Most Creative Onride Photo


New Member
I think it was about 2 years ago, my brother, a CM, and I went on ToT. We had just bought a box of popcorn. (If you look at the picture, we were on the top left corner, and I wished we had bought the picture) During the part when all the lights go out after you see the people, before you move up to the eye, we actually screamed as if we were scared. So then every time it would get dark and you would see the "stars" on the sides and the top of the car, we would scream. Finally once we got to the drop zone dropped down, I felt the popcorn falling on me. Once we got up to take the picture, I think you could see some popcorn in the air near us. After we arrived to get off, we barely had any popcorn was mostly on the floor by now.
For the picture we looked like we were scared out of our minds. (I think it looked like my eyes were about to pop out.)
About the popcorn...we didn't mean for it to happen at all. Everyone that was around us thought it was funny.


Well-Known Member
The funniest pictures are those when the guests have a really bored look on their face (usually on purpose and sometimes sincerely). They will be there leaning on their hand or something as if they are bored in class.


Active Member
We tend to travel in a group, anywhere from 5 to 10 people. While on Splash we've done the one with holding our hands behind our heads leaning back like we're asleep, pointing with an angry look on our faces at the camera, sitting with a nice smile leaning on our hands, those kinds of things. Our favorite picture which got a smile from the CM was during an E-Ride night. There were 9 of us and we all fit in one log. We turned our backs to the camera so all you could see in the picture was the back of our heads. Sorry, I don't have a scanner. When we went to claim the picture, the CM said, "How can I be sure this is you?", my friend and I turned around to show him the backs of our heads and he said, "yep, this is your picture." He liked it as did the other people who saw it when everyone was looking at the picture spot.


New Member
These shots are great! Thanks to all for posting them!

Not quite as exciting, but have you ever tried the forced-perspective shot, like having someone "lean" or "prop-up" on Spaceship Earth?

I took one a few years ago of my brother, looking like he was "tipping" the Sorcerer's hat from his head at MGM Studios. (Come to think of it, that's the only time I've actually liked the hat being there...*ahem*...)

Sorry, no pictures to post, but just sharing the idea...



New Member
CommandoDisney said:
you know it! everyone in the first row was part of my group. i just love how for the most part im the only one with a reaction on the ride. everyone else is just kinda... sitting there

Absolutely, the best way to have the most fun. I think the amazing part of some of the other photos is how many people they were able to get to act out, all at the same time.


New Member
PolarJim said:

Submitted for your approval. This was two years ago on the scooby doo ride at king's island (yeah yeah, I know it's not disney). I'm totally playing the part of gy lol. I didn't even know they were going to put the digital ghost there later on lol.

I also have a lot of on ride photos from cedar point. We go so much we have the cameras memorized and have some pretty memorable ones. Haven't used props yet. hmmmmm:drevil:


Wow you really do look like gy


New Member
Here are a few I took of my sons.

Two I took of my 7yo......He really likes BTMRR.....:animwink:

<a href=""><img src="" border="0" width="478" alt="Image Hosted by" /></a>

<a href=""><img src="" border="0" width="413" alt="Image Hosted by" /></a>

And one on the Tea Cups. They like to spin Fast.:D

<a href=""><img src="" border="0" width="550" alt="Image Hosted by" /></a>


Rumor has it, though I haven't seen it, that there are photos of guests going down Splash upside down....legs up in the air, head out of sight. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Lee said:
Rumor has it, though I haven't seen it, that there are photos of guests going down Splash upside down....legs up in the air, head out of sight. :lol:
My goodness!! :lol: :lol:


New Member
Not very creative but last year, we managed to be the ONLY people on a TOT elevator and also on the Dino ride. We bought posters of both photos.

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