Well, after this past months trip, I have an annoying guest behavior I can add...
We were in line for our FIRST ride of the trip (and my littlest's first ride EVER) and the family in front of us in line (two adults, 3 young kids) were putting on sunscreen.
I figured "ok, not really that much sun today, but not a terrible idea."
Except...they did so for about 25 minutes. All of them. I mean, covering every inch, 5 or six times.
I'm not even just saying they were being thorough...I mean, they would seemingly finish applying it to the last conceivable piece of exposed skin..then, they would grab the bottle, squeeze a HANDFUL into their hands, and start on their arms again.
I know it sounds like an exaggeration...but It was literally getting to the point of comical. They had like 3 giant bottles of it going. You would think they were done and then, they'd start AGAIN. At one point the line was moving and two of them where HOPPING forward on one leg, slathering suncreen onto the other, like a pair of bizarre synchronized swimmers.
At one point, they started up again and me and my wife had to stifle a laugh.
It wouldn't bother me so much it the smell of all that sunblock wasn't so overwhelming. I swear, after being in that queue, if I had blown my nose, the tissue would be SPF150. I mean, the inside of my nostril could repel the sunlight on Mercury.
I could literally TASTE sunscreen. And JUST when you thought it was over...they's grab the bottle AGAIN.
They literally didn't stop until they were forced to, to get on the ride....and they were acting like they weren't done yet.
The funny part is, it was cloudy all day. About 65 degrees, tops.