Monorail to MGM


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by leebier
Don't you want to take a ferry boat everywhere on Disney property? It would be fun, and magical. Screw all those PRESSLER's out there who just want to get to the theme park. And those jerks with dinner reservations at another park? They should know better than to plan to go to multiple parks in one day! They should understand and appreciate a system that can't move enough people during the right times of the day to the places they want to go. It's all part of the MAGIC, right?

(with tounge planted firmly in cheek)

YOU GO! :sohappy: :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
Monorails are VERY nice. But c'mon, this is 2002 here, we should be thinking of things more magical than "monorails".

How much would a "transporter" (a-la Star Trek) cost? ( forget it, that's not important) Wouldn't it be cool and more magical to have transporter rooms in all of the resorts and parks?

Let's analyze the positives:

"Transporters" would be the most efficiant way of getting people from place to place.
Transporters are magical, they are guaranteed not to generate highway traffic, they don't burn diesel fuel and will definetly draw people to the parks.

All Disney needs to do is get the money, do the research and developement and get these things put together right away. With som good hard positive thinking, I'd say two to three years tops.

Heck, after they are done, they can resell the technology back to the government.

This is my dream. And don't tell me Disney "CAN'T" do it. Hey, NO negative thinkers on this project please. ( That includes most accountants or people in Disney responsible for paying those things called ..."bills" )

I mean, let's be realistic here, we probably won't install them in the "All Star" resorts. After all, those are "econemy" lodges.....y'know just trying to keep it "real" and all.


:hammer: :hammer::D


New Member
Originally posted by 10021982
Monorails are VERY nice. But c'mon, this is 2002 here, we should be thinking of things more magical than "monorails".

How much would a "transporter" (a-la Star Trek) cost? ( forget it, that's not important) Wouldn't it be cool and more magical to have transporter rooms in all of the resorts and parks?

Let's analyze the positives:

"Transporters" would be the most efficiant way of getting people from place to place.
Transporters are magical, they are guaranteed not to generate highway traffic, they don't burn diesel fuel and will definetly draw people to the parks.

All Disney needs to do is get the money, do the research and developement and get these things put together right away. With som good hard positive thinking, I'd say two to three years tops.

Heck, after they are done, they can resell the technology back to the government.

This is my dream. And don't tell me Disney "CAN'T" do it. Hey, NO negative thinkers on this project please. ( That includes most accountants or people in Disney responsible for paying those things called ..."bills" )

I mean, let's be realistic here, we probably won't install them in the "All Star" resorts. After all, those are "econemy" lodges.....y'know just trying to keep it "real" and all.


:hammer: :hammer::D

They CAN NOT do it. :D


Well-Known Member
Disney Fan... I have read this entire thread and though I truly do admire how tenacious you are, I feel your tenacity is being entirely focused in the wrong direction.

To put it bluntly you are being a stubborn @$$.

Man, give it up. Your logic does not make sense to me while Tyler and Mr. P are simply being realistic, and rightfully so. Disney is a land that creates Magic true. But guess what, and this will probably come as a surprise to you, all that 'Magic' is based entirely in a world of reality. I would love to see a monorail expansion, but here is a point that hasn't been brought up; and that is is that more monorails would dilute the image. The monorail is 'cool' and 'magical' to me right now because there are only certain places you can find it. It's the same reason the Friendship boats are cool to me, and the ferry across the Seven Seas Lagoon is cool also.

You keep arguing about more monorails increasing the Magic and you fail to see the logistical problems behind it. Fine, then let's throw an arguement about more monorails ruining the Magic out there and see what you think.


Man oh man. This thread is a futile spectacle of I had to be a part of it! :hammer:

I think the thing that the optimistic dreamers fail to realize is this: It probably isn't going to happen anytime soon (if at all), and I think its safe to say that nobody here has the power to greenlight a new monorail route.

You can convince everyone that it's a cool idea, that it would be keen and look gee-whiz, but the company isn't buying into it (har har) at this point. These people aren't being negative. They are merely trying to enlighten you as to why it isn't happening anytime soon. I think everyone here would love to OD on monorails (I personally would like one that goes through my bedroom, to work and then loops back), but it's almost reaching urban legend status! It isn't happening anytime soon, and it's not Fantasia Boi's fault!

To sum this thread up: regurgitation. :hurl: :hurl: :hurl: :hurl: :hurl:



Well-Known Member
I have the PERFECT SOLUTION to this problem. (maybe)

Although I don’t post much, I have been reading this thread since it's start. I also have been around long enough to remember more than one older thread on this. We seem to always have the same two sides:

One side who’s only argument seems to be that Monorails are “cool” and “magical” and guest want to ride them regardless of how much they cost or how long it would take to get to the parks…

Then we have the other side with Fantasia Boi (and others), who are really just being honest. That the return on investment would not be practical, that buses can be expanded and reduced based on need, and that they are faster and more direct considering the service that they provide is to quickly transport you from one fun spot (read “revenue generating”) to another.

So why can’t Disney just make fiberglass shells that are shaped like a monorail to cover the busses? Yes this is sarcasms, but think about it for a minute.

Now I know Disney has a large fleet of busses (curious, anyone know how many?) But what if each bus didn’t look like a bus? The trolleys used in the film Who Framed Roger Rabbit were really busses underneath the facade. Think about the Oscar Mayer Hotdog mobile. It has a lot of WOW factor and is not much more than a retrofitted truck.

If anyone else remembers, about 12 or so years back all Disney busses just had an orange strip that stated WDW Transportation, looking like any city bus of the time. Shortly after the Studios opened, they began to test about 5 drastically different paint jobs to make the busses look more unique. One of which was the Disney Transportation logo that they use now. While it lasted, it was fun wondering what color would arrive to take you to your destination.

Sure this could cost a lot to make facades, but it would bring back the WOW factor and still be an efficient, expandable system that would cost a lot less then adding more Monorail lines each time WDW expands.

Your opinions please…


Well-Known Member
I think if they are going to be making anymore monorails, they should be doing it on a much smaller scale, and within a theme park.

I am fine with the monorail the way it is. We already have a monorail, can't we put all that money into something original? Something that's never been seen before?
Wow dude, you are awesome!! I really had a good time reading these posts lately.

You REALLY want this new Monorail huh? matter what??

I certainly do get a kick out of your tenacity!!

Pretty good stuff here!

CT :cool: :cool: :cool:

"If we can dream it, than we can afford it...yes we can, yes we can" [/B][/QUOTE]

Thanks! :) I'm not afraid to defend my position and hopefully it's entertaining at the same time. I'm up to the challenge and will defend my view --- after all Walt had to fend off a lot of similar challenges, so I'm glad to continue the tradition! :D :D :D

Some people lack all imiganition here and have become Pirates!!!


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by thedisneyfan
I'm not afraid to defend my position and hopefully it's entertaining at the same time. I'm up to the challenge and will defend my view

There's a difference between defending your view, and being stubborn. If you're going to defend your view, please provide facts to back your claim up. Only then can your argument be taken seriously.


Well-Known Member
"Thanks! I'm not afraid to defend my position and hopefully it's entertaining at the same time. I'm up to the challenge and will defend my view --- after all Walt had to fend off a lot of similar challenges, so I'm glad to continue the tradition!"


Awe man,...that was a good run. I think you REALLY had us ALL going there. I have to admidt, I'm a tough guy to fool,...BUT YOU HAD ME HOOK LINE AND SINKER!! (laugh)

Oh man, those were funny posts. Hey, remember the one where a person took the time to write a long post chalked full of REALLY good logical reasons why a new monorail wouldn't be an effeciant use of Disney money?.....and you replied with " I read your post and I don't buy ANY of it". (LOL and slaps knee) Even the Walt comparison in your last post was brilliant. That's the one that really let me know that I was on to you though. I knew you were just playing when you broke that out.....that was craaazzzzy! (LOL)

Dude, you are super funny. You REALLY got us good!!

:D :D :lol: :lol:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by thedisneyfan
Thanks! :) I'm not afraid to defend my position and hopefully it's entertaining at the same time. I'm up to the challenge and will defend my view --- after all Walt had to fend off a lot of similar challenges, so I'm glad to continue the tradition! :D :D :D

Some people lack all imiganition here and have become Pirates!!!

But Walt also had vision. I mean, he had ideas on how to make it work. He sat down and discussed things with people that were open-minded and could tell him if what he wanted was possible or even realistic.

Walt originally wanted live animals for the Jungle Cruise. You know why we don't have them today? Because he learned that the animals weren't great performers. Most would go into hiding and sleep during the busy parts of the day.

Believe it or not he actually was a practical man. Instead of focusing on how to make the animals do something unnatural, they used animatronics and were able to not only successfully open the attraction well under the costs of money and space they would have needed with live animals, they were also able to create a repeatable experience around the guests. Do you think there would have been actual hippo, elephants and crocodile in the river if they had gone with live animals instead of animatronics?

At one time, it was brought to Walt's attention that guests were cutting through an area that had plants instead of using the paved walkways nearby in an area of Disneyland. The people below him were trying to find a way to stop people from doing this and Walt's solution was to pave a real path along where these people were going. Rather than stop them from taking a shortcut and make them go exactly how he wanted them to, Walt realized that it was the design that was wrong and not the guests because that path was more efficient.

That's what I think you are lacking in your dream. You have a dream but you don't have vision. You have no idea how it could be made to work and you don't even have any real explanation for their need beyond the fact that you yourself want them. It's already been explained that it wouldn't be in the guests best interest. It doesn't take a study or inside knowledge to understand that. It just requires some logical thought (in this case, spurred by people who have seen and dealt with guest getting around WDW). It would require more time and more confusion for the guest to get from place to place than it does now. Guests aren't paying tons of money to vacation and spend large amounts of time dealing with transportation. Most of them have already traveled across the country or world in some form of mass transit to get to WDW.

It's also quite obviously that property wide monorails are not in Disney's best interest since any such use is either going to be major overkill (with the company loosing millions in construction and operational costs) or would be grossly inadequate for their needs - in some cases, being both at various times of the same day. As Fantasia Boi pointed out in the other thread, if they were to base it on need, the next resort that would get monorail service would be the budget resorts which would make no sense because it would be grossly expensive and accommodate only the guests who are spending the least.

Not every idea Walt came up with was pure gold. He was the first to admit it. In fact, I have a quote directly from him on this: ”To some people, I am kind of a Merlin who takes lots of crazy chances, but rarely makes mistakes. I’ve made some bad ones but fortunately, the successes have come along fast enough to cover up the mistakes. When you go to bat as many times as I do, you’re bound to get a good average. that’s why I keep my projects diversified”

Walt was not a He__ or high watter kind of guy. He prided himself on being able to gauge what the public wanted and balanced that with his own creative vision. That isn't what you are doing here at all.


Well-Known Member
Just thought I'd mention this...

Today... both Monorails and most Watercraft were out of service for the morning. Yup. Out of service. I can't say by, but they were unrelated.

HOWEVER... my point is... guess who took everyone to the MK today?


New Member
Originally posted by Fantasia Boi
Just thought I'd mention this...

Today... both Monorails and most Watercraft were out of service for the morning. Yup. Out of service. I can't say by, but they were unrelated.

HOWEVER... my point is... guess who took everyone to the MK today?

Did they swim? :D


New Member
I just want to say I love monorails and boats and hate the pollution solution of busses.

My real comment is about the "Star Trek Transporters"

I quote the Timekeeper Attraction when I say that Transporters may not be probable, but they are not impossible. Einstein's theory states that matter and energy are completely interchangeable (The law of conservation of mass and energy) and can go from one form to another. All we have to do is figure out how to do it (just like we figured out how to make an internal combustion engine and a space shuttle).

If we can dream it, then we can do it, yes we can!


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by mickeyfanatics
I just want to say I love monorails and boats and hate the pollution solution of busses.

My real comment is about the "Star Trek Transporters"

I quote the Timekeeper Attraction when I say that Transporters may not be probable, but they are not impossible. Einstein's theory states that matter and energy are completely interchangeable (The law of conservation of mass and energy) and can go from one form to another. All we have to do is figure out how to do it (just like we figured out how to make an internal combustion engine and a space shuttle).

If we can dream it, then we can do it, yes we can!

And how are monorails and boats more pollution free? Before you talk about the “green” benefits to monorails, you have to consider the fact that they are not solar powered.

As for your transporter statement: As crazy as it may sound, it is actually already possible to some degree. A few months back some university (MIT, possibly?) did a demonstration where they “transported” a laser beam from one location to another. Now, the significance of this is that the “transport” got the beam from one point to the other at faster than the speed of its own light and the data information on the receiving side was identical to that from the sending side. This is a long ways off from solid objects being moved in this fashion much less living things but who knows one day? I know, it sounds totally crazy and I wouldn’t believe me on any of this either but you can probably find info on it online if you do a search.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by mickeyfanatics
I just want to say I love monorails and boats and hate the pollution solution of busses.

Well... first off... the monorail requires LOTS of power... you may not see the polution coming from the train, but rather it comes from the power plant.

As for the boats... just look at the ferry boats... you'll see that puff of smoke coming from the diesel engines... just like the bus.

Oh, and by the way... today's Diesel engines are actually QUITE clean burning. In fact, they emit LESS pollution than a natural gas engine.

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
It was actually brought up in another thread (about monorails, big surprise) about spicing up the current busses as a solution to having them be "just busses."

An idea, and I still think it's a damn good one, is to use each bus as an "advertisement" for different attractions througout the WDW Resort. For example:

"Look mommy! We get to ride the Buzz Lightyear bus!!!"
"I hope we get the Tower of Terror bus!"

I, for one, think this would give the busses more than their fair share of "wow." It would even make the busses more fun to wait for!:) We could all lay down big bucks and take bets on what was coming next.:D


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Main Street USA
An idea, and I still think it's a damn good one, is to use each bus as an "advertisement" for different attractions througout the WDW Resort. For example:

"Look mommy! We get to ride the Buzz Lightyear bus!!!"
"I hope we get the Tower of Terror bus!"

I, for one, think this would give the busses more than their fair share of "wow." It would even make the busses more fun to wait for!:) We could all lay down big bucks and take bets on what was coming next.:D

*sigh* Unfortunetly, this really isn't as possible as we all would like. There are lots of... (IMHO, stupid) reasons why... and no, they don't have to do with money.

Like, for example, if the Buzz Lightyear bus got into an accident... Disney is concerned how that might look to guests. (But yet, for some reason, it's okay to have LYNX have a Buzz bus) *shrug*

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Fantasia Boi

*sigh* Unfortunetly, this really isn't as possible as we all would like. There are lots of... (IMHO, stupid) reasons why... and no, they don't have to do with money.

Like, for example, if the Buzz Lightyear bus got into an accident... Disney is concerned how that might look to guests. (But yet, for some reason, it's okay to have LYNX have a Buzz bus) *shrug*

Yeah, agreed. I figured they'd thought of this, and that they had their reasons for not doing it. Of course, I also think that is a pretty dumb reason not to do it, therefore, I still like the idea.

Minimal cost, big WOW!

BTW, I wanna ride the Haunted Mansion bus!!!!!!:D

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