Monorails to no longer operate during Evening Extra Magic Hours


Well-Known Member
It's called 40 years of precedent. Barring a random or emergency shutdown (which didn't occur very often until recently), the monorail was basically always there to transport guests to/from MK and Epcot during those parks' operating hours (including EMH, which is when I personally need the monorails). Now, that's not the case. If I see less value in the monorail resorts because of it, and choose to stay at Wilderness Lodge or Swan (significantly cheaper resorts) as a result, that's my choice. I have no requirement to stay at a more expensive resort if I don't feel I'm getting what I paid for, especially when there are deluxe (or deluxe-equivalent) resorts that cost around 50% less.

I never said you had to stay at a Magic Kingdom area resort, if you do not wish to stay there, then you are right, you may stay where ever you choose. Your resort stay gives you access to Walt Disney World transportation, and while the monorail has, in the past, been available during the Extra Magic Hours, Guests will now make use of other transportation options.


Well-Known Member
I never said you had to stay at a Magic Kingdom area resort, if you do not wish to stay there, then you are right, you may stay where ever you choose. Your resort stay gives you access to Walt Disney World transportation, and while the monorail has, in the past, been available during the Extra Magic Hours, Guests will now make use of other transportation options.
People (including you) keep asking why am I complaining about this. People have been saying I'm self-absorbed and refuse to see the big picture because I'm upset about this change. I answered you back by saying that monorail service is something I expect when paying $400+ per night to be at GF, and at this point we've chosen other (cheaper) resorts with bus service to MK where we're perfectly fine with bus/boat transport. There's just no winning with you people. I explain why the change upsets me, and then I'm self-absorbed and "should complain about other things". Then I explain that I've actually put my money where my mouth is and am not just complaining for the sake of it, and that's not enough either.

The bottom line is I'm allowed to be upset about a change even if you don't understand why. Just like I won't tell someone to stop complaining about the broken yeti or Pleasure Island or AK's lack of attractions even though I personally don't care that much.


Active Member
it's 3 hours ONCE a week late at night, twice a week during peak season. Do they run for morning EMH? YES. Do they run for the first hour of EMH, which happens to be several hours after fireworks during the busy season? YES. Are there alternate forms of transportation offered? YES

I'm sorry, you're right, this is a horrible mistake. How about, if the next time monofails go down, YOU stand and deal with 50k ppl exiting the park at one time and all the yelling and complaints that go with it, since you obviously feel your 3 hrs a week of EMH monorail access are more important than the 50k ppl exiting the park on xmas day, July 3, July 4, etc. Then we'll see how quickly you change your tune, along with everyone else

There maint. Staff must be miracle workers. If an extra 3 hours once a week is going to keep the entire monorail fleet in tip-top shape.


Well-Known Member
People (including you) keep asking why am I complaining about this. People have been saying I'm self-absorbed and refuse to see the big picture because I'm upset about this change. I answered you back by saying that monorail service is something I expect when paying $400+ per night to be at GF, and at this point we've chosen other (cheaper) resorts with bus service to MK where we're perfectly fine with bus/boat transport. There's just no winning with you people. I explain why the change upsets me, and then I'm self-absorbed and "should complain about other things". Then I explain that I've actually put my money where my mouth is and am not just complaining for the sake of it, and that's not enough either.

The bottom line is I'm allowed to be upset about a change even if you don't understand why. Just like I won't tell someone to stop complaining about the broken yeti or Pleasure Island or AK's lack of attractions even though I personally don't care that much.

I never asked you why you were complaining about this, my original comment was not directed at anyone in particular. There is nothing stating that Magic Kingdom Area resorts will feature monorail transportation during Extra Magic Hours or special events, but I understand that this is something Guests have become accustomed to, and understand that they are upset at this change in service. Im not asking you to prove anything, it is completely fine that you are upset with this change. I would invite you to let Guest Relations know during your stay why you have chenged your resort reservation so they can take note of it, and hope you have a great time at whatever resort in which you to choose to stay.


Well-Known Member
I never asked you why you were complaining about this, my original comment was not directed at anyone in particular. There is nothing stating that Magic Kingdom Area resorts will feature monorail transportation during Extra Magic Hours or special events, but I understand that this is something Guests have become accustomed to, and understand that they are upset at this change in service. Im not asking you to prove anything, it is completely fine that you are upset with this change. I would invite you to let Guest Relations know during your stay why you have chenged your resort reservation so they can take note of it, and hope you have a great time at whatever resort in which you to choose to stay.
As far as resort guests are concerned, extra magic hour is part of the park's operating hours. And there has never been anything (until this change) that said there wouldn't be monorail transport during EMH. It goes both ways.

And we've already stayed at WL and Swan since the change. We had a great time at both (for way less $$$ than GF would've been), and I'm happy I didn't have to deal with the increasingly messed up monorail system. The downtime is reaching crazy levels, so I understand why the maintenance is necessary, but I don't want to stay at a monorail resort until the whole line is more solid and hours don't have to be reduced.


Well-Known Member
I have no real "dog in this fight" but it does seem odd that WDW would offer EMHs as a benefit of staying on property and then reduce the ease of some of those resort guest getting "home" from the very parks they are keeping open late for them :shrug:

Just my .02


Well-Known Member
As far as resort guests are concerned, extra magic hour is part of the park's operating hours. And there has never been anything (until this change) that said there wouldn't be monorail transport during EMH. It goes both ways.

And we've already stayed at WL and Swan since the change. We had a great time at both (for way less $$$ than GF would've been), and I'm happy I didn't have to deal with the increasingly messed up monorail system. The downtime is reaching crazy levels, so I understand why the maintenance is necessary, but I don't want to stay at a monorail resort until the whole line is more solid and hours don't have to be reduced.

It is true, it can go both ways. I would still invite you to visit Guest Relations to explain why you switched resorts, these things to get taken note of.


Well-Known Member
If you aren't going to run the monorails--despite four decades of precedent--you need to inform people of that when they make their ADRs, then also make sure the Narcoosees maitre d' is aware of the issue and can politely approach guests staying at a monorail resort to tell them this and offer a potential solution (including comping the meal if they have to skip dessert to catch the last monorail). Taking their money for a hotel and dinner, letting them walk up to a closed monorail station, then shrugging your shoulders and suggesting a boatride to a 15-minute walk...unacceptable for a 1-star, let alone an alleged 4-star resort.

Totally agree on your last point, tho. With basic upkeep--say nothing of Disney-level upkeep--this should not have been a problem.

Well said!:)


Well-Known Member
And things change. I'm very angry people complain about this. It's just soooooo absurd
Why be angry that people complain about this? Let people choose what's important to them. I'll complain about this, but I won't complain about the yeti. I have different priorities. You can't say what is or isn't acceptable.


Active Member
:veryconfu OK. I am really confused... This morning we took the monorail at 12:30 to the TTC. That was 2.5 hours after the park closed. Yes there was a EMH in progress. Both beams were working. I do not know about the Epcot line. It was a nice supprise.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
There maint. Staff must be miracle workers. If an extra 3 hours once a week is going to keep the entire monorail fleet in tip-top shape.

actually, yes, it makes a big difference. Last night rails shut down at 11am. It took them over an hour to cycle trains down to proper locations. At 1am(EMH Close) they had the beam tractor out in front of MK already working on things.

In fact, between Aug 1 and Aug 13th, they got an additional 66 hours worth of work out of the change of operational hours and replaced 1800 feat of bus bar and 100+ transistors.

So yes, it does make a difference.


Well-Known Member
The MK very rarely closes at 7, unless it's a party night.

Also, they weren't visiting during the winter months, they were visiting during the summer when everything is pretty much expected to stay open later.

First of all - there are plenty of nights in January/February/March that the MK can close at 7 or 8. As soon as its dark enough for the fireworks to go off..they do...and the park closes.

Second of all - it matters not what time of year they are visiting if the argument is regarding a late dinner. If the Magic Kingdom closed at 8, and their reservation at CA Grille at the Contemporary was for 9, they would be in the same situation. So...whats the difference? I highly doubt their vacation was scheduled during the summer months simply so they could take the monorail back for that one late dinner.


Wilson King of Prussia
First of all - there are plenty of nights in January/February/March that the MK can close at 7 or 8. As soon as its dark enough for the fireworks to go off..they do...and the park closes.

Second of all - it matters not what time of year they are visiting if the argument is regarding a late dinner. If the Magic Kingdom closed at 8, and their reservation at CA Grille at the Contemporary was for 9, they would be in the same situation. So...whats the difference? I highly doubt their vacation was scheduled during the summer months simply so they could take the monorail back for that one late dinner.

Relax. You said 7, not 8. Lots of 8 closings, but you said 7. Not nearly as many of those, unless like I said, it's a party night.

How does the time of year not matter? I choose to go to WDW during the months that everything is open later because I like going not going to bed at 9 or 10. Pretty big difference for me. This also means I can have a late dinner and still be able to use the monorail to get home if I'm dining at another monorail resort. Some of us actually do go to WDW during certain times of the year because of park hours. So yes, the time of year does matter for my vacations.


Well-Known Member
Relax. You said 7, not 8. Lots of 8 closings, but you said 7. Not nearly as many of those, unless like I said, it's a party night.

How does the time of year not matter? I choose to go to WDW during the months that everything is open later because I like going not going to bed at 9 or 10. Pretty big difference for me. This also means I can have a late dinner and still be able to use the monorail to get home if I'm dining at another monorail resort. Some of us actually do go to WDW during certain times of the year because of park hours. So yes, the time of year does matter for my vacations.

Do I seem unrelaxed? Really? I am merely pointing out that there are tons of people who visit at different times of the year that have to adjust to the early closing at MK. Clearly, everyone else will, as well if they chose to dine late. It's pretty simple actually... In fact, I am pretty relaxed with that reality..


As I was leaving the MK this evening via the Express line, a recording came on saying that the monorail had to run at reduced speed. The normal speed resumed once we got closer to the Grand Floridan. Any idea what that was about?


Active Member
actually, yes, it makes a big difference. Last night rails shut down at 11am. It took them over an hour to cycle trains down to proper locations. At 1am(EMH Close) they had the beam tractor out in front of MK already working on things.

In fact, between Aug 1 and Aug 13th, they got an additional 66 hours worth of work out of the change of operational hours and replaced 1800 feat of bus bar and 100+ transistors.

So yes, it does make a difference.

That's great. We are only "losing 3 hours once a week." In monorail usage. They are gaining 66 hours in 2 weeks. So can we get that 3 hours a week back and have them only gain 60 hours? :)


Well-Known Member
So Im confused, I guess I missed the part when making my reservation telling me that the monorail is going to be operating at any time I wish? Transportation is being provided to Guests in form of water craft and motorcaoch, although some people may feel this isnt as "magical", these are the transportation methods available.

except when you're staying at the poly...get on the watercraft (because the monorail is closed) get to the first stop which is always the gf and they get a call to stop transportation because there is lightning in the area. you either then get to get on a bus at the gf ride to mk loop or you walk carrying a sleepy 7 year old to the poly. it was a pain in the ______.


Well-Known Member
except when you're staying at the poly...get on the watercraft (because the monorail is closed) get to the first stop which is always the gf and they get a call to stop transportation because there is lightning in the area. you either then get to get on a bus at the gf ride to mk loop or you walk carrying a sleepy 7 year old to the poly. it was a pain in the ______.
Thanks for sharing your experience, and sorry it was so negative. It reassures me that we made the right choice in picking non-monorail resorts for our most recent stays. I'll gladly return to GF or Poly as soon as the monorails are back in pristine form (CR, I might be willing to return to sooner, since it's cheaper and still has the walkway to MK). :)

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