Most "Proud Parent" Moment at WDW


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I am a long time reader, light poster as you can see. My family just got back about a month ago from the World, and I am still proud as punch that my 3 year old daughter rode the Haunted Mansion without crying or gettting scared for that matter. She out did her old man becasue when I was her age, I screamed and cried through the whole ride.(Isn't there a scary moment thread around here somewhere...anyway) Now, let me be clear my wife is a discount..err...I mean castmember so I don't have that inate feeling to force my children to do everything to justify the money I spent on the vacation. She totally chose to ride the HM herself. For that matter, I am proud that she rode POTC and Stitch's Great Escape(even though the CM tried to talk me out of taking her on Stitch). So share with me your "Proud Parent" Moments all of you that have little Mickeys or Minnies. Sorry, People Without Children, I don't mean to rub you the wrong way..I know our strollers do enough damage.


Crazy Cat Lady
not so much a "brave" action on his part, but my little 4-year old brother pulled the sword out of the Stone on our trip in January this year and became "Ruler of the Realm" and got a magical moments certificate. Also, after chickening out of being a part of the Jedi Training Academy (he got part way up the stairs, then ran back to us), he did make it the whole way through the Pirate tutorial with Capt. jack.:sohappy:


Well-Known Member
At my location a couple of days ago, a mom wanted us to give her daughter a Magical Moment certificate for doing her first... uhh.. #2 in the potty. I'm 100% serious. I wasn't quite sure how to word that one! :lol:


Our proud parent moment is when our daugher was the drum major and led the high school school marching band down Main Street in MK with our youngest son playing trumpet and our oldest son was carrying the school banner. The oldest is the athlete of the family and but when they needed someone to march with the banner he did it (how could he refuse- a chance of a lifetime). They also marched over at EPCOT and did at a stand still performance (not marching) where she conducted. All of the parents were proud of their kids it really was special to us watching our three together.:)


Well-Known Member
We thought it was great when our son was 4 and was finally able to ride ToT. On a return ride, we were standing in line w/ a bunch of teens and some of them were having second thoughts. One of the girls asked how old my son was and if he was scared. He told her he was 4 and it was very cool. Then all of the teens started laughing at the one kid that still chickened out :ROFLOL:


Well-Known Member
Last year, my son (5 at the time) saw another little boy drop his ice cream. The other boy was just in tears, and his mom couldn't console him. His dad went to get him another ice cream and my son went up to the boy and gave him his Mickey balloon, which he had been clamouring for for days. I was so proud of him. Later, my son got another balloon and an ice cream!
My son turned 4 on our last trip (his first trip) and he insited rides like PotC were too scary and SM was too fast. But he absolutely insisted of going on TM which I knew he wasn't going to like but he insisted even after I asked at least 50 times if he was sure. I took him on it, and as I thought he didn't like it but he did not cry or scream, he just told me after we got off "mama maybe I'll like the fast train when I get bigger". :o


Active Member
Last year, my son (5 at the time) saw another little boy drop his ice cream. The other boy was just in tears, and his mom couldn't console him. His dad went to get him another ice cream and my son went up to the boy and gave him his Mickey balloon, which he had been clamouring for for days. I was so proud of him. Later, my son got another balloon and an ice cream![/qu that is so cute. what a good little boy!


We always get some glow sticks or other inexpensive nighttime toys for DD. We get extras, so we tell DD she can give them out to other kids. She has a great time finding kids who could use some extra "magic" and handing them things like light up bracelets, mini flashlights, or light up wands. The kids are happy, and the parents always thank DD for being so nice. It is actually DD's favorite part of after-dark park visits.


New Member
This Past Christmas, DD 8 went and rode Everest with just me! No mom no g'ma no brother just us, and did VERY VERY well, we got off and she wanted right back on. Then to top it off next ride YUP...Dino ride....she is a TROOPER! Her 1st Trip to the world but SURE it won't be her last:sohappy:


Well-Known Member
How about a "proud uncle" moment? 6 or 7 years ago my daughter was 11 and my Niece was 7. My daughter always wore her favorite "ears" to the MK. She went to the bathroom and realized 15 minutes later that she had left them on the sink. We returned, but no ears. We didn't replace them right away, but would have gotten her a new pair for our next trip. At the end of the day my Niece presented her with a new pair of ears that she had paid for with her spending money, and then hidden for the rest of the day. I had no idea that she had purchased them. She had limited spending money, but really wanted to do something special for her cousin. Thinking back on the look on my daughter's face and the smile on my Niece has often brought me to tears. One of my many favorite Disney memories.

How can anybody miss the magic?
not so much a "brave" action on his part, but my little 4-year old brother pulled the sword out of the Stone on our trip in January this year and became "Ruler of the Realm" and got a magical moments certificate. :

When did they start the "Sword and the Stone" show again. I thought they stopped that about 2 years ago.:shrug:


Well-Known Member
At my location a couple of days ago, a mom wanted us to give her daughter a Magical Moment certificate for doing her first... uhh.. #2 in the potty. I'm 100% serious. I wasn't quite sure how to word that one! :lol:

Why not? They are the most magical bathrooms on Earth! I'm surprised there isn't a squad dedicated just to that purpose.:ROFLOL:


Well-Known Member
My oldest (9) HATES 'drop rides". - anything with a straight drop. Dr. Doom, Free Fall, Parachute rides, and of course .... Tower of Terror.

My youngest's (6) favorite ride in the whole world - Tower of Terror

My youngest does not beg to ride it, but whenever she catches a glimpse of it she says in her little voice "Tower of Terror".

Her big sister will suck it up and ride it once just because she knows it's her little sisters favorite ride.



New Member
I took my DD3 to see Disney on Ice - Princess Wishes. When Mickey (her absolute favorite) came out I heard a gasp and then "Mommy can I give him a hug?" I just wanted to cry. I know it's not as grand as some stories on here, but it made me proud.


Well-Known Member
Last year, my son (5 at the time) saw another little boy drop his ice cream. The other boy was just in tears, and his mom couldn't console him. His dad went to get him another ice cream and my son went up to the boy and gave him his Mickey balloon, which he had been clamouring for for days. I was so proud of him. Later, my son got another balloon and an ice cream!

Awwww... too cute!!:)

Badger Brent

Active Member
My son was around 10 or so at the time. He saw a gentleman drop a $5 bill and walk off. My son picked it up and asked what he should do. I said "what would you do?". He looked at me and said give it back to the man, because it was his. I said hurry up and I followed him to watch him give the money back. The gentleman was so surprised he told my son to keep and thanked him!! I was pretty proud of my son for doing the right thing. Brent

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