MK Cinderella Castle Rehabs


Well-Known Member
I am telling you, I know where the happiest place on earth is and, now I know where the not so happiest place on earth is too. Here. Makes me wonder if not so happy people hang out here looking for someone to spam. Listen up, read the paragraph below ten times and you'll feel better.


Two things:

OFF Topic (sorta...someone asked..)
I ~LOVE~ Dole Whips (in Adventureland)...Cookie Ice Cream Sandwhiches (in Liberty Square)... Clam Chowdah and fish 'n chips (Columbia Harbour House, again in LS)...Cobb Salad (Brown Derby)...Lobster Bisque (Living Seas)...Croissants (France)...Fish 'n Chips again (UK).... Sashimi (California Grill)...Butternut Squash Soup (Wolfgang Puck's...does that count?)... I could go on all day...Dole Whips are the tops, though....:p

The whole "argument" on this thread sounds like a lot of "Not In MY Backyard" to me.... As in "Oh, sure, I understand needing to builg a power plant to power the city, but not in MY backyard"....or "I know that they need to re-paint the castle sometimes, but not on MY vacation"...
Also, do the folks claiming that Disney NEVER does/did rehabs during the day know the REAL history of WDW (like, were they there?) or the history the media, and Disney, tell us? Just a thought....


Well-Known Member
hello people.

lol..........oh westie that was good.............i agree everone needs to chill............just be glad that your able to afford to go to disney......there are much worse things than this to worry about.......i mean come on people a crane......i was'nt happy when i heard about it....and im goin on aug 30......but what can you do......just be happy that your breathing and alive..........hello remember sept 11th.........just be glad that was'nt you.....enough not trying to get all hokey but really.......i know that sept 11th has nothing to do with this but still........just be happy that you can go to disney....and if there are people who don't understand your waisting your time, energy, and money worrying that a dam crane is going to ruin the disney was put best when someone had take the chance going on a off season.........we went last year and small world was down..........getting angry about it solves nothing.......yeah i was mad i wanted my daughter to see it , but what can you do........i know i didnt pay 2,600$ to be angry over a ride......and yes i've been there when they did the castle into a cake......and there was a crane in the was our honeymoon........really what can you do?? is'nt that bad..:drevil:


Well-Known Member
my question over favorite food

hay stg...... thanks.....i started to think nobody read my question........everyone is to hyped up over the


hay stg...... thanks.....i started to think nobody read my question........everyone is to hyped up over the

:) No problem...the food in (and around) WDW is amazing....when I'm at school, it's one of the first things I miss...("Pizza again?! Blech...")


Well-Known Member
Mabey they should hire trained doves to paint the castle. That way, they wouldnt have to go to the trouble of using a crane, and doves are pretty.

Maybe they should just put a 200 foot Micket Hat in front of the castle, then paint it. (Just gotta make sure they dont tear down the castle when your back is turned)

Seriously, I am going Friday and I am going to see the crane-- I saved all year (and last time I checked, money has not started to grow on trees yet) and I will not let that deter from my trip. In fact, last year, I got a picture (professionally) of my fiance and I in front of Spaceship earth, the Tree of Life and the MGM Hat...I waited all year to get the pic in front of the castle to complete I will have a rather tall and lanky yellow person to the side of the picture, but I will do what Rob suggested (I think), just get one of the computerized picutres.......and I will be just fine. Being from the field of architecture, I understand the importance of maintenance, so its going to happen, I am sure enough magic will be left to go around!!!


Well-Known Member
food, food, food

see how nice it is when we all get stg.....have you tried the cinn coated almonds...of what about......i think its in japan........or epcot.....let me see if i spell it right well its sounds like this..(kaykegorae) i know its much shorter but no clue how to spell it....its shaved ice with flavoring put on top.....kinda like our snow cones......its funny cuz my husband and i will so 'oh i could go for some" and nobody has a clue what the hell were talking about unless you've had it.......also port orleans riverside their bakery has unbelievable chocolate covered :drevil: :slurp: :sohappy: :wave:


Active Member
mmmm.. Ka-Ke-Gori (I think)... shaved ice from Japan... a big Japanese snow cone. hehe

I LOVE the cinnamon almonds. They are quite tasty.


Well-Known Member
Yeah but really isn't something always being refurb'd. Thats the disney way. Paint it or pave it, just don't let anyone scowl on it.


New Member
It's OK

Ok, I apologize for whining about rehabs that are going on. I've been doing some thinking and here's what I've come up with:

I am actually now staying at the resort I intended to stay at in the beginning: Coronado Springs. I am very happy with that.

I'm hoping the painting of the castle will not be too obtrusive and that I can get decent pictures no matter what. They might even be on the backside when I'm there. I'm even hoping that they'll be done early. If not, then I should have a good time anyway. The rides are the most important to me.

I've never been to Epcot and I won't miss Maelstom because I've never ridden it. And any other painting or what-not will not bother me because I've come to accept the fact that I'm going during a maintenance time period. That's why I'm able to get such a good deal. :D

The rain will not bother me, either. I will not melt. :p

I've planned to go to Animal Kingdom on 9/11 so that if the parks close for some paranoid reason I won't miss much.

I think I'm going to be ok. You all are right in that I'm going to be engrossed in the magic Disney World and I should be happy no matter what!!

I really am excited and I can't wait. :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
Although I go every year in September and their is always something being re-painted or re-done, I was quite upset to hear about the crane over the castle.

I planned my trip this year around Labor Day because I knew I would get to see the fireworks over the castle on September 1st. I have not seen the fireworks since I was 8 and I wanted to get their to get a good spot as they are not doing the show for the rest of the week that I am their.

You can imagine my dissapointment when I heard this news. Now I have to view the fireworks with a giant crane hovering in the background.

Has anyone seen the crane yet? Is their a viewing spot where I can go to where the castle will cover it up?


New Member
hey people whats better? a crane thats visible for a couple of days or a castle that has a faded roof for 365 days?the park is open 365 days a year and since this a major job it will have to be visible to guests for the couple of days-would u rather the park close down for a day?-not to be sarcastic but lets give disney a little break-keep in mind if u complain to disney about this maybe they will stop keeping things nice and fresh-my vote is to have a crane for a couple of days knowing that the castle will look great for a couple of more years


New Member
Clearly, there is no way to win in the matter of refurbs. I worked at Epcot the summer before the Millennium Celebration when everything in Epcot was closed, and I had complaints to no end. But as I explained to the guests, the only way to have the whole park competley spruced up for the Celebration was to fix it all at once as close as possible to the Celebration

Either you get parks that have to go the NECESSARY rehabs while you or someone else are there.... or you close the parks for months at a time...and I'm sure that you would NOT enjoy that!!!!



Well-Known Member
isnt it so true that no matter what people will always complain about something , wheather things are kept up to date to if there are rahabs or not, i mean , people complain if things are falling apart, but they dont want to to take away from their vactaion to so things can be either updated or reburbished, someone had said it best....not sure who though , that the time people are done complaining about the crane, it wil be gone, i realize that it helps to vent but what good does it do??

10 more days to go..............woooooohoooooooo:hammer:


I am leaving for Orlando tomorrow and I don't mind if the castle has a crane next to it! The important thing is actually to go to the Magic Kingdom. I am trying to persuade my family to go there but they think it's for 'little kids'! Grrrrr...

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