Most Annoying Guest Behavior


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The Mighty Tim

Well-Known Member
Ok, so confession time.

I have taken flash pictures on dark rides, but only a couple and have learned the error of my ways.

I also have sat on a crowded bus back to the resort at park closing (but, it was the first time I had sat down in quite some time) and on one occasion, joined in with everyone reciting the opening diakog in the Stretching Room in HM, but again, as absolutely everyone was doing it, I thought it would be OK.

Please do not judge me too harshly. Outside of these misdemeanours, I am quite the well behaved, rule abiding guest. I don't walk too slowly, I know what I want when I reach the head of a QS line, and I always have my payment ready. I don't chant either, and my personal hygiene is good (though I will be the only one in the park wearing long trousers, as I hate wearing shorts!)


Well-Known Member
This happened to me once when I was carrying my very tired, 6 year old niece back from MK. I was standing while this young man sat there in front of me just watching. At one point I had to set her down b/c she was so heavy and she could barely stand. Was falling on the floor and still the man did not give up his seat. His wife was also sitting next to him watching. I would have punched my husband in the arm and told him to stand his butt up and let the child sit! I was furious!

I have learned that just because someone looks well and able does not mean they are, my brother in law looks totally well and able and he pretty much is he can walk all day just fine, but after a head injury in a car wreck for some reason he can not stand in one spot for a long time or he passes right out. He did pass out one time on a Disney bus and scared us all to death because he narrowly missed a little girl about 7 or 8 when he fell.


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The collective, now constant,
"Your cadaverous pallor betrays an aura of foreboding, almost as though you sense a disquieting metamorphosis. Is this haunted room actually stretching? Or is it your imagination, hmm? And consider this dismaying observation: This chamber has no windows and no doors, which offers you this chilling challenge: to find a way out!

Of course, there's always my way." from the audience.

Guilty as charged on the whole speech.


Well-Known Member
people who stop in the middle of the aisle in theatres. If you wanted the middle, you shouldn't have been the first person in! Or those that leave an empty seat between them and the next group. MOVE!

If I notice people coming up the queue line (and it's not just a mom with the one child who probably had to pee), I casually lean to that side of the line. When they come up behind me saying excuse me, I just continue my conversation with whoever I'm with. I won't move, esp if it's a group of teens who are probably cutting.


Well-Known Member
The collective, now constant,
"Your cadaverous pallor betrays an aura of foreboding, almost as though you sense a disquieting metamorphosis. Is this haunted room actually stretching? Or is it your imagination, hmm? And consider this dismaying observation: This chamber has no windows and no doors, which offers you this chilling challenge: to find a way out!

Of course, there's always my way." from the audience.

Guilty as charged on the whole speech.
I have mixed emotions about stuff like that. On one hand I think that doing that deprives first timers from having the experience as we first experience it. It kinda takes away from them. On the other hand, we are at a theme park to have fun and enjoy ourselves, laugh, point things out, ride things and most of all, immerse ourselves in the experience. I don't even know of a compromise. I will tell you this, if anyone is really annoyed by that, they had better stay away from Disneyland. The cult-like atmosphere there is way more intense then it is in WDW.
I think all the Magical Express buses are owned by Mears.
Yes, I understand that. However, this wasn't a Magical Express painted clean bus decked out with multiple TV's playing park and resort videos pumping us up with a professionally dressed driver. This was an old crappy, yellow Mears bus with an uninterested driver playing 70's music. If you've travelled both, you'd be disappointed with anything but Magical Express.

The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
This happened to me once when I was carrying my very tired, 6 year old niece back from MK. I was standing while this young man sat there in front of me just watching. At one point I had to set her down b/c she was so heavy and she could barely stand. Was falling on the floor and still the man did not give up his seat. His wife was also sitting next to him watching. I would have punched my husband in the arm and told him to stand his butt up and let the child sit! I was furious!
I'm sorry, but I have a reply that you may find uncomfortable: I think this child should've been taken out of the MK earlier. It is is not rudeness by the other guests, this is instead uncomfortably close to child abuse by the parent, dragging a six year old around until it literally can no longer stand anymore from exhaustion.


Well-Known Member
I have mixed emotions about stuff like that. On one hand I think that doing that deprives first timers from having the experience as we first experience it. It kinda takes away from them. On the other hand, we are at a theme park to have fun and enjoy ourselves, laugh, point things out, ride things and most of all, immerse ourselves in the experience. I don't even know of a compromise. I will tell you this, if anyone is really annoyed by that, they had better stay away from Disneyland. The cult-like atmosphere there is way more intense then it is in WDW.
THIS is my worry about our trip in Sept/Oct! I've heard the locals can be awful to maneuver around as they feel it's THEIR park. Im not a fan of entitlement or bratty behavior.....LOL

The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
This happened on our recent trip. We were in line for Finding Nemo ride at Epcot. The teenager ahead of us was more interested in his 'dumb' phone (if it were truly smart, it would have kept him moving). Whatever game or text he was participating in kept him from moving his two feet to stay with his family. Finally, I'd had enough. I took the bottom of my water bottle and placed it rather aggressively into the middle of his back. Then said that he needed to put his phone away and starting walking. My DH was a bit nervous that I would get a negative reaction, but to his surprise the kid, never turned around to see who said it, listened and put his phone up and started's the teacher voice.

If I was that kid you'd still be trying to pull that water bottle from your mouth I'd shove it in so deep.


Well-Known Member
I have multiple pet peeves about guest behavior.
1. People riding on the ECV scooters when they don't need one. (Not being rude, but if you are 400+ pounds, you probably shouldn't go. I see this all too often. They even did a skit about it on South Park! I understand that if it's a disorder/disease/whatever, that's fine, but if you just eat like a herd of cattle, that's your fault.)
2. People that just barge in front of you during a show, i.e Wishes. It's not my fault you didn't show up early to get a good spot, that's your problem. So don't just go cutting in front of me because you weren't thoughtful.
3. Line cutters. End of story.
4. People that spread out a mile wide. NO NEED FOR THAT. I already have to deal with this when I go to the city.
5. People that ram your heels with strollers and/or wheelchairs. Sometimes, people will say "Sorry" or "Excuse me", but most of the time, they don't here!
6. Guests that are rude to the characters. Pulling on their tails *cough* Tigger *cough*, people who punch them, etc. This one kid at the Crystal Palace punched Eeyore right in the face! I felt so bad for Eeyore, so when he came to our table, I gave him a big kiss on his nose. Boy, some people. :grumpy:
7. People that don't look after their kids and just let them run wild. Quit BSing with your friend/husband/wth ever else, and look after your darn kids! :arghh:

Phew, I've been wanting to rant about that for forever! Glad I got that off my chest! :p There's more, but I'm keeping it short. :happy:


Logan and Olivia's dad
Premium Member
7. People that don't look after their kids and just let them run wild. Quit BSing with your friend/husband/wth ever else, and look after your darn kids! :arghh:
Forgot to include this in my original post. I've almost ran over/stepped on numerous kids that were running around like maniacs, or they run into me. When I do step on them/run into them, most of the time the parents (if they're paying attention) give me the dirty look. CONTROL YOUR RUGRATS!


Well-Known Member
Since I have only been once before I had a rather pleasant experience except for one thing. We were watching the afternoon show in front of the castle when a fully grown adult male takes out his full size iPad and promptly puts it over his head with fully out stretched arms filming the show. He was blocking multiple peoples view so I kindly tapped him on his shoulder until he looked at him and asked him to lower it so everyone could see the show. After a thirty second steering contest he looked away and lowered the iPad like a normal person.

Robin Of Loxley

Well-Known Member
Since I have only been once before I had a rather pleasant experience except for one thing. We were watching the afternoon show in front of the castle when a fully grown adult male takes out his full size iPad and promptly puts it over his head with fully out stretched arms filming the show. He was blocking multiple peoples view so I kindly tapped him on his shoulder until he looked at him and asked him to lower it so everyone could see the show. After a thirty second steering contest he looked away and lowered the iPad like a normal person.
This has gotten to be a too common annoyance as of lately. As a Disney fan community, we need to give it a proper name due to it's growing occurrence.

Let's call it: Rafiki'ing

Rafiki'ing: The bothersome act of holding aloft one's ipad, resembling Rafiki presenting Simba to the pridelands. This is a true annoyance to others standing behind you trying to view (insert show name here). So please, NO Rafiki'ing during the show! (Por favor, no Rafiki'ing durante el espectáculo.)


Well-Known Member
entitlement on buses. What makes you think that, because you're pregnant/had surgery/have a sleepy child, you are entitled to a bus seat and must stare down sitting passengers until they give you a seat? Your physical status does automatically grant you a seat. You don't know they story of the person sitting. You assume that, because they appear young and healthy, they should stand? If someone DECIDES to give up a seat, that's one thing. Don't think your situation means someone else should automatically bend to it. You are well aware your kids can tire out late at night. Leave the parks in ample time. You're pregnant and can't stand on a bus for a few minutes? Drive your car. Standing on a bus STARING at people you feel should get up? RUDE. You stare at me, I'll stare right back. Yes, I do give up my seat sometimes. I, myself, though, have health issues and am young. Sometimes, I just need to sit a moment. If I don't choose to give up my seat, don't stare me in my face. You don't know me. I could be crazy ;)

Parking at the resorts, esp value. The bus system is a great convenience. I get it. You want to use the buses your whole week. Cool. Awesome. Don't park your car in the best parking spots! Especially handicap! Parking is limited. Maddening coming back at night, circling the parking lots, only to see the same vehicles in the same spots that haven't moved all week. Handicap spots are limited and the only ones with loading space for wheelchairs. Don't park in handicap if you aren't going to drive all week. Just a courtesy. When we go for a week, we park at the back of the lot.

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