Active Member
Sorry, I know this is a long thread, but I wanted to bump this for "board" especially after reading his last post (or any other monorail pilot who can chime in).
It's a rambly post, but basically, what I was wondering was if it was possible for the trains to move after the collision if they were E-Stopped or in Reverse?
It's a rambly post, but basically, what I was wondering was if it was possible for the trains to move after the collision if they were E-Stopped or in Reverse?
I have been keeping up with most of this thread as well. My condolences go out to Austin and his family.
I think "board" has fleshed out the scenario as best as possible at this point, but I am still having trouble understanding how and why the trains entered concourse after the collision occured just outside the station over the TTC plaza.
I know there have been posts regarding the Pink pilot bringing the train back into concourse on first instinct after hearing the crash. Maybe he thought the trains were not as entangled as they actually were. This would explain why the trains were moved which I thought they never should have been for 2 reasons: 1.) never move injured persons and 2.) any movement may cause more debris to possibly fall into the TTC plaza where guests may have been (reports say that debris had already fallen there at the time of impact).
But without going further into that speculation, could the fact that the trains moved further indicate what happened? Assuming that Pink was able to pull Purple, would the Pink pilot be able to 'feel' that he was doing so and then react to that? Would the fact that Purple was dragged indicate that it was not in E-Stop mode? (This would perhaps require a further explanation into E-Stop - i.e., does that mean that the Emergency brakes were applied?). Wouldn't this also indicate that Pink never entered E-Stop either (at least until it moved further into Concourse - maybe a CM there put the train(s) into E-Stop after seeing that Pink was now dragging Purple) because it would need to be rebooted? This is also assuming that E-Stop would trigger after the MAPO override button was disengaged. Feel free to let me know if I am way off track here. Would the fact that Purple may have been in reverse also have a similar effect (not being able to be dragged by Pink)?
Also, how did the Pink pilot evac? The way the trains were positioned under Concourse would put the Pink pilot cab outside of the station. There were some posts reporting that Pink drove back into Concourse to evac himself, but I don't think this make any sense because then how would the trains have proceeded to the last position they were in on Sunday morning?
Any thoughts?