MK 2/18 - TTA Evac (my first!) Pics + few HM updates


New Member
Last May, I was evac'ed off of BTM. Of course, we were on a climb, and sitting in the first row, with the blaring sun beating down on us. Took them 30 minutes to get us off.

But hey, we got free fastpasses for any ride, at any time. Used it for Splash Mountain. (That sure cooled us off!)


Well-Known Member
MicBat said:
:lol: From what I heard from one of your coordinators (who I used to work with) TTA actually breaks down a lot more than people think.
Interesting. That's the first time in over 30 years of going to WDW and seeing it broken down. Now it's gonna happen every time.


Active Member
MicBat said:
:lol: From what I heard from one of your coordinators (who I used to work with) TTA actually breaks down a lot more than people think.

Yep...for awhile there this summer we evaced nearly once a day.

Hmm which coordinator...was he from EPCOT perhaps? ( ihavent been there since Aug and I know we have alot of new managers and coordinators)


Same thing happened to us last May on the TTA. It was right at the entrance to SM like someone else said. We saw the car in front of us stop, but we werent stopping. I just braced myself because I didn't know how hard the collision would be. Then, I braced myself again waiting for the car behind us to hit it. Wasn't too bad, but if someone wasn't paying attention and was letting their fingers hang out, they'd have a few broken digits. CM's led us out and down the steps. Our first ride evac!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Exciting? No. Interesting? Yup. ;) Especially when it's never happened to you before. I've been stopped on rides but never evacuated.


New Member
Back in late 2005 during the advantage college program when I was an Attractions host in Fantasyland at It's A Small World we had an evacuation during the summer that was not fun at all. They never are fun. Evacuating guests from the longest attraction within the Magic Kingdom is certainly not easy and wearing rubber weighters and climbing into the murky waters to move boats containing guests to exit areas was hard work, but it was all part of the job. This past fall we had to evacuate Pan side of Fantasyland before Wishes! began because the wind would have been a major factor in carrying firework fallout into that area. Again not an easy task, but it was all part of the job. I am just happy my college program ended before this most recent fatal incident at Peter Pan's Flight.:(


New Member
first time i ever rode testtrack it had broken down on me inside the "heating room." 20 minutes with the bulbs blaring away at our car... not fun. im still hesitant to this day about riding it for fear of stopping in that room again.

an evacuation would be a pleasent experience comapred to what i had to go through lol


New Member
Why couldn't this happen to me?

As TTA being my fav. why can't I be lucky enough to get to walk on the track in an emergancy evac.? Some people have all the luck. Hopefuly it won't happen next time i'm there which i'm hopeing will be my 21st b-day to set the one day & prob. only record for rideing the TTA over & over & over...well you get the idea. Any cms think I'll have a prob. doing this & should I contact WDW before hand. This is truely my b-day wish & hope I can aford to make it down there to come true. :king:


Well-Known Member
Trust me, you have not expierenced a true evac fromm h3ll until you have evacuated the Haunted Mansion with only the light from a cell phone.

For the record, it's a small world is not the longest attraction in MK.


Well-Known Member
That was the second Evac that day (at least that I knew about). The funny part is that right after the second trains ahead that you were evac'd from, one of the stitch chambers went down. What a fun night that was. :p


Well-Known Member
I find it funny that people are saying that the people who are on rides that break down and need to be evacuated are "lucky" :lol:

The last thing I want when I'm on a ride is to be evacuated :lol:


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
one time a stitch chamber broke down with me in it.. It is kinda suprising that Stitch doesn't move back down in the tube. He was just a statue for about 10 mins. I got fastpass tickets though w00t

I luv WDW

Ride evacs

I have been evac'ed twice, over the years, from the Universe of Energy and from Test Track. When Test Track stopped, we were stuck inside the "corrosion test" room. Fortunately, the sprayers shut down immediately. We sat for 15 minutes or so before a CM came to get us. :)

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