Morning Sickness and the Parks


New Member
Ok, so not really morning sickness, more like all day sickness. How have you ladies dealt with this wonderful side effect while visiting the parks? I'm trying to figure out how I'm going to survive! And we haven't told the people who are coming with us about our new bundle!


New Member
I feel your pain. We were at Disney the beginning of September and I was about 2 months pregnant then, in the sweltering heat and summer crowds...
Just be sure to STAY COOL. Go into as many a/c'd shops and rides/shows as you can and make sure to drink lot's of water. I kept several packs of crackers in my backpack as well, to snack on in between meals. Hope this helps!! Good luck and ENJOY your trip!
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I've been told that protein is good for helping with morning sickness too. Maybe take some peanut butter (I put it on rice cakes) to help with it. As was said earlier, lots of AC and water. Just plan on seeing every show that is offered, but sit on the aisle, just in case you need to leave really fast!!! :p

Have fun, congratulations and good luck!:wave:
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Well-Known Member
I was about nine weeks pregnant when we went and was totally exhausted and often nauseous. We ended up telling the people we were with and swearing them to secrecy because we found it difficult to keep it hidden all week. I ended up going back to the hotel in the afternoon each day for a nap to recover from the morning and gear up for the evening most days. Otherwise I just drank lots of fluids, rested when I needed to, and avoided the rougher rides.
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Well-Known Member
They have the little single serving packets of peanut butter than you can carry with some crackers. Or just buy some peanut butter crackers with you. Either way, stay hydrated, cool, and don't let your tummy get too empty. That was my biggest trigger for preggo sickness both times. I wasn't at WDW either time but it's good advice no matter where you go. Also, allow yourself to get plenty of rest including nap times in the afternoons. That will help lots. Maybe this can be a special Disney Secret to tell your travel companions. Then everyone has to swear what's said and done at Disney stays at Disney! :D
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Well-Known Member
I think the secret is not to get too hungry. Eat small meals several times a day and drink plenty of water. Sometimes the vitamins make you sick too, ask your doc if you can take Flintstone chewables for awhile and that may ease the morning sickness as well. Get plenty of rest too! Good luck!
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Well-Known Member
Ooh yeah! If the vitamins make you feel sick, take them right before you go to bed. I have to take all my vitamins that way (& I haven't been pregnant for about 10 years now) or I'll :hurl: them right back up. That's a good tip for pregnant chicks and big babies like me who can't tolerate them. LOL!
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Make sure you get enough rest. Not to discourage you, but I could never have faced WDW, no matter how much I love it, while pregnant, especially the first trimester. I don't think you're going to be able to hide your wonderful news from your travelling companions. They may be convinced that something awful is wrong and keep asking you the whole time if you're okay. That may become more annoying than dealing with morning (all day) sickness!

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New Member
switch the vitamins to the evening.I was there when i was 9 weeks pregnant .Some mornings were rough,but we still had a great time.Keep some barf bags(excuse my french)in your bag just in case.Make sure you have some saltines with you and try the attractions that dont spin you or toss you around earlier in the day.Whatever you do stay away from places that smell coffee like,for me it was instant :hurl:.Have fun and take it easier than you normally would.Remember there are lots of attractions that will not make you ill.try to stick to most of these.Have a good time and congratulations.
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New Member
"I think the secret is not to get too hungry. Eat small meals several times a day and drink plenty of water"

very good advice.keep something in your stomach so it doesnt get empty.
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Well-Known Member
There's lots of good tips here so I won't repeat those but this one hasn't been mentioned yet. A lot of people find that something sour helps them. I always had lemonade in the fridge when I was pregnant - sipping on a glass always helped me. Also, I found Sweet Tarts candy good as well. I carried them around with me everywhere and popped one in my mouth with I got the "feeling". In fact, I can't even eat Sweet Tarts now as they remind me of :hurl:! Hope you have a great trip and congratulations!:wave:
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Active Member
Ok, so not really morning sickness, more like all day sickness. How have you ladies dealt with this wonderful side effect while visiting the parks? I'm trying to figure out how I'm going to survive! And we haven't told the people who are coming with us about our new bundle!
My sis went when she was pregnant and had morning sickness, she threw up a lot but, still seemed to have a great time! She says that the bushes by the carosuel are a pretty good place to vomit, no one even noticed her hunched over in the bushes:hurl:!
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Well-Known Member
I had HORRIBLE moring sicknes with my DD I lost 7 lbs. anyway, there is a drug called Zofran you can take. It is for Chemo patients but works wonder for Preggie Po's. I couldn't stop :hurl::hurl::hurl: for anything much less WDW and thoose were heaven sent. Ask you Dr. about it, they will have much more information.
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New Member
Stay well hydrated
Maintain blood sugar by eating little and often as drops in the blood sugar perpetuate the cycle of nausea, have some light snacks like biscuits(hard cookies) in your bedside table and munch on these first thing in the morning with a drink before getting up
Ginger is recommended in the UK to help nausea most commonly hard ginger biscuits
Accupressure bands worn on the wrists may help
Stay cool
Rest whenever possible - don't be afraid to say you need to sit, sleep etc - your body will tell you what it needs but listen to it and act early.
Pharmacological products are not used in the UK except in severe cases of hyperemesis (continuous vomiting with signs of dehydration) and are not prescibed for nausea without vomiting.
Nausea is considered to be a normal side of pregnancy and whilst it maybe inconvenient think of it as a positive sign of all your pregnancy hormones working away.
Tiredness,fatigue and overdoing it in general will make it feel worse so it is important that you build some rest times into your day.
Most usually nausea should improve between weeks 14 - 16 and this is when you will enter your "radiant" phase.
Good luck
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New Member
Original Poster
Thank you

Thank you all for your advice. I'm going to try everything I can to make this an enjoyable vacation for me and my family. This will actually be my second time in WDW pregnant but with the first one I never had morning (aka all day) sickness. I was just super tired and in missed all the night shows cause I was already in bed. We have also decided to tell our group and swear them to secrecy for a couple more weeks.

Thanks again! I'm so excited to be there in 12 days!
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New Member
I am not a woman, but once when i was younger on the way to disney I was sooooo excited that I was sick all over my clothes (bare in mind that i think i was 5?) so my mum and dad had to buy me all new disney clothes - GET IN!

Not really the same as morning sickness - but ........
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Premium Member
With both of my pregnancies I had hyperemesis gravidarum. During my first pregnancy it was so severe that I had to quit my job due to constant hospitalizations. I lost 14 pounds in the 2nd month of my pregnancy. It did not help that my husband was deployed during this time and I was completely alone, living 800 miles from the nearest friend or family member!

But anyway, while at my sickest, my grandparents called me from Florida and asked if I'd like to come down and spend a few days at Disney. The smart thing would have been to say no, seeing as I had just gotten out of the hospital for about the 5th time, but I cannot say no to Disney, even during a time when I can't make it 10 minutes without throwing up. :lol:

So I woke up early in the morning, threw up multiple times, and got in my car and drove. I rolled my windows down and the excitement of the trip to Disney and the fresh air really helped a TON. I didn't throw up a single time during the entire 12 hour drive, and it had been months since I'd gone 12 hours without throwing up. The whole time at Disney was the same way. I'd wake up feeling a little queasy, but never actually threw up. Being out, walking around outdoors seemed to "cure" the problem. I went 4 straight days without incident!

Then on the morning that I had to drive home I immediately started throwing up again. I somehow managed the 12 hour drive, but the moment I got into my house the hyperemesis came back and I had my head in the toilet for the next several months.

It was bizarre. I still cannot believe I was able to drive 12 hours and back to Disney and spend 4 days at the parks in the midst of such a terrible illness.
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New Member
I know that my body was exhausted during the first couple months of my pregnancy. I was sick all day! Bananas and fruit punch worked wonders. I would go back in the afternoon and take a nap and drink plenty of fluids. Good luck
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