To me, it would be nice if the shops, rides, and attractions would return to their former glory, but more importantly is the behavior of the CMs. I have witnessed things on this trip that I never thought I'd hear at WDW. At one point I overheard two CMs talking and one dropped the F-bomb. Later in the trip, my 5yo son was getting stamps on his mask around the World Showcase in Epcot. He walked up to one of the Kidcot stations and there were two CMs sitting there to "help" the kids. They asked him what color tag he wanted for his mask and he, being 5, took a little time to decide. I assure you it was no longer than 5 seconds after they asked him that they very rudely told him he had 5 seconds to make up his mind and began counting down. At that point I walked over to make sure they didn't crush his spirit. There were no other kids around and one of the CMs looked like he had just woken up. He was rubbing his eyes and all. Both looked extremely bored with their job. I just couldn't believe what I was seeing. I never would have thought I'd see things like this happening at Disney.
Sorry that happened to you. Unfortunately, you can't control every employee, and there are always going to be bad apples in the bunch. Most CMs really enjoy their jobs, but of course there are always people that are only there for the paycheck.