My experiences last week:
Monorail red:
Doors would not close due to both attempting to close at same time....CM's come and it requires 3 to slam shut.
My thoughts at that moment: Please get me out of here.....even though I know nothing will happen, I'm just generally scared for my life.
10 Minutes later:
Get on monorail coral(salmon, whatever you want to call it):
Doors won't close on ALL cars, but finally work without any help by CM's....
Message on telecom, "hey disney visitors, were just going to pull out of the TTC and stop for a second for our crew to check something under the monorail, we will only be a minute and we will be off, again just pulling out and stopping for a bit, and we'll be off"
My thoughts: ok, from a minute to a bit, gonna be an hour, run disney guys next to me s#%ting themselves "we're going to die"
Leave TTC, 3rd car shakes, something seems off to me..... Stops for 5 minutes... Off to EPCOT, slowly.
Everything's good right, no more break downs??? NOPE
5 hours later, leaving Epcot.....
Monorail yellow(I think)
Telecom "had to remove monorail due to difficulties, and replaced with this one, need to move out of station and do checks to ensure this one also doesn't have problems....."
Doors don't close for 10 minutes, when they do, they won't close.......
Long story short, I think it's good that there doing something to fix the monorails, and I'm just happy I'm not going until august to DPR!!!
Also, aren't they implementing the trackers to improve safety systems? Does anyone know if it's going to be gps or track sensors, that might also be why the line physically is being closed, not just a few being removed from service every day...just my thoughts