Being a New Jersian outside of Philly, I concur regarding pork roll. It's awful as far as nutrional value goes, but it taste awesome.
Another of our regional yummies is scrapple. Since we are on the subject of hot dogs, scrapple is what does NOT make it into hot dogs! It's a regional breakfast "meat" made from "everything but the oink" from a pig. And as one of my out of town friends said "Scrapple, the other grey meat!". It comes in grey blocks that you slice down and fry. I personally like mine done in bacon grease, but others prefer them deep fried. Either way, it rocks!
And if you think hot dogs are made from junk, scrapple is about 99 CENTS a POUND generally making it about the same price as a can of dog food. So you know its all about quality! :ROFLOL: