Monarail Extension to all WDW Parks????


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Legacy said:
But to be honest monorail_man... I would tread lightly. You're beginning to go after a valuble source on these boards, and most people won't take too kindly to it.

What? I can't speak my mind??????

Freedom of speach rember.

cherrynegra said:
Well, maybe it's just me but if I had to choose an expert on these threads to provide me with valuable, dependable, and accurate information about Disney's monorails, then I shall go with Tyler, who has almost 4 years experience in Disney transportation, rather than someone who simply puts the word monorail in their name.

I never claimed to be an expert. but I also don't follow EVERY thread that someone makes with a "your wrong and I am right" post.

It's nothing personal aginst him. I don't know him from Adam. It's just that I have been reading his post vs. other peoples post and he always seems to come off with a "I'm better then all" tone in his post.

If the rest of you see him as some kind of god, then thats great for you. I just don't see him that way. I would think that I would have the right to feel that way.

I am sure that Invero knows alot of things and Iam sure that he knows alot more about osme things then other people. But if your goign to consider time spent working for WDW as what makes an "expert" then 3.5 years is not that much. There are many CM's and their family that has been "into" Disney and the workins of Disney for alot longer.

I read his information, but I take it with a grain of salt (like I do ALL information on the web) because like I said I do not know him.

The same I expect people to do with information I provide.

Only difference is when I post information, if I am questioned as the where I got this infomation, I can provide links. Not just say "I don't know" or "I have been doing it for years"


The parking the monorails in the Contemporary and closing the doors post.

He claims that the doors can not be closed. However durring the last few huricanes that were in Fla, they had the monoraisl parked in the contemporary with the doors closed.

Seen on the weather channel news coverage.

Anyways. As I said it is noting personal, just the tone of his post.

So Tyler, I am sorry to have offended you and I didn't really mean harm. just read too much into things.

So from one monorial fan to another, Peace?


Active Member
I know Tyler personally and never puts himself above others. He is one of the kindest guys you’ll ever meet. He has been on these boards longer then most and he’s proven himself time and time again… Tyler knows his stuff and is a respected source on these boards.



Active Member
monorail_man said:
What? I can't speak my mind??????

Freedom of speach rember.

I never claimed to be an expert. but I also don't follow EVERY thread that someone makes with a "your wrong and I am right" post.

It's nothing personal aginst him. I don't know him from Adam. It's just that I have been reading his post vs. other peoples post and he always seems to come off with a "I'm better then all" tone in his post.

If the rest of you see him as some kind of god, then thats great for you. I just don't see him that way. I would think that I would have the right to feel that way.

I am sure that Invero knows alot of things and Iam sure that he knows alot more about osme things then other people. But if your goign to consider time spent working for WDW as what makes an "expert" then 3.5 years is not that much. There are many CM's and their family that has been "into" Disney and the workins of Disney for alot longer.

I read his information, but I take it with a grain of salt (like I do ALL information on the web) because like I said I do not know him.

The same I expect people to do with information I provide.

Only difference is when I post information, if I am questioned as the where I got this infomation, I can provide links. Not just say "I don't know" or "I have been doing it for years"


The parking the monorails in the Contemporary and closing the doors post.

He claims that the doors can not be closed. However durring the last few huricanes that were in Fla, they had the monoraisl parked in the contemporary with the doors closed.

Seen on the weather channel news coverage.

Anyways. As I said it is noting personal, just the tone of his post.

So Tyler, I am sorry to have offended you and I didn't really mean harm. just read too much into things.

So from one monorial fan to another, Peace?

they showed pictures of the doors closed?

and he said from his expereances they couldent be closed..


Active Member
and u cant take everything u here as fact... like them storing 10 monorails in the shop. cast members love to give out missinformation.


Account Suspended
DonickCo said:
they showed pictures of the doors closed?

Yes. They had a reporter on Disney site and they were talking about how Disney had bunkered down everything then they cut to pics of the Contemporary with the doors closed and the reporter said "...they have even closed up the hotels locking in a few of the monorails inside."


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DonickCo said:
and u cant take everything u here as fact... like them storing 10 monorails in the shop. cast members love to give out missinformation.

Who said they store 10 monorails in the Roundhouse?

We said there are 10 beams. Tyler himself even said that that. Meaning that the roundhouse can hold 10 monorails. However even as Tyler said they can only keep 8 monorails in there since the other beams are used for other things. So they use the Resorts for monorail storage.


Well-Known Member
monorail_man said:
I am sure that Invero knows alot of things and Iam sure that he knows alot more about osme things then other people. But if your goign to consider time spent working for WDW as what makes an "expert" then 3.5 years is not that much. There are many CM's and their family that has been "into" Disney and the workins of Disney for alot longer.
Part of the training for being a monorail pilot is that you must know virtualy everything there is to know about those trains. You learn things that even a hardcore guest wouldn't know. Besides that, when you're immersed into an environment for 8-10hrs per day, 5-7 days per week, you tend to see trends and pick up on things that even the hardcore guests might not. I myself spent many hours back at shop, talking to maintenance, learning everything that I could about the trains and the system.

monorail_man said:
Only difference is when I post information, if I am questioned as the where I got this infomation, I can provide links. Not just say "I don't know" or "I have been doing it for years"
Perhaps its just me... but personal experience, and actually DOING something for myself provides me with greater knowledge than if I had just read about it somewhere. For example, the maximum governed speed of the monorail is 40mph. If you exceed that speed for more than 1.5 seconds, the train will execute an overspeed (full service) stop. You can read about that anywhere. However, from personal experience, I've gotten Red up to 49 mph without an overspeed stop. I have no link to refer to... just personal experience. Whether or not people choose to believe me is up to them. I understand that there are a lot of cast members out there that tend to exaggerate. I was in the front cab filming once, and the driver told the other guest that trains could do 150mph. I know this to not be true because I spent a lot of time back at Shop talking to the maintenance folks, learning all that I could about the trains. They told me that the trains have an ungoverned top speed around 55mph, give or take.

monorail_man said:
So Tyler, I am sorry to have offended you and I didn't really mean harm. just read too much into things.

So from one monorial fan to another, Peace?
Never fear, you have not offended me. Frustrated me, perhaps. Peace always. :)


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DonickCo said:
could have swarn u said it could hold 10...

Your mixing words. The roundhouse CAN hold 10 monorails (if it were cleaned out) It has 10 beams inside. But the other 2 beams are used for other things. Therefore it can only STORE 8 monorials at night.


Active Member
"Part of that is true. the thing is that the barn holds 10 monorails and there are 12 so they only park the 2 extra monorails in the Contemporary, and they close the "storm" doors for hurricanes too"

your words...


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Invero said:
I was in the front cab filming once, and the driver told the other guest that trains could do 150mph. I know this to not be true because I spent a lot of time back at Shop talking to the maintenance folks, learning all that I could about the trains. They told me that the trains have an ungoverned top speed around 55mph, give or take.

I have heard that the Mark VI trains can do up to 100 MPH but as you said, WDW has them governed to around 45 MPH for safety.


Well-Known Member
Invero said:
I understand that there are a lot of cast members out there that tend to exaggerate. I was in the front cab filming once, and the driver told the other guest that trains could do 150mph. I know this to not be true because I spent a lot of time back at Shop talking to the maintenance folks, learning all that I could about the trains. They told me that the trains have an ungoverned top speed around 55mph, give or take.

I thought they could get up to 80mph? Or maybe that was something like if there weren't as many turns?


Active Member
monorail_man said:
I have heard that the Mark VI trains can do up to 100 MPH but as you said, WDW has them governed to around 45 MPH for safety.

"ungoverned top speed around 55mph, give or take."

did u even read his post that u qwoted... how old are you?


Well-Known Member
You'll find many numbers... but the one I would trust would be the ones coming from the maintenance person who's been maintaining the trains (both Mark IV and VI) for 25 years. He was the one who told me the trains top speed would be more around 55mph.


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DonickCo said:
"ungoverned top speed around 55mph, give or take."

did u even read his post that u qwoted... how old are you?

Yes I read it How old are you, did you even read what I wrote???? and I am 26 if thats any of your business.

I have heard...

In which Tyler replied

You'll find many numbers... but the one I would trust would be the ones coming from the maintenance person who's been maintaining the trains (both Mark IV and VI) for 25 years. He was the one who told me the trains top speed would be more around 55mph.

Whic would be correct. Even Bombardier says their max speed is around 55 MPH.

from Bombardier said:
Top speed of the Mark VI trains is 55 mph, but the standard operating speed at Walt Disney World is 40 mph.


Evil will always triumph, because good is dumb.
Premium Member
Fellas slow down, there's no need to get so worked up over the speed of the monorail. You all bring alot of interesting and new information to the thread and this squabling does not help things. Can we just agree to turn a new leaf and move on?

Besides anyone knows that the maximum speed of the monorail is Warp 9.9:hammer:

Punch it Chewie,


Well-Known Member
I will fully attest to Tyler being an expert on the WDW monorail system. Ive known him for quite some time, seen his reference materials and consider him one of teh best WDW monorail experts outside of WDI.

Many Transportation CMs that ive talked with all have cited 55mph as a top ungoverned speed.

As for Monorails and the Contemporary - According to people i talked to that were actually at the Contemporary during the storms, Four monorails were parked Nose to Nose in the Resort. Now i cant personally confirm this, i was over at Wildy Lodge. Ive never seen the doors that have been referred to in this thread.

Monorail Man, not to fan the flames, but youre certainly not acting like the 26 year old that you claim to be.


Premium Member
monorail_man, you need to calm down a bit here. Your posts are becoming very argumentative. Maybe you should spend some time reading here, and get used to the way things go before you start constantly arguing with longtime members.

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