The fact that all those people were wired for sound, the filming was done from a non-guest-accessible location, etc. leads me to think that this is a staged film. If it was not done by Disney themselves could it be by someone or a CM with Disney's permission (ie. for a project, etc.)? If there were signs up indicating there was going to be filming then I don't see how it would impose so horrendously on 1st time guests if they are aware of it. Another poster mentioned that it's not like regular streetmosphere because the singers/dancers weren't in costumes to fit that area....but I disagree. They were. They were dressed like every other guest walking thru that area so they did fit the surroundings from a different point of view. The cheesiness of it does fit the scene of tourists walking around wearing mouse ears, etc. Even if this is some cornball, low-budget film or advertisement Disney marketing threw together I wouldn't necessarily turn my nose and write it off as a monumental failure because it comes off as totally questionable. It's getting a lot of attention. We're discussing it. If it makes the rounds on the news outlets such as The Today Show then it's working brilliantly. People are looking at it. People are talking about it. Disney hasn't had to pay money to air a commercial on tv for it to be seen. How many women will look at that and wish it was them? How many guys who are looking for proposal ideas will see that and think, "Yeah! Disney is the place to do it because she loved that video!" The marketing campaign for this year is "What Will You Celebrate?" This clip fits! I know it was cheesy, the singing wasn't the best, the dancing wasn't Broadway material but the rough edges make it more real and leaves viewers wondering if it was truly a proposal or just a film clip of an advertisement. I wouldn't write it off as a new low for Disney's marketing people if they are the ones behind it. I'd say it's pretty dang smart....which is what makes me go back to wondering if it was real because it's almost TOO smart.... :animwink: