One Little Spark...
While it is a nice system, I am not sure it is a necessary one.they can laugh all they want... just like Blackberry did when new innovative technology in smart phones came out
give it time my friend... this isn't like building a new attraction of coming up with a new butterbeer...this is a whole new foundation to build upon
The question is, will it make people want to visit. Discussing this with family and friends who are NOT Disney fanatics, I can say no....this doesn't give them a call to action at all. However, Potterland and. Disney Cruises do.
Of course, this could be a popular perception...that the parks are hot and unappealing. But, I think it is more of a reflection on how they have stagnated. The one major expansion done only has one intriguing ride (mine train). The rest is a nice attempt, but nothing that would make Joe Schmoe spend his paycheck on.
Add to that the value. Universal hotels (outside of the soon to open CB) are of a theme and scale that rivals Disney Deluxe resorts. Yet, the rates are more akin to Disney Moderates.
Add in there transportation hassles with the busses (at Uni you can walk or take a water taxi or a rickshaw) and you have a compelling reason NOT to do Disney. Or, to only peel out a day or two to hit up Magic Kingdom and maybe Epcot.
The issue I have with MM+ is not the system. The system and idea behind it are very neat. But, it does nothing to change the other glaring issues the parks suffer from. And those issues are why I no longer care to spend extended trips at Disney, and am actually seeking offsite options like Legoland and Universal.