If the plaintiffs concerns were a true ADA violation complaint, they would have filed with the DOJ. The DOJ then elects to pursue several courses of action;
Option 1: Discrimination cases are often handled and taken up by a mediation program.
Option 2: Referring the case to the United States Attorney General for investigation.
Option 3: Refering the complaint to another federal agency designated to resolve the issue.
Option 4: Directly investigating the issue.
Option 5: Considering the complaint for litigation by the DOJ.
While I paraphrased a bit, if you would like to review this information it can be found at
The action of filing this complaint can be done by anyone with no attorney required. I fortunately haven't been past the mediation stage of the process. I assure you that, any type of discrimination case (ADA, Race,Religion etc...) is no fun to be on either side of. If the complaint was filed in this way, we should be reading news by now about the DOJ taking Disney to the FunHouse.
I can assure you anecdotally, I have been on both sides of cases similar to these. The reasons for taking up such a case in this manner by an attorney is financial gain in some form. Some, if not many, will have no out of pocket costs (regardless of the lawyers pay day hopes). This is a cash grab (mostly by attorney's I am sure). If not, where is the DOJ? This has been a complaint since the new program started. This would be a Bellwether for the entire theme park industry.They should be knocking on the door and crowing about their pursuit of the evil Disney Company.
Perhaps this happened and I missed it. When I am done working today, I will go spelunking for anything on this subject.