Monorail system to close during non peak times for maintenance in early 2014


Resident Curmudgeon
This isn't the only money that has been poured into the monorail system since Samuel Lau started though. Remember in 2011 they added that small maintenance spur by the TTC. That was over a year after Lau started as the head of transportation. If they really wanted to get rid of the monorails why would you build something like that? The whole reason for that spur is to park the tractor there for better response times to a broken down monorail. If I wanted to get rid of something I wouldn't have put money into that, and just kept doing things the old way. That is because even if the old way wasn't great, it worked and I didn't spend money on a system I would be getting rid of.

True but it may have been one of those things which was too far along to stop without costing more money than building it.


Well-Known Member
There is always a boat from MK to Contemporary. Here are the routes :)
Steve, a heads up, they split the Green route into Green and Red in 2008. Green is Ft. Wilderness to MK (two cruisers). Red is Wilderness Lodge to MK (cruiser and a launch). As far as I know, they're still running this setup. It's much better for guests, but they honestly need a fourth cruiser (at the very least.)

I have to laugh that they're adding more watercraft during this time period considering there simply aren't any extra except for the MK I and II which they use for fireworks cruises.


Well-Known Member
I dont WANT to believe this but TDO is focused entirely on cost reduction replacing Monorail with buses would be much cheaper from a Capex and Opex perspective.
Opex maybe but not capex. Getting rid of the monorail would be as costly as replacing it. Think about all of the infrastructure that would need to be demolished and replaced, stations, barns, pylons, rails, etc. Every monorail resort would need big renovations.


Resident Curmudgeon
Opex maybe but not capex. Getting rid of the monorail would be as costly as replacing it. Think about all of the infrastructure that would need to be demolished and replaced, stations, barns, pylons, rails, etc. Every monorail resort would need big renovations.

Disney tends to 'Abandon in Place' they would use the bus stops for transport but monorail infrastructure would simply be closed off with the 'Closed for Refurbishment' signs and removed when convenient, It took 20 Years for the 20K Leagues to be fully removed and turned into 'Pooh's Playful Spot', If monorails are closed I would assume a similar strategy. For other example's see EPCOT abandoned pavillions.


Well-Known Member
Disney tends to 'Abandon in Place' they would use the bus stops for transport but monorail infrastructure would simply be closed off with the 'Closed for Refurbishment' signs and removed when convenient, It took 20 Years for the 20K Leagues to be fully removed and turned into 'Pooh's Playful Spot', If monorails are closed I would assume a similar strategy. For other example's see EPCOT abandoned pavillions.
Highly unlikely in this case. The real estate at each resort has too high a value to just rope off. EPCOT to me is their biggest embarrassment. It is a shame they let it get to this state. To be honest I never like 20K. Boring ride in a pool with dirty fiberglass decorations.
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Well-Known Member
Opex maybe but not capex. Getting rid of the monorail would be as costly as replacing it. Think about all of the infrastructure that would need to be demolished and replaced, stations, barns, pylons, rails, etc. Every monorail resort would need big renovations.
Could they keep monorail just for resorts only?


Resident Curmudgeon
TDO would also like to get rid of the parks altogether and just charge exorbitant hotel rates for no reason. But, they can't. The monorail is safe and, unfortunately for TDO, is as much an iconic part of Disney World as Epcot itself.

That the monorail is 'safe from closure' is one bet I would not take with the current Burbank and TDO teams.


Resident Curmudgeon
I've been going to Disney for 30+ years, I have close to 4 digits worth of DVC points, and this year I have seen WDW going straight to H--- in a handbasket.

There are some of us who are thinking class action suit because the value of our DVC has been significantly diminished by the actions of TWDC.

TDO has not done one thing to enhance the value of our pre-paid vacations and many actions to devalue it, At this point if TWDC told me the sky was blue I would want it notarized and witnessed.
You would really move to AKL and have to sit on a bus for what, 25 minutes to get to MK instead of taking a boat, a 2 minute bus, or a 5 minute walk? I won't complain about it until check in if I do at all. It's not that big of a deal.
AKL lodge is our second favorite place to stay. It has some of the best food and we love the savannah view. you are correct the long bus rides are a huge downfall ... but we still like to stay there every so often... (4 times since they opened) . We will be back at the contemp next year ..when the monorails are (hopefully) up and running!


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
I've been going to Disney for 30+ years, I have close to 4 digits worth of DVC points, and this year I have seen WDW going straight to H--- in a handbasket.

There are some of us who are thinking class action suit because the value of our DVC has been significantly diminished by the actions of TWDC.

TDO has not done one thing to enhance the value of our pre-paid vacations and many actions to devalue it, At this point if TWDC told me the sky was blue I would want it notarized and witnessed.
I'm so sorry that you fell for the song and dance and did not see this coming. Unfortunately the lawsuit would be laughed out of court if you base it upon lack of access to a monorail or other cutbacks on perks. Your purchase was for access to a room...not the parks and it's amenities.

A lawsuit against the company for park ticket price gouging with declining standards has a better chance of standing up in court, IMHO.


Resident Curmudgeon
I'm so sorry that you fell for the song and dance and did not see this coming. Unfortunately the lawsuit would be laughed out of court if you base it upon lack of access to a monorail or other cutbacks on perks. Your purchase was for access to a room...not the parks and it's amenities.

A lawsuit against the company for park ticket price gouging with declining standards has a better chance of standing up in court, IMHO.

What we are discussing is not along those lines at all, What we are discussing has more to do with the management practices of the resort(s).

Although the PRINTED marketing materials SPECIFICALLY listed access to the monorail for one of the resorts I own at as a resort feature and a key reason to purchase.

Don't really want to discuss here as it derails thread. I only mentioned it because some think I hate WDW, reality is I love the place but despise the way it's being managed into the ground.

Unfortunately in recent years whenever Disney starts 'reducing' hours on something its a trial balloon for removing it entirely.

TDO's biggest PR issue is that many of us long time Disney fans no longer trust TDO or TWDC to do the right thing.

Like the Lilly Belle - There are a LOT of steam train fans (myself included) who would love to see photos of the rebuild process - this does not take away from the magic it ADD'S to it and personally I'd even pay a reasonable upcharge to see this kind of content if Disney is afraid it would ruin the magic for some portion of the Guests,

Reality for the Lilly Belle is unknown and subject to speculation, same for the monorails there are a lot of transit fans who would love to see how a Monorail is overhauled and there are even BUS fans with the same ideas.

Here Disney is a ready made money making opportunity, which also quashes rumor and speculation and allows for the rebuilding of trust between TDO and a rather vocal subset of Guests.
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Well-Known Member
The downtime is to add the fiber lines to the beams for resort and express.

Yup.... They will be going sub-t with the lines near the mk platform... going to be a bit messy, but worth the work...

Also, the 'floating bridge' near the west service canal is there to support this effort.. It will NOT be a permanent fixture, and will NOT be for guest use.


Well-Known Member
Yup.... They will be going sub-t with the lines near the mk platform... going to be a bit messy, but worth the work...

Also, the 'floating bridge' near the west service canal is there to support this effort.. It will NOT be a permanent fixture, and will NOT be for guest use.
Sub-T for sure, had to google what all the different flag colours mean when I looked at the hundreds of little flags stuck in the ground near the monorail support alongside the entrance to the Wilderness Lodge last week. Reds, yellows, whites, blues. Along with all the usual orange paint on the grass.

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