Most Annoying Guest Behavior

People who narrate through a ride get to me. Last June it was my 2.5 yr old son's first time at disney. We were on pirates when a family behind us (parents and teenage son) kept making ridiculous comments the whole time. Like "oh no!! This big drop is coming up and I'm sooo scared..." They were almost purposely trying to freak out the other people on the boat. I should've told them to knock it off but I'm a little too shy for that. Unfortunately that was the only time we got to do that ride the entire trip because my son wound up getting sick and it was ruined by this obnoxious family.


Well-Known Member
Since the conversation is over, there is no sense in explaining just how mind shatteringly wrong you are! So, have a nice day. :) Oh, and pray that karma, doesn't really exist.
So you are the one who told the bus driver to step and said " I got this!" I think you are missing my point. I have no problems with those who need scooters, I have problems with those who abuse them, big difference. My wife was run over by a person who abused them, laughed it away in a foreign language with company in tow, and then proceeded to get off his scooter, put it on the bus, sir down, and continue to be a DB!


Well-Known Member
The water bottles thrown into the water at the water taxi waiting areas is horrible!:arghh:
My Mom age 73 had a scooter parked out of the way at a quick service restaurant. Someone sat in it to make a call on her cell phone. It seems odd, but it was annoying because Mom had some "stuff" in her scooter basket.o_O I guess the lady must have been really tired! Still, I would never sit in someone else's scooter- parked or not.:eek:
YES!!! Garbage, water bottles, whatever items thrown onto sets of the rides, or in the water on rides is a HUGE pet peeve of mine. Nothing like seeing garbage in the water while riding IASW :/ Bums me out that people would do that!
1.Towels and trash left behind at the beach club pool upper level. Beach club lobby common couches, snack plate and empty cups left behind. Does anyone pick up after themselves? What are adults teaching their kids when they walk away from their crap? We paid so much for our room that we shouldn't have to clean up after ourselves?
2.Line management. The creepers/cutters trying to get by just one more family to gain exactly 10.3 seconds of extra time. If they only knew the wise cracks I lean back and say to my kids. Lots of fun.


Well-Known Member
2.Line management. The creepers/cutters trying to get by just one more family to gain exactly 10.3 seconds of extra time. If they only knew the wise cracks I lean back and say to my kids. Lots of fun.
I went to the Lion King show one time. The first show of the day I think. There were a grand total of 30 people waiting to get in. While standing there a young girl, I'd say about 10 began creeping up toward the front of the line. It took her about 15 minutes, waiting for people to look the other way and then slowly moving in front of them. When she reached the front she motioned to someone, I assume her mother, to come forward and the woman went through excusing as she passed by everyone in line and got to the front with the girl.

No one said anything, most were just snickering. Go through all that trouble to get ahead of 30 people that were all going in together. When they did get inside, they stopped while trying to figure out where the best place to sit was. In the meantime everyone went on by them and sat down. Really clever. Good practice, I guess!:joyfull:


Well-Known Member
Mine are:

Line Cutters. This is a given

People who give us the stink eye because the bus has to load my son's wheelchair first. I've even had people complain loadly. I turned to that guy and said, "I wish my son lived a life that didn't require a wheelchair at all so we could stand in line with you." I get really irritated cause some people don't realize that, often, esp at the end of the day, WCs actually wait LONGER to get on a bus. Buses only hold a couple of chairs. There have been times we've waited for 3 or 4 buses while people in the line loaded 3x faster than us.

People who leave their trash every where

People who park like douchebags in the parking lots.

People who don't know how to fold their own strollers. I have stepped away from my family to fold someone else's stroller before just so we could load the dern bus

Pushy people at parades. I had one chick actually squeeze in front of my son's wheelchair that was parked on the curb. Are you kidding me!? I started to say something, but she acted like she didn't know english. So I talked crap about her. Her face said she understood. lol

CMs that don't know their jobs. That can ruin a day really fast.

People stopping/blocking walkways.

Flashes on rides and parades.

People who act like they are the only ones on vacation
I may be a bit biased being an annual pass holder but does anyone else get annoyed when a cast member says you can only fit two in a seat on some attractions. Then the family in front tries to squeeze the third person/child in... Oops can't fit let's fight over who sits alone. I understand for some first timers it may be confusing but if the cast member says only 2 then It's only 2... Simple listening skills.


Well-Known Member
My number one gripe is character hogs- the group of 12 can't just go up to the character and take a few photos of the group, they have to spend twenty minutes taking about a dozen pictures each of every possible combo of people they can come up with.

Second, its the people who think just because the say excuse me as they go by that it makes line jumping perfectly ok, and if you call them on it they conveniently can't speak English so they can't understand you.

Third are the family's who drag a stroller big enough to hold half of Orlando on the buses and take up half the bus with their huge half folded up stroller.

My last complaint I think is just a personal thing on my part, but I can't stand it when extremely large women (I'm a chunky monkey myself so I am not making fun) wear tank tops with their three inch wide bra strap hanging out. Your not a cute size 2 teen with an adorably cute bra, so wear a strapless bra or cover up.


Well-Known Member
Judgemental my , I have seen it happen FIVE times in six trips! So maybe I should just get one because I cant function at the park, but when it's time to get on a bus and skip the line, i'm great. I get those who need them, and you can see it, and you can also see those who dont and abuse. conversation over..

It is not always that cut and dry to tell. My 65 year old Dad has had two major back surgeries, and he has to use a scooter. Thing is he looks much younger than his age and he can walk , and walk quite well for short periods of time, thing is although you can't tell by looking, he is quite unstable and just one innocent child accidently bumping into him could knock him over and paralyze him for life, so yes, the scooter is necessary, but by just looking at him you would think he didn't need it.


Well-Known Member
I am not going to get into the do they/don't they arguments, but a few times in past trips I have been hit by one of ECVs. Once I was standing by the tree of life - close to the railing when an ECV came rolling up, and ran right over my foot. I howled in pain (I have problems with my nails and they are often close to being ingrown, so the toes are usually very sensitive). The driver of the ECV looked at me and said, 'That didn't hurt.' I wanted to launch a string of non-Disney sanctioned NYC style words, but held my tounge.

Another time I was walking down Sunset Blvd and was crossing the street. An ECV made a turn at the same time and clipped my ankle, causing it to bleed. That time I was not as quick to catch my mouth and I said somethign to the effect of 'What a truck!' The person accompanying the driver got in my face and wanted to fight me. I looked at this little guy - I am 6'3 200 - and knew if he wanted to go for it there would be two hits. I hit him and he hit the floor. I told him to perform the physically impossible and continued on....

I love the video of the person beeping to get out of the park after the parade....classic.

People do need to be more careful driving those things, my first injury was when my father in law ran over my foot at Universal and broke it (thought my mother in law was gonna kill him, she was much madder than I was) second time was at Animal Kingdom and a women was so dead set on getting ahead she ran over my foot which I a already had a broken toe on, thought I was gonna cry, that one actually hurt wose than getting my entire foot broke.

jimbo mack

Well-Known Member
1) queue jumping - 9/10 I usually say something politely like 'Excuse me, there is a queue for this ride'.. Usually people will then go to the back of the queue. If they don't, they'd feel embarass for me asking again in a loud voice for everybody else to hear ;)
Starting my vacation at the airport with my family with expectations of a great ride on the magical express watching movies, only to get a crappy mears bus, video broken(didn't believe the bus driver), and a boring bus driver. Not the standard, thus no tip.

Brer Josh

Original Poster
Lines at the Disney transportation stops at Resorts, specifically the Beach Resort, is a line cutters paradise.

I don't know why Disney don't rope it like everything else - it breeds anger before you've even hit a park.


Well-Known Member
Starting my vacation at the airport with my family with expectations of a great ride on the magical express watching movies, only to get a crappy mears bus, video broken(didn't believe the bus driver), and a boring bus driver. Not the standard, thus no tip.
I think all the Magical Express buses are owned by Mears.


New Member
The collective, now constant,
"Your cadaverous pallor betrays an aura of foreboding, almost as though you sense a disquieting metamorphosis. Is this haunted room actually stretching? Or is it your imagination, hmm? And consider this dismaying observation: This chamber has no windows and no doors, which offers you this chilling challenge: to find a way out!

Of course, there's always my way." from the audience.


Well-Known Member
It drives me nuts when people allow small children to take up valuable seats on the bus when they can sit in your lap. If the bus is not crowded no problem at all, but if it is standing room only put the kid in your lap! Also drives me crazy when young folks don't offer their bus seats to senior citizens. I also get angry during meet and greets when people are not prepared. I mean how many times do the cast members tell you to have your books open and pens ready. Then these people get up there and are trying to find their pen or the page to sign--so annoying. And you wonder why the character lines can be so long. Get with the program people!!! As many of you have already posted, body odor, flash photography during dark rides, being run over by strollers and scooter are also some of my issues. But my biggest issue would be with the folks that oblivious that there are any other visitors to the park besides them. These are the people who walk at a snails pace all in a row blocking the path for people to be able to get around. These are also the people that just stop for no reason. These are the people that have no regard for anyone else around them and they drive me CRAZY!

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