Monorail to MGM


RunDisney Addict
Originally posted by disneyisbest
I bet that is what people told Walt Disney when he started this whole thing.

Remember, you can't go by what people told Walt for a few reasons.

1) He's dead.
2) Walt had little to do with the finances. If not for Roy bringing him into reality, WDW would have never happened.
3) Times are much different, and much tougher financially. The cost of building anything the last 30 years has skyrocketed in that area.


New Member
Originally posted by Fievel
Remember, you can't go by what people told Walt for a few reasons.

1) He's dead.
2) Walt had little to do with the finances. If not for Roy bringing him into reality, WDW would have never happened.
3) Times are much different, and much tougher financially. The cost of building anything the last 30 years has skyrocketed in that area.

Blah blah blah blah blah :hammer: :p :hammer: :p

1. I think I few of Walt's ideas outlived him. Maybe just a couple, huh?
2. I think Walt without Roy would have stood a better chance of changing the world than Roy without Walt. Any comments?
3. Times are always tougher when you're planning something new and wondering whether to invest and the accountants are all wringing their hands.


New Member
Originally posted by Fievel

2) Walt had little to do with the finances. If not for Roy bringing him into reality, WDW would have never happened.
I actually think they complemeted each other is why it worked. However I wouldn't refer to it as Roy bringing Walt into reality.


Originally posted by disneyisbest
However I wouldn't refer to it as Roy bringing Walt into reality.

I agree, Walt came up with the ideas and basicly threw it to Roy to find money for.

It even went so far as when Walt wanted to do Disneyland, Roy really didnt like the idea, and the two did not talk for awhile, anytime they had to communicate, they would do it though their secretaries.

tyler, I dont think its possible with the backstage enterence where it is, but what is that space just north of the bus circles? looks like dirt in the picture...


RunDisney Addict
Originally posted by dreamer
Blah blah blah blah blah :hammer: :p :hammer: :p

2. I think Walt without Roy would have stood a better chance of changing the world than Roy without Walt. Any comments?

First off, thanks for arguing like a 2nd grader.

Secondly, Without walt, Disney land, and subsequently WDW would have never happened. The investors were nervous about the idea and Walt wasn't good with money because he was too caught up in his dreams.

In short - I stand correct. The best Disney historians will tell you the same thing. Walt needed Roy. Period.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by jimmybop
tyler, I dont think its possible with the backstage enterence where it is, but what is that space just north of the bus circles? looks like dirt in the picture...

It's secret dirt... shhhhhhhhhhhhh... :lookaroun


New Member
Originally posted by Fantasia Boi
DISCLAIMER:I am a HUGE monorail enthusiast. However, my love for monorails does not cloud my "real world" judgement, as you shall see in what I write below. Do not take anything personally... I am just simply stating facts here. As for my qualifications, I have worked for Disney Transport in both busses and monorails for 2 years now, in addition to all the many many hours of personal research and learning that I have done in my own free time.

Okay... I am gonna try and summarize everything that I said from that huuuuuge thread down to this one post.

I've also heard my former co-workers tell guests that the monorail can travel at 150mph. The moral of this... Just because they say it... doesn't mean that it's true. A lot of times CM's will tell guests things to "preserve the magical guest experience" and make the "Wow Factor" increase. Ya know what I'm sayin?

Tyler, while it's easy to accept your arguements against the monorail expansion, one piece of advice, watch out when you make blanket statements. In this case you are one of them. Using your own arguement, what's the moral here?


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by disneydentist
Tyler, while it's easy to accept your arguements against the monorail expansion, one piece of advice, watch out when you make blanket statements. In this case you are one of them. Using your own arguement, what's the moral here?

I see your point... however... there's a difference between just saying something... and saying something, followed by arguments and the like to prove your point.


New Member
I was too lazy to read through this whole convo. but I was also told it would be extended. I feel this is just a story drivers tell for fun. But fact is it wont happen because the way the line would be ran is blocked. The origional plan was to run the monorail to MGM through what is now World Showcase. It is also too hard to do because they would have to build another type of TTA confusing too many guests. The thrid major problem Disney faces is money. The company does not feel that it is need, so they wont put out the million dollars for each new train and teh millions it would take to extend the line to MGM. While it might look fessible when you look at a map, when it comes down to money (which it 99.999% of the time) it is not. As much as I would love to see it happen dont get your hopes up. It would be like trying to get Disney to bring back Horizons.

And that is my 2 cents.


New Member
Well, Guru, I don't think your rationalization is accurate. Epcot and World Showcase were built before MGM was even a glimmer in anyone's head. World Showcase being built certainly isn't the reason the monorail won't be extended.

I do think it will be quite a long time now before we will see any additional lines. That is unfortunate, in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by dreamer
Blah blah blah blah blah :hammer: :p :hammer: :p

Careful, most of us tend to treat people who choose to act like bratty little children, like bratty little children. :)

Originally posted by dreamer

2. I think Walt without Roy would have stood a better chance of changing the world than Roy without Walt. Any comments?

That's a really hard one to answer either way...

Walt was definitely the one with all the ideas but I think a lot of people underestimate how truly bad with money he was.

After completion of Snow White, Walt noticed that Prince Charming shimmied a bit as he leaned down to kiss Snow White. At this point the movie which the company was betting heavily on (and had way over-borrowed on) was in the can - done - ready to go. Walt wanted to have it fixed but it was concluded that it would cost some astronomical amount of money to alter (I can get back to you with the actual figure but I think it was in the ballpark of $300,000 which at that time was a LOT) and it wasn't money they had or could get. Roy said "For (insert amount here) Prince Charming can shimmy!" Walt would have ruined the company and gone under trying to perfect the film before it ever saw the light of day had he been left totally to his own devices. Even still, this movie referred to as "the one that started it all" almost ended it all before completion.

Later on in life, after he had become successful, even after the opening and success of Disney Land, Walt did not have a true appreciation for how well off he was. He truly did not think in terms of dollars which was just as much of a hindrance as it was a help in many cases.

If you haven't, read a biography on Walt. Even the official one makes this unmistakably clear.


New Member
Originally posted by wahooskipper
Well, Guru, I don't think your rationalization is accurate. Epcot and World Showcase were built before MGM was even a glimmer in anyone's head. World Showcase being built certainly isn't the reason the monorail won't be extended.

I do think it will be quite a long time now before we will see any additional lines. That is unfortunate, in my opinion.

Of course I know that WS and Epcot were built before MGM. (I am simply passing along info I have recieved from a very trusted source.

I would love to see but it wont happen at all in this decade if ever.


New Member
Just to add some info to the discussion there was a plan at one tiime in one of the preliminary plans for Epcot dated spring of 1979 that would have had the monorail circle around the same loop thats there now but was to have a break on the loop for the line to continue to the east (I am assumming that it was going to go to the then Disney Village Marketplace that was there in '79) and then return fron there and connect back to the Epcot loop.
It was to gone thru between where UoE is and The then vacant area that became Horizions( now MS). obviously this was abandoned when the final plans were locked down. I am just wondering if they ever built foundation footings in the area for future expansion since there are some rumors that there are footings buried in certin areas that has never happened


Well-Known Member
It would have been a LOT easier... and would have made a lot more sense to have the switch be around pylon 165... (the corner in the Epcot parking lot)


Account Suspended
Originally posted by Fantasia Boi
It would have been a LOT easier... and would have made a lot more sense to have the switch be around pylon 165... (the corner in the Epcot parking lot)
<Jeff Foxworthy>

If you know the monorail pylon numbers, you might be a monorail freak.

</Jeff Foxworthy>



Well-Known Member
LOL :lol:

I haven't driven a train since May... and amazingly enough, I can still remember all the pylons and hold points... kinda engrained them into my brain.

Monorail Lime

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Fantasia Boi
LOL :lol:

I haven't driven a train since May... and amazingly enough, I can still remember all the pylons and hold points... kinda engrained them into my brain.
I haven't driven a monorail in two years and I still know the all the hold points and 10 codes! Heck, I even remember most of the phone numbers. I think it is a sign that I need to go back...


New Member
Originally posted by Fantasia Boi
It would have been a LOT easier... and would have made a lot more sense to have the switch be around pylon 165... (the corner in the Epcot parking lot)
Tyler if you refering to my post, in the plans I have there was to be no beam switch it would just have curved to the east at a center point of the most easterly apogee of the circle as it is today. I tried to go to kinkos to get this scaned to post it but they say its too large and i have to go to a custom house to get it scanned.

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