MK 2/18 - TTA Evac (my first!) Pics + few HM updates


Well-Known Member
I've never been evac'ed at WDW. I've always thought that it'd be cool, but never had it happen. I got stuck on Test Track twice. Once in the corrosion room (the sprayers didn't turn off for us and that spray can get cold) and once on the hill climb. Otherwise, just minor holdups lasting less than 5 minutes. EDIT: I take that back. I did get evac'ed off Maelstrom when I was 5. But I don't really remember it because it's been a long time. Maelstrom had just opened and had some technical difficulties.

I have been evac'ed at IOA though. In 2002 the popeye river raft ride broke down and we got evac'ed off the ride on the lift.


New Member
my first time on tower of terror after first drop the car stops and we hear voices in the background , the voices were saying there it is i see it , lets
get them out of there, and we could hear banging and tapping, then the whole car is rolled backwards into a wearhouse, and 2 technicians tell us to
forget what we see and walk us out a back door to the photo pick up area.
apparantley someone cell phone flew out of the car and the sensors picked it
up. first thought when this happend was wow this is a realistic ride


Well-Known Member
BCNHF said:
I've had the doors in Great Movie Ride not open before...but I bet that doesn't count, heh :p
We were in the movie scene of the GMR and the car in front of us broke down! :lol: The guide was hilarious!
Figment571 said:
I have been evacuated from Splash Moutain twice on the same day!! Serioulsly I have.

Id believe it. That mountain has an attitude. Some times they work perfectly at other times they dont want people there. We had to evac and reset 6 times one day. That wasnt fun at all. There is 99 steps to the top of the big lift.


Dang, the only evac I've ever been on was Snow White. Wasn't very interesting though. We moved about 3 feet after we loaded when the ride stopped. We were taken off right there.


New Member
I got evacted out of universe of energy. Some lady got scared and walked out and they had to shut the ride down. Last ride of the day and trip for us, really sucked, why can't people just close there eyes and let everyone us enjoy the ride


New Member
I still can't believe they gave out a day pass for this evac. What a great surprise! I think I would have hugged the CM for that.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Kwit35 said:
I still can't believe they gave out a day pass for this evac. What a great surprise! I think I would have hugged the CM for that.
Trust me, I just about did! He was so nice. :sohappy:

I also sent an email to WDW Guest Services complimenting him on his service and wonderful, approachable attitude. It was way more then I would ever have expected.


Well-Known Member
Mickeyman819 said:
Id believe it. That mountain has an attitude. Some times they work perfectly at other times they dont want people there. We had to evac and reset 6 times one day. That wasnt fun at all. There is 99 steps to the top of the big lift.

That must have been a rough day. I remember my days in working in the photo shop. Everytime the ride got evac'ed we'd have at least a few very unhappy guests come in and yell at us about the ride going down. :rolleyes: As if we in the shop did it on purpose. They were usually angriest if it was raining. Good times...


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In the Parks
cyclonerod said:
I got evacted out of universe of energy. Some lady got scared and walked out and they had to shut the ride down. Last ride of the day and trip for us, really sucked, why can't people just close there eyes and let everyone us enjoy the ride

Older people and people with heart conditions are prone to heart attacks if something scares them enough. At least she didn't have one. That would have been worse


Active Member
We where at Disneyland July 17th for the 50th celebration and since the park was not crowded after 4 pm that sunday , we decided to ride Roger Rabbit's Car-Toon Spin. My Partner and I was able to ride single in Lenny the Cab cars , since most visitors had large groups of 6 or more and would rather travel in the cabbies as a group ( there are two cabs that travel together on one track at the same time, for those who never experienced it).

Just as our cabs entered the exploding room from the Acme Electric Company room with Roger and a weasle being shocked, the cabs stopped in mid-spin .The lights where turned on and we had to wait for the CM's to bring a plank of wood to cover the floor of the track, so not to fall down into the track.

The AA's ,music, dark lights were still on, as we walked to the front of the attraction - guests where stopping by Roger ,Jessica, and the Weasles to get there picutre with them in motion (we never did that, never thought about it for safety reasons).

This is one of our most cherished moments to remember Disneyland's 50th for us.:sohappy: :sohappy: :lol: :wave:


New Member
chrono2300 said:
first time i ever rode testtrack it had broken down on me inside the "heating room." 20 minutes with the bulbs blaring away at our car... not fun. im still hesitant to this day about riding it for fear of stopping in that room again.

an evacuation would be a pleasent experience comapred to what i had to go through lol

I would freak out,I can't handle heat and I would of had the big one.


Well-Known Member
My brother and I got evacuated off of Test Track. The funny thing was that we were right at the Thermal Imaging Station at the end of the ride. They let us out of our car, and we walked right back out through the exit. Even though we were so close to the end, they still gave us passes to ride again without waiting in line!


Well-Known Member
I am glad it worked out for you. Now if it were me I would have gotten nothing and would have been on the ride waiting for 4 hours to get off. I have bad luck like that. I got stuck in an elevator once for an hour with no lights on that was not fun.


Active Member
beyondthepalace said:

I honestly have to say I'm surprised you got away with those pictures. I always make guests erase video/pictures while EVACing Pirates (as per requested by management). Things do slip by though.

I do have to say that part of me is irate to see pictures like that and the other part is okay cause now I have those pictures for myself now. :)

EVACs: Pirates, SSE, TTA, Maelstrom, ToT, GMR, Tiki--I think that's it. All I can remember at least. Some more exciting than others. Tiki was obviously not that exciting; same with TTA.


Well-Known Member
Space Mountain was EVACed the first time I rode it!
About half-way through the ride, it stopped and the lights came on!
We just sat there for about 20 minutes before someone came and got us out.
They took us to a reboard area, but I opted not to ride again. It was some time before I actually rode it again.

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