and cried through the whole ride.(Isn't there a scary moment thread around here somewhere...anyway) Now, let me be clear my wife is a discount..err...I mean castmember so I don't have that inate feeling to force my children to do everything to justify the money I spent on the vacation. She totally chose to ride the HM herself. For that matter, I am proud that she rode POTC and Stitch's Great Escape(even though the CM tried to talk me out of taking her on Stitch). So share with me your "Proud Parent" Moments all of you that have little Mickeys or Minnies. Sorry, People Without Children, I don't mean to rub you the wrong way..I know our strollers do enough damage.