More PI News - Motions going 18 & Up


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Master Yoda said:
I have three kids and I agree with you 100%. PI is for adult’s end of story. I won’t take my kids there not because I’m not worried about my children seeing an intoxicated person or being in the middle of a drunken brawl, it is out of respect for the other adults at PI.
I completely agree, Master Yoda. It is completley out of respect for other adults that are trying to have fun w/out kids to have to listen to little kids whine and cry for some reason or another.

Gail Hayden

New Member
Master Yoda said:
I have three kids and I agree with you 100%. PI is for adult’s end of story. I won’t take my kids there not because I’m not worried about my children seeing an intoxicated person or being in the middle of a drunken brawl, it is out of respect for the other adults at PI.

As an adult, an empty nester to be exact, I do thank you and appreciate your consideration. :)


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Original Poster
Lazer... I'm just going with information that I can verify through a couple of sources. I still stick to that whole "two sources" rule before i go with anything.

Im not doubting you. I wish a lot wasnt true.


Well-Known Member
All I can say is it is time. The PI concept was worn out a few years ago. Disney must changes with the politics of this country in order to stay profitable. With all the family values junk, PI just isn't palatable to a lot of folks anymore. Its just inappropriate for adults to admit that they went on a Disney vacation and got plastered at PI.

I have to say this: Family Values and Politically Correct have jsut gotten way too out of control. The swing the other way should be real entertaining. :lol:


Well-Known Member
They can change around PI as much as they want, but they better not take away the giant Jessica Rabbit. Actually now that I think about it, they should just turn PI into the shady part of toon town with the dueling pianos bar from Roger Rabbit. That would be great. Oh well that would never happen.


New Member
PhotoDave219 said:
There are signs up that as of Feb. 6th, Motions will become an 18 & over club.

Ah, the joys of being seventeen....:rolleyes: Oh well, guess that means I'll have to get over there before Feb 6th. :)


Well-Known Member
I'll just say, that all this week, there has been a MAJOR amount of survey work on the island.

There has also been quite a few Imaganeering and construction types walking with blueprints and taken digital photos of things.

So whatever it is they are doing, it's down on paper at this point.

Gail Hayden

New Member
niteobsrvr said:
All I can say is it is time. The PI concept was worn out a few years ago. Disney must changes with the politics of this country in order to stay profitable. With all the family values junk, PI just isn't palatable to a lot of folks anymore. Its just inappropriate for adults to admit that they went on a Disney vacation and got plastered at PI.

I have to say this: Family Values and Politically Correct have jsut gotten way too out of control. The swing the other way should be real entertaining. :lol:

I completely agree with you. I cannot wait for the swing the other way. It should be totally entertaining, to say the least. Hopefully, in the swing back, people will realize that the parents are the ones that set the tone for family values, NOT anyone else.


Active Member
I have already said something to this effect before, but I think that the whole PI sould be 18 or 21 & Up. There is no point in bringing your kids to PI if they cant go into any clubs or bars. Also, I wouldnt let my kids go because you never know whats going to happen...someone might be walking around drunk or a fight might break out. You just never know. PI is supposed to be an "Adult' place. Not a place where I think kids should be.


Well-Known Member
And that statement right there is the reason why PI will be closed and re-themed. It's not for kids and family.

This has NOTHING to do with Family Values folks.
It has all to do with MONEY MONEY MONEY!

Gail Hayden

New Member
aklodge said:
I have already said something to this effect before, but I think that the whole PI sould be 18 or 21 & Up. There is no point in bringing your kids to PI if they cant go into any clubs or bars. Also, I wouldnt let my kids go because you never know whats going to happen...someone might be walking around drunk or a fight might break out. You just never know. PI is supposed to be an "Adult' place. Not a place where I think kids should be.

Unfortunately, that is not true. Children can go into almost any club there.
Mannequins, BET are over 21. AC, Comedy Club etc. has no age limit with a parent or guardian.
Personally, I do believe it should be 18 and over for everyone. So, I do agree with you on this, totally.


New Member
Here's my two cents....

My hubby and I both worked on Bourbon Street for years. For those of you who don't know what Bourbon Street is, it's an adult oriented street full of night clubs for straight people and gay specific and strip clubs galore. You cannot imagine the amount of people that bring their children up and down this street on any given day/night. People here urinate in the street and god knows what else:hurl:. Now, you would think that if you do not want your children to see something, you would get off of the street, right? Not in New Orleans! They continue down the street as if nothing is amiss. They don't notice their kids noticing the scantley clad strippers in the doorways or people of the same gender making out in the street. They pay no heed to the guy dancing naked for the few minutes before the cops finally drag him away after everyone has had a good laugh. And they don't flinch when the man (or occasional mule) is laying dead in the street because bouncers just kicked the crap out of him. Well over 200 kids under the age of 12 will walk down this street everyday.

The point is that some people don't feel the same way about nightlife as others. Those of you who enjoy the "adult" themed areas of Disney are worried that this may not be the place for kids. I assure you that there are worse places:D.

A family worried about traditional family values would do better to sign their kids (under 12) up for a kid's club program. They are available at most Deluxe resorts for a fee. But what do you do with you teens? Disney Quest is a great place to leave those guys while the adults go down the street to play. **Disney would do a deal better by providing a teen club and this would also satisfy their pocket book as well.***
What happens when the same family can't afford to leave the kid's in their age appropriate places? Should Disney say, too bad for you? Logically we can all argue that these parents should forego PI until they can either afford to leave their kids somewhere or until they are on an adult only trip. But, this may be "THE TRIP" and they can't afford to return until the kids move out. These people want to see PI.They want to participate in the New Years celebration that they have read so much about and they think it would be fun for the kids to be sprayed with a confetti cannon. They may not have a bourbon Street to visit back at home. Disney wants to make more $$$ so they allow this family into PI in hopes that they will make a purchase while they are there.
In order to capitalize on the family, Disney says "come on in!" and in turn they make age requirments so that the partying adults can enjoy spending their money too without the patter of little feet. It's a nice trade-off so that Disney can make $$$$$$$$$$$.

So, now that I'm done with the psycology/marketing stratagies of Disney PI, let me offer some advice...
We all want Disney to make money because the more money they get, the better the parks/film become. If kids make you uncomfortable while you're getting sloshed, stay in the clubs that will not allow them. Everybody wins this way.
....and if you really want to party....Mardi Gras is next weekend. See you on Bourbon Street:D (But don't bring your kids:lol:)

Gail Hayden

New Member
longfamily said:
Here's my two cents....

My hubby and I both worked on Bourbon Street for years. For those of you who don't know what Bourbon Street is, it's an adult oriented street full of night clubs for straight people and gay specific and strip clubs galore. You cannot imagine the amount of people that bring their children up and down this street on any given day/night. People here urinate in the street and god knows what else:hurl:. Now, you would think that if you do not want your children to see something, you would get off of the street, right? Not in New Orleans! They continue down the street as if nothing is amiss. They don't notice their kids noticing the scantley clad strippers in the doorways or people of the same gender making out in the street. They pay no heed to the guy dancing naked for the few minutes before the cops finally drag him away after everyone has had a good laugh. And they don't flinch when the man (or occasional mule) is laying dead in the street because bouncers just kicked the crap out of him. Well over 200 kids under the age of 12 will walk down this street everyday.

The point is that some people don't feel the same way about nightlife as others. Those of you who enjoy the "adult" themed areas of Disney are worried that this may not be the place for kids. I assure you that there are worse places:D.

A family worried about traditional family values would do better to sign their kids (under 12) up for a kid's club program. They are available at most Deluxe resorts for a fee. But what do you do with you teens? Disney Quest is a great place to leave those guys while the adults go down the street to play. **Disney would do a deal better by providing a teen club and this would also satisfy their pocket book as well.***
What happens when the same family can't afford to leave the kid's in their age appropriate places? Should Disney say, too bad for you? Logically we can all argue that these parents should forego PI until they can either afford to leave their kids somewhere or until they are on an adult only trip. But, this may be "THE TRIP" and they can't afford to return until the kids move out. These people want to see PI.They want to participate in the New Years celebration that they have read so much about and they think it would be fun for the kids to be sprayed with a confetti cannon. They may not have a bourbon Street to visit back at home. Disney wants to make more $$$ so they allow this family into PI in hopes that they will make a purchase while they are there.
In order to capitalize on the family, Disney says "come on in!" and in turn they make age requirments so that the partying adults can enjoy spending their money too without the patter of little feet. It's a nice trade-off so that Disney can make $$$$$$$$$$$.

So, now that I'm done with the psycology/marketing stratagies of Disney PI, let me offer some advice...
We all want Disney to make money because the more money they get, the better the parks/film become. If kids make you uncomfortable while you're getting sloshed, stay in the clubs that will not allow them. Everybody wins this way.
....and if you really want to party....Mardi Gras is next weekend. See you on Bourbon Street:D (But don't bring your kids:lol:)

I don't drink, but, I also don't appreciate children in clubs. It has been advertised for years as a place for adults to play. I love the AC but, have seen many children there, which does tend to tone down the interaction between CMs and guests. Hence, the actual fun there. To the best of my knowledge there are only two 21 and over clubs at PI, neither of which I wish to attend. I do know I am not the only one that wishes to restrict children from PI. What to do with teens? Leave them in the room. Send them to DQ, since they are teens, there should be no problem trusting them at DQ or in their room.
I base my own family values on my own set of rules, I don't wish to inflict my FVs on anyone, but, I do enjoy a place for adults only.
I have never been to Bourbon Street, but, you description makes me curious. :) Seeing a dead mule would upset me greatly. Seeing children in an atmosphere like what you described would be upsetting also. Not enough to say anything, but, certainly to wonder what the parents were thinking.
Worse places, for sure, but, we are talking Disney here, a place with some modicum of control, a place where we are deafened by the sound of "solid family values", place where "it is all for the children", yada yada yada. IMHO, PI is NOT a place for children and it would be wonderful if some of the parents of today realized that their little darlings are not appreciated or welcomed everywhere. Did you not grow up learning that there is a time and place for everything? I bet you did. :) Where did that basic concept go?


New Member
My friends and I used to go to PI all the time. The WE stage is one of the best features. It's nice to be outside there with a beer listening to live music. Every night at midnight they had confetti and fireworks and it would get crowded for the countdown and then everyone would go back to the clubs afterwards. If or when the WE stage goes, will there be anymore live acts to go to PI? I've seen the Goo Goo Dolls, Big Bad Voodoo Daddy, Duran Duran etc......The only thing I thought would be a cool change for there would be to encorporate more of a view of lake buena vista byt opening the back of something like the r and r beach club and have a patio or a dock over the water. I like the Irish Pub idea however


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Original Poster
Yes Gail, the AC does tone it down a bit when Kids are around. I know some of the performers have a problem with lil kids around late at night, based on comments theyve made. (And the small pathways do tend to be a problem for the strollers.)

I know i get uncomfortable when im downing a drink and i'm talking with friends and i look over and theres a seven year old.


Account Suspended
PhotoDave219 said:
There are signs up that as of Feb. 6th, Motions will become an 18 & over club.

This means that people under the age of 18 will not be able to get in with an adult as they can now.

Personally, i think its long overdue. Just not an environment sutible for minors.

Well, I guess I could go if I wanted to. But it's too bad that I hate clubs. All the girls who are at clubs are trash (just from my experiences). I really don't understand why people who are under 21 go to PI. I mean if you are under 21 YOU CAN'T DRINK (leagally atleast). I know a lot of minors drink underage (heck I'm definately one of them) but seriously why waste your time at a club. I have never met anyone worth while at a club. I mean if you do meet someone and it gets serious people will ask you where did you meet? In a club:lookaroun . Oh yeah that will really show that you know how to pick 'em!:lol:


New Member
I mean if you are under 21 YOU CAN'T DRINK (leagally atleast). I know a lot of minors drink underage (heck I'm definately one of them) but seriously why waste your time at a club.

BAHA, here the legal drinking age is eighteen... I mean I never understood why in America you have to be 18 to vote, but you have to be 21 to drink. :rolleyes:


Account Suspended
Christina said:
BAHA, here the legal drinking age is eighteen... I mean I never understood why in America you have to be 18 to vote, but you have to be 21 to drink. :rolleyes:

Trust me, I'm 18 and even I think the law should be 21! Just the amount of alcohol that kids my age consume "illegally" is rediculous! I couldn't even immagine what it would be like if we were legally able to buy beer.

Well I guess I gotta go up to Canada to get my booze. Oh well, I guess I'll have to wait 3 more years here in the US to be considered 'legal.':rolleyes: I kinda almost think that they should go back to 3/2 beer for everyone under 21. At least then kids would waste sooooo much money on getting drunk they wouldn't even want to buy their own alcohol! I mean with 3/2 beer it takes you about double the consumption to get 'legally drunk.' Right now with the way alcohol laws are it would take about 3 regular beers in order to get a person of average weight legally drrunk. With 3/2 beer it would be 6 beers. Although, in the great state of Ohio if you are under 21 and have above a .02 alcohol level you are arrested with no questions asked. To illustrate how rediculous that is: if I was to use Listerine mouth wash and then take the breathilizer (sp) test 30 minutes later I would have a .05 alcohol level! How rediculous is that?

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