More PI News - Motions going 18 & Up


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
There are signs up that as of Feb. 6th, Motions will become an 18 & over club.

This means that people under the age of 18 will not be able to get in with an adult as they can now.

Personally, i think its long overdue. Just not an environment sutible for minors.


Well-Known Member
Talk about backwards thinking... they do away with the gates allowing minors onto the Island. And then they start throwing age limits into the clubs.

That's great. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Eh never cared for that club anyway....always to darn cramped in there. But I still dont know why they are letting families still into PI with people getting plastered in the streets........well all i can say its gonna happen to the wrong familly and someone is gonna say something....


Well-Known Member
Arrrr Captin, she's a sinking fast!

Remember, the push to open the street up to all guests was not because they wanted more people in the clubs. They want the street itself to have more people. They could care less about the clubs. If they can get more people on the street, they can justify putting more shops with stuff for them to buy in there. The clubs are only an afterthought, but as there attendance drops they will close them.

Why is motion now 18 and up? Simple, this now creates a "need" for some type of place for the "Family" to visit. Yes, it used to be a whole family could go into Motion. Not anymore.

Now, there is a NEED for a "family area." Anyone want to guess what's next on the chopping block?? Strong rumors at this point say Rock N Roll Beach Club. Guess what it will be replaced with? BOWLING!!

It will be run by an outside vendor (outside vendor means less cash invested for Disney, yet they still get a part of the revenue)

P.I. IS A SINKING SHIP any CM who does not get out now is going the way of the Titanic.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
The Beach Club Rumor is like years down the road. From what ive heard, its not out of the Blue Sky phase. It would be years down the road.

A Gated PI isnt comming back.... which it needs. There's an element of Un-Disneylike guests that seem to keep comming out. Its like, well, kids at the mall. Except in an alcohol environment and at night. Which isnt good.


.....Mannequeens, 8Trax and that Record your own video place might be converted into one huge club, with 3 seperate distinct sections/themes. No timetable on that.

.... West End Stage is still rumored to possibly be knocked down and a SKYY Vodka bar going up there.

.... Instead of Bowling, that whole section of buildings just might be raised - thats everything from Missing Link down to Beach Club - just to give Saratoga springs its view back.

.... Ticketing might be changing again.... something about a "One-Club" ticket floating around.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
As log as they leave AC and CW alone I’m good with it. The rest of PI could burn to the ground and it wouldn’t matter to me.


Park History nut
Premium Member
Why can`t they just leave things alone??

If the WE Stage is gone on my next visit guest relations are going to get AN EARFUL!

slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
TAC said:
Why mess with the R&R Beach Club?

Does it not draw enough to keep around?

I'm sure my experience was an exception to the rule, but when I went in August, there were 5 people there on a Thursday night (to be fair, a hurricane was coming in 2 days, and all of PI was hurting).

My thing with PI might come across as greedy and selfish, since I don't have kids, but it's supposed to be a place for adults. One of the few places that's not completely family-friendly. And if they're going to keep the streets open to everyone, it's going to get more mall-like. I said it once before, but it's only a matter of time before a teenage girl in PI with her family, but temporarily separated from them, gets abducted or slipped a roofie by some guy who's going to take advantage of her. OR some patrons are going to get drunk and angry, start a fight, and some kid's going to get in the way. As it is, I'm sure a lot of locals who are adults, looking to party, stopped going to PI because it's hard to get your swerve on when a family of 4 from Idaho are asking you to move so they can take a picture of their 8 year old daughter busting a move on the dance floor.

I thought PI was originally created because too many guests were sneaking off to Church Street for adult-oriented fun at night, and Disney thought giving guests on-site club action (with the requisite expensive drinks) would keep them around. I can understand a need, or desire, for more family-oriented action, which I thought was one of the reasons why DisneyQuest was invented.

IMHO, Disney made a huge mistake opening up PI for anyone and everyone to walk around. I'm sorry that some families might have kidw who'll whine that they want to go. I'm sorry that some families might have to spring for a babysitter so the grownups can go. But there are lots of places at Disney for the entire family to enjoy, and there are lots of places all over this whole wide world kids are NOT allowed to go into. I find it hard to believe that opening up PI to everyone generates enough income to compensate for the people that now DON'T go to PI.

If there really are people who insist that their kids chould get into PI, then make one or two nights a week family-friendly and keep it closed off the rest of the week for adults.


IDreamOfDisney said:
I was wondering if they still do a "New Years" countdown every night? :confused:



I was there Dec 30 and it was way toned down. The time before that (about 3 years ago) it was a celebration. They had the confetti blowing everyplace and a band on the stage.

I was so disappointed this time. Especially the eve to New Years eve.


Well-Known Member
PhotoDave219 said:
.... Instead of Bowling, that whole section of buildings just might be raised - thats everything from Missing Link down to Beach Club - just to give Saratoga springs its view back.
I dont understand this. What sort of view did Saratoga get taken away? What do you mean by raised???

And yes, they have NYE every night at midnight.. It's pretty lame if I may say so myself. It's NOTHING at all like you see in the promotional videos!

Gail Hayden

New Member
slappy magoo said:
I'm sure my experience was an exception to the rule, but when I went in August, there were 5 people there on a Thursday night (to be fair, a hurricane was coming in 2 days, and all of PI was hurting).

My thing with PI might come across as greedy and selfish, since I don't have kids, but it's supposed to be a place for adults. One of the few places that's not completely family-friendly. And if they're going to keep the streets open to everyone, it's going to get more mall-like. I said it once before, but it's only a matter of time before a teenage girl in PI with her family, but temporarily separated from them, gets abducted or slipped a roofie by some guy who's going to take advantage of her. OR some patrons are going to get drunk and angry, start a fight, and some kid's going to get in the way. As it is, I'm sure a lot of locals who are adults, looking to party, stopped going to PI because it's hard to get your swerve on when a family of 4 from Idaho are asking you to move so they can take a picture of their 8 year old daughter busting a move on the dance floor.

I thought PI was originally created because too many guests were sneaking off to Church Street for adult-oriented fun at night, and Disney thought giving guests on-site club action (with the requisite expensive drinks) would keep them around. I can understand a need, or desire, for more family-oriented action, which I thought was one of the reasons why DisneyQuest was invented.

IMHO, Disney made a huge mistake opening up PI for anyone and everyone to walk around. I'm sorry that some families might have kidw who'll whine that they want to go. I'm sorry that some families might have to spring for a babysitter so the grownups can go. But there are lots of places at Disney for the entire family to enjoy, and there are lots of places all over this whole wide world kids are NOT allowed to go into. I find it hard to believe that opening up PI to everyone generates enough income to compensate for the people that now DON'T go to PI.

If there really are people who insist that their kids chould get into PI, then make one or two nights a week family-friendly and keep it closed off the rest of the week for adults.

Well stated!!!! ITAA!!!!! and have for years.


Well-Known Member
I remember going once when i was 8.... going back this year since i am 18 now....

I remember the clubs i didn't go in were crowded or 18/21 up..... I remember the New years events that were nightly and were great.. coins.. beeds.... confeti.. a huge countdown... it was great... by making the island free to go through they must have toned it down a lot....


New Member
Here's my suggestion for the sinking Pleasure Island that wouldn't require gates to go back up: ultra-lounges. Ultra wha? There's a new trend in nightlife in New York, Los Angeles, Las Vegas and other social enclaves called ultra-lounges. Now, you'll never hear anyone in the city caught dead saying, "I'm going to an ultra-lounge!" but the basic concept has changed the industry. It's esentially the merging of a club and a bar. The spaces are smaller. There's no cover charge. Booze usually costs more. There's often appertizer-y food. And partygoers do more than dance. Oh, and no one under 21 is admitted, natch. Also, I hear the teens-only clubs on the Disney Magic and Wonder are really popular. So I think Disney should turn 8-Trax and Mannequins into high-end ultra-lounges, keep the Comedy Warehouse, BET Soundstage and Adventurer's Club as-is, turn Motions into a teen-only club, and make the Rock and Roll Beach Club into a bowling alley that serves beer (making junior and daddy happy).


Well-Known Member
nickcarraway said:
Here's my suggestion for the sinking Pleasure Island that wouldn't require gates to go back up: ultra-lounges. Ultra wha? There's a new trend in nightlife in New York, Los Angeles, Las Vegas and other social enclaves called ultra-lounges. Now, you'll never hear anyone in the city caught dead saying, "I'm going to an ultra-lounge!" but the basic concept has changed the industry. It's esentially the merging of a club and a bar. The spaces are smaller. There's no cover charge. Booze usually costs more. There's often appertizer-y food. And partygoers do more than dance. Oh, and no one under 21 is admitted, natch. Also, I hear the teens-only clubs on the Disney Magic and Wonder are really popular. So I think Disney should turn 8-Trax and Mannequins into high-end ultra-lounges, keep the Comedy Warehouse, BET Soundstage and Adventurer's Club as-is, turn Motions into a teen-only club, and make the Rock and Roll Beach Club into a bowling alley that serves beer (making junior and daddy happy).
Now THAT is a really good idea.


Well-Known Member
Ultra-lounges have already been talked about. Sadly, we got a "VIP Area" upstairs at Motion and at BET instead of it. Don't give up hope yet. You'll see that another club will be replaced and will be run by an outside company. This could be the "ultra" concept.

As far as the time frame. I wish this was all blue sky, it's not. There is a plan, they just do not want to talk about it or make it public. There are blueprints; imaganeering has been on the island looking at possible options.

You've seen over the last year now, little things changing. It's always been announced as a "test" yet that "test" becomes permanent. West End Stage is going away, you'll see that this year. Mark my words on it; the area will be connected to the Westside with a new walkway and shops. At that point, PI will no longer be called "Pleasure Island." It will become just "Downtown Disney" Along that time; the words "West Side" will be removed from the current "Downtown Disney West Side." You'll also see the one price per club option. Why? Because this helps justify closing down any club that does not directly bring in revenue.

Photo Dave, I wish so much that this wasn't true. Sadly, it is. Everyone who works at PI knows it. Why else has management been jumping ship, why else have long time bartenders started to look for other jobs, why else has budgeting and planning gone down the tubes? Why no big name acts? Why the simple overlays? Why not replace the West End video wall with something that works?

They are doing EVERYTHING IN THE POWER TO MAKE SURE PI DOES NOT SUCCEED. They "WANT" that shady element of society to show up, which gives them the reason to "close" it down.. Too much risk they will say. The new Irish pub will be a BIG hit. They will say "outside vendors run it, works great lets do it again!"

Remember, this does not mean no more nightclubs and drinking. It just means that will be much different than it is now. You'll see a lot more shops; in fact you'll find more shops and restaurants than ever before. There will be a few clubs (Mannequins, with a different music format, Ad-Club, and Comedy)
and that's it. Go visit Citywalk; you'll see what's going to happen.


New Member
The problem that I see with the night clubs at Disney is that they don't do a good job promoting to the locals from what I hear. If they could get a solid loyal crowd for each club and bring in the right DJs they would do a lot better. The clubs are really nice clubs, but it seems that they don't have the right management running them.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
slappy magoo said:
I'm sure my experience was an exception to the rule, but when I went in August, there were 5 people there on a Thursday night (to be fair, a hurricane was coming in 2 days, and all of PI was hurting).

My thing with PI might come across as greedy and selfish, since I don't have kids, but it's supposed to be a place for adults.
I have three kids and I agree with you 100%. PI is for adult’s end of story. I won’t take my kids there not because I’m not worried about my children seeing an intoxicated person or being in the middle of a drunken brawl, it is out of respect for the other adults at PI.


Thelazer said:
Now, there is a NEED for a "family area." Anyone want to guess what's next on the chopping block?? Strong rumors at this point say Rock N Roll Beach Club. Guess what it will be replaced with? BOWLING!!

It will be run by an outside vendor (outside vendor means less cash invested for Disney, yet they still get a part of the revenue)

So they want a bowling alley and are looking into building more shops and restaurants....

Could it be a Jillian's?

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