Monarail Extension to all WDW Parks????


New Member
Invero said:
Indeed, I understand your point. The majority of times, the whole search debate comes up when 10 people put up a new post about a news item in the same time period.

For this, I'm not sure whether its a matter of it's already been discussed, but rather one of, it's been beaten to a pulp and regurgitated dozens of times... pehaps a better discussion topic might be "What other forms of flexible mass transit is out there, and would it work for Disney."

Agreed. And that's a much more tactful way to suggest an alternative.


Account Suspended
MagicMan17 said:
Seeing as how this is a discussion forum and it's hard to carry on a discussion by just reading an old thread, please feel free to start a new thread about anything, whether it's been talked about before or not. For some reason, there are people on here that just do not like it when you post something that has already been discussed. Here's my suggestion to those folks, if you don't want to read a thread or post to it, don't click on it.

End yourself. You have 25 posts here, and thus, no say. You have no right to say how the forum should work, and you shouldn't come in and try to act like you do. The moderators and admin, and to an extent, the big posters of the forum make the rules around here, not some random newbie. Search before posting, it gives you the information you seek. If you don't find anything, by all means post. But not searching is showing the people with hundreds and thousands of posts ZERO respect for their time spent here. Don't like it? Pack up your 25 posts and hit the road.

If you think this is harsh, well, it is, but its the way it is. If you came into a business and in the first week, tried to change the way everything was run, and were not in a management position, you wouldn't last long there.


Evil will always triumph, because good is dumb.
Premium Member

Say, tommorow economics were thrown out the window and that tree in DAK sprouted large denominations of hard currency instead of plastic leaves. What would it take, seriously now, for Disney to implement monorail service to all park gates, and for the heck of it DTD. Nothing on the cheap and no holds barred.

I am talking number of trains, beamway, stations, equipment, construction, depots,etc. Everything that it would take to make this fantasy a reality. Also a rough idea of how many zeros would the mouse need to put on the check for all of this.



Account Suspended
monothingie said:

Say, tommorow economics were thrown out the window and that tree in DAK sprouted large denominations of hard currency instead of plastic leaves. What would it take, seriously now, for Disney to implement monorail service to all park gates, and for the heck of it DTD. Nothing on the cheap and no holds barred.

I am talking number of trains, beamway, stations, equipment, construction, depots,etc. Everything that it would take to make this fantasy a reality. Also a rough idea of how many zeros would the mouse need to put on the check for all of this.


From all resorts to all gates? Your talking in the billions ... probably $5 billion or more.


Account Suspended
Invero said:
...I am a member of the Monorail Society...

What does that mean??? I am a member of the monorail society also and that don't make me an "expert"

You say that as if being a member means that you know everything about monorails.

Also being in Disney Transport for a total of 3.5 years also don't make you an "expert".


Account Suspended
monorail_man said:
What does that mean??? I am a member of the monorail society also and that don't make me an "expert"

You say that as if being a member means that you know everything about monorails.

Also being in Disney Transport for a total of 3.5 years also don't make you an "expert".

He is the forum's expert on Disney Transportation. He has posted great info for us in the past, including things like when Disney is testing alternate buses and routes. Check his post history before you question him.


Account Suspended
Thrawn said:
He is the forum's expert on Disney Transportation. He has posted great info for us in the past, including things like when Disney is testing alternate buses and routes. Check his post history before you question him.

I have checked his post history, and I don't like the way he contradicts everything anyone says.

He acts too "Better then you"

And what makes him such an "expert"?? I am sure there are plenty of other CM's in here that know things he don't.

For an "expert" he don't seem to be able to back up anything he post. Everytime I ask him to explain something he says he don't know.


Well-Known Member
Here is the Queen Mother of all monorail threads: Monorail Expansion?. It should answer most questions people have about monorail expansion and includes logical arguments by Invero, among others, as to why expansion won't happen any time soon.


Account Suspended
GenerationX said:
Here is the Queen Mother of all monorail threads: Monorail Expansion?. It should answer most questions people have about monorail expansion and includes logical arguments by Invero, among others, as to why expansion won't happen any time soon.

Again. as everyone has said. the simple answer to this question is It will cost WAY too much money to make an expansion.


Well-Known Member
While I can totally understand from a financial standpoint that there won't be any more monorails to come, I must disagree that the bus is the best option. At least in my opinion. For me it's monorail or my own car. I did the bus thing ONCE, loathed and despised every moment of it (two @#$#$**% hours wasted!) and will never use it again. :hurl:

I realize it works for some but I'm not one of them. Honestly, I can ride the bus here in Tampa. And I avoid it here so yeah, I really don't want to ride it there. The monorail is cool. It lets you get some neat views. And I'd love if they could expand it. I know they won't, but I'd still like it if they did. Wishing for something isn't being in denial, it's just a pleasant fantasy.

Eh. I'm sure buses practical. And the most viable option given the circumstances. But I'll get in my car and drive to the next park every time. WAY less hassle.


Well-Known Member
monorail_man said:
I have checked his post history, and I don't like the way he contradicts everything anyone says.

I don't contradict everything anyone says. However, I like to make sure that folks are getting the full and acurate story -- we all deserve that, and nothing less.

monorail_man said:
He acts too "Better then you"
I am no better or worse than anyone else on these forums. I try to keep my posts impartial, strictly to facts, and I make every effort to not attack anyone personally.

monorail_man said:
And what makes him such an "expert"?? I am sure there are plenty of other CM's in here that know things he don't.
I don't claim to be an expert. However, I do know what I'm talking about. Transportation is my life, my passion, my hobby. And yes, there are plenty of other CMs that know things that I don't. We all have our areas of knowledge. Mine is transportation. I've spent years researching different areas within transportation and the WDW systems.

monorail_man said:
For an "expert" he don't seem to be able to back up anything he post. Everytime I ask him to explain something he says he don't know.

Would you like me to footnote every post, complete with bibliography?


Premium Member
monorail_man said:
Also being in Disney Transport for a total of 3.5 years also don't make you an "expert".

I would say it does make him an expert. Working in WDW Transportation for years does make him infinately more qualified to talk knowledgeably about the subject than a regular guest.


Well-Known Member
monorail_man said:
I have checked his post history, and I don't like the way he contradicts everything anyone says.

He acts too "Better then you"

And what makes him such an "expert"?? I am sure there are plenty of other CM's in here that know things he don't.

For an "expert" he don't seem to be able to back up anything he post. Everytime I ask him to explain something he says he don't know.

Until you can provide MORE information than Tyler, don't act like he knows nothing. He has proven himself time and time again. Also, if you think "he acts too better than you" maybe you need to take into consideration the way people approach him. Most monorail fanboys ignore the logic in his arguments, which is simply frustrating.

But to be honest monorail_man... I would tread lightly. You're beginning to go after a valuble source on these boards, and most people won't take too kindly to it.


Well-Known Member
Well, maybe it's just me but if I had to choose an expert on these threads to provide me with valuable, dependable, and accurate information about Disney's monorails, then I shall go with Tyler, who has almost 4 years experience in Disney transportation, rather than someone who simply puts the word monorail in their name.

Thanks for the post with the sound reasoning about why the monorail expansion won't occur. I, for one, appreciated it.

I do have a quibble with one statement, though. While I know diesel engines have gotten better, I seriously doubt they generate 80-90% less pollution and get 4-5X the fuel economy of ten years ago. If that was the case, we'd all be buying diesel and enjoying cars that get 100+mpg! :)

Overall, very well reasoned post, though.

Why don't we make a new thread called "Monorail Expansion to a Fifth Gate?" :)


New Member
Thrawn said:
End yourself. You have 25 posts here, and thus, no say. You have no right to say how the forum should work, and you shouldn't come in and try to act like you do. The moderators and admin, and to an extent, the big posters of the forum make the rules around here, not some random newbie. Search before posting, it gives you the information you seek. If you don't find anything, by all means post. But not searching is showing the people with hundreds and thousands of posts ZERO respect for their time spent here. Don't like it? Pack up your 25 posts and hit the road.

If you think this is harsh, well, it is, but its the way it is. If you came into a business and in the first week, tried to change the way everything was run, and were not in a management position, you wouldn't last long there.

You certainly think very highly of yourself. Personally, I don't feel the need to justify my existence through my number of posts on this board but if you do, please feel free. However, since I do periodically enjoy participating in these forums, I will continue to do so. Maybe one day my post number will reach the lofty heights that yours have. But most likely, that will not happen. Either way, if I have an opinion to post on here, I am going to do it regardless of what you think. The original thread starter was not showing disrespect for anyone by simply asking a question. And thanks for the free business tip. I've only been training bank industry managers for about 10 years now, but your insight is tremendous. And finally, by all means, please continue to make clever statements like "End Yourself". Everybody here in my office is cracking up over that one.


Park History nut
Premium Member
Shesh.... a few threads are going like this at the moment. Maybe its IASW withdrawl symptoms. All together now:

Its a world of laughter, a world of tears
Its a world of hope and a world of fears
There`s so much that we....... you know the rest!


Well-Known Member
MagicMan17 said:
And thanks for the free business tip. I've only been training bank industry managers for about 10 years now

Because training bank industry managers has alot to do with the politics of a web board?


Well-Known Member
FourFourSeven said:
I do have a quibble with one statement, though. While I know diesel engines have gotten better, I seriously doubt they generate 80-90% less pollution and get 4-5X the fuel economy of ten years ago. If that was the case, we'd all be buying diesel and enjoying cars that get 100+mpg! :)

Well, think about it... about half (not sure on that figure) of the cars sold in Europe are diesels. Here in the US, I think we all got burned by the late 70s early 80s diesels, and most folks think that they are loud, smokey, and shake. If you test drive a volkswagen with a TDI engine, you'll find that myth is no longer true. But Americans are set in thier ways, so it'll be awhile before Diesel takes off here.

In regards to heavy duty engines (which is what I'm referring to... car diesel engines have progressed significantly as well, but more into refinement than economy), there have been many improvements over the years. Older diesel engines such as the Detroit Diesel 6v71/8v71 (produced until late 80s) and the 6v92/8v92 (produced until 1994) typically get around 3-4mpg. They're also the ones that you see smoking.

In comparison, newer diesel engines like the Detroit Diesel Series 40E, or the Cummins ISL, they typicaly get 12-14mpg, and when you add in EGR valves, exhaust filters, and use ultra low sulfer diesel fuel, you can reduce thier emissions to be 80-90% of what the older engines would put out.

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