MK 2/18 - TTA Evac (my first!) Pics + few HM updates


Well-Known Member
MagliteL13 said:
I honestly have to say I'm surprised you got away with those pictures. I always make guests erase video/pictures while EVACing Pirates (as per requested by management). Things do slip by though.

I do have to say that part of me is irate to see pictures like that and the other part is okay cause now I have those pictures for myself now. :)

EVACs: Pirates, SSE, TTA, Maelstrom, ToT, GMR, Tiki--I think that's it. All I can remember at least. Some more exciting than others. Tiki was obviously not that exciting; same with TTA.

A Tiki Room EVAC! :lol:
Short walk!


Active Member
Uponastar said:
A Tiki Room EVAC! :lol:
Short walk!

Oh it was a 'long walk.' First they make you all stand up, exit you out a secret exit panel that revolves in the wall, climb up a staircase, across some catwalks, down a secret elevator that drops faster than gravity, take a monorail in a circle and then you mysteriously appear between the Sunshine Tree Terrace and the Magic Carpets of Aladdin. :lol:


Well-Known Member
I luv WDW said:
I have been evac'ed twice, over the years, from the Universe of Energy and from Test Track.

I tried to get on UoE one day and the CM said it had been shut down and evacuated. He must've thought I was nuts for standing there and complaining that *I* didn't get to get evacuated through the dinosaur scene.

I don't think I've ever had to get evacuated. That makes me sad.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
One time on the COP 2 guests got up while the thing was turning! I was like ! That was really dumb unless it was a medical emergency. More likely they were just bored. It made the ride move REALLY SLOW and the show was out of sequence. The CMs had to reset the ride completely. I wanted to knock those guests into the next century.


New Member
The only ride I ever had to evac was Universe of Energy. It was close to the end after the dinosaur part and where the cars move into the dark room. The radio kept repeating itself like a hundred times. Up to that point, we always felt like Disney was totally flawless and we were amazed to see the breach! Of course we've learned it happens on the regular.

So, what I want to know is where the elevator is that the person was stuck on for an hour w/no lights. *Note to self, never go wherever that is.* :hammer:


Oddly enough...I've never had to evac a ride.
Closest I came was stuck sitting smack in the middle of Space Mountain for 20 min.
Camera and video hard at work, of course.:D


New Member
Ah, good old TTA trains ahead. I'm glad and sad that I never had the chance to evac people off of that thing. The best was this summer when Stitch Chambers kept going down, people kept walking out of CoP, TTA was having trains ahead, Buzz was having all types of things and like Mansion had gone down too....all in the same day all day.


New Member
MagliteL13 said:
I honestly have to say I'm surprised you got away with those pictures. I always make guests erase video/pictures while EVACing Pirates (as per requested by management). Things do slip by though.

I do have to say that part of me is irate to see pictures like that and the other part is okay cause now I have those pictures for myself now. :)

EVACs: Pirates, SSE, TTA, Maelstrom, ToT, GMR, Tiki--I think that's it. All I can remember at least. Some more exciting than others. Tiki was obviously not that exciting; same with TTA.

I can honestly say that I was surprised that no one stopped anyone from pictures but when you have CM's posing for pics during the evac, haha good times.


Active Member
MicBat said:
We were in the movie scene of the GMR and the car in front of us broke down! :lol: The guide was hilarious!

Haha :p. Yeah we got to I believe it was the mafia scene and the doors infront just wouldn't barge open. I was in the front row then and the guide was like "Uh-oh....that wasn't supposed to happen" in a whisper to us :p. I forgot how he played it off to the rest of the ride but it was cool seeing the guide whisper something :O. If I recall correctaly I believe he told some story while another Op came out and pushed the doors open for us :p


New Member
Well, sounds like someone is a bit bitter. Ya know, as a former CM, I must say that I am disgusted by the way the guests act when it comes time for the CM's to do their jobs.

I worked in Tomorrowland for a year and had to Evac TTA numerous times. I understand that you get a lil anxious to get off the ride and would like to continue your day at the Magic Kingdom, but do keep in mind that there are certain rules and guidelines that the CM's performing the EVAC MUST follow.

It does take some time to evac TTA because face it, it's a big attraction. There are over 30 trains with 5 cars out on the track with at least 4 people in each car. Do the math, it's alot of people to SAFELY take off the ride. It also helps when guests cooperate with the CM's instead of complainging, taking pictures or trying to jump out of their cars.<O:p</O:p

As far as missing Wishes, well that’s a shame, but would you have complained about missing the fireworks if you were busy eating dinner? Would you still expect a free ticket back into the park? I think a $60 dollar ticket for free just for missing the fireworks is a lil too much.

<O:p</O:pI think that you blaming the CM's for missing the fireworks is cruel and just childish. They have a job to do and a certain way to do it. Just remember, if it weren't for those CM's you would have no place to go for vacation.


Well-Known Member
BuzzComplexCM said:
Well, sounds like someone is a bit bitter. Ya know, as a former CM, I must say that I am disgusted by the way the guests act when it comes time for the CM's to do their jobs.

I worked in Tomorrowland for a year and had to Evac TTA numerous times. I understand that you get a lil anxious to get off the ride and would like to continue your day at the Magic Kingdom, but do keep in mind that there are certain rules and guidelines that the CM's performing the EVAC MUST follow.

It does take some time to evac TTA because face it, it's a big attraction. There are over 30 trains with 5 cars out on the track with at least 4 people in each car. Do the math, it's alot of people to SAFELY take off the ride. It also helps when guests cooperate with the CM's instead of complainging, taking pictures or trying to jump out of their cars.<O:p</O:p

As far as missing Wishes, well that’s a shame, but would you have complained about missing the fireworks if you were busy eating dinner? Would you still expect a free ticket back into the park? I think a $60 dollar ticket for free just for missing the fireworks is a lil too much.

<O:p</O:pI think that you blaming the CM's for missing the fireworks is cruel and just childish. They have a job to do and a certain way to do it. Just remember, if it weren't for those CM's you would have no place to go for vacation.

Wow... Thats pretty harsh... MissM didn't ever say that she complained about missing the fireworks... The tone of her post was actually more of excitement that it happened. She was almost happy that she was evacuated. She never said anything about complaining to Guest Relations, just about expressing disappointment in missing the fireworks on her Love's birthday... I would prefer that more guests come to City Hall to express disappointment as opposed to leaving disappointed. Give Disney a chance to fix the problem, even if you don't expect it to get fixed. You can't replace the kind of experience that MissM missed, watching the fireworks on somebody you love's birthday. There was no blame in her words. and I have a strong feeling she wasn't angry going into City Hall. I am not saying that everyone that gets evac'ed off of a ride should get a pass to come back, most of the time the most appropriate compensation is a fastpass to make up for loss of time. But there is no set definite compensation for that. Each person is a new case, a special circumstance, and needs to be helped accordingly.
Its good that you think that a $60 ticket is a bit much... maybe it is. But isn't that what Disney is kind of about? Exceeding expectations?
Just remember, if it weren't for these folks going on vacation, us CM's wouldn't have jobs that we like.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Thank you Enderikari. I think the tone of my post is pretty self-evident. We laughed that it of all rides we got stuck on, it had to be the TTA (which we ride about a half dozen times each day we're there) but were a little sad that we ended up missing Wishes because the evac took an hour. (Something I might add, has nothing to do with us mis-manging time. Had we chosen to miss Wishes on our own, that's an entirely different situation.)

I did not go into City Hall mad, angry, hostle or yelling. Just a little disappointed. The CM, Jeff, was an absolute dear (as also mentioned in the post) and I was floored with how wonderfully he responded (also mentioned in the thread). I never in a million years expected to get a free day out of it.

I repeatedly complimented the Guest Services response on the thread, expressed how we spent the entire drive home gleefully discussing how it's things like this which make Disney a cut above everyone else, and even sent a thank you to the Guest Services email specifically sending my appreciation for the help I received.

The post was as much a comment on getting my very first evac as an amazing praise of Disney Guest Services. Don't bring negativity into what is a compliment to the wonderful CM's of WDW.


MissM said:
Thank you Enderikari. I think the tone of my post is pretty self-evident. We laughed that it of all rides we got stuck on, it had to be the TTA (which we ride about a half dozen times each day we're there) but were a little sad that we ended up missing Wishes because the evac took an hour. (Something I might add, has nothing to do with us mis-manging time. Had we chosen to miss Wishes on our own, that's an entirely different situation.)

I did not go into City Hall mad, angry, hostle or yelling. Just a little disappointed. The CM, Jeff, was an absolute dear (as also mentioned in the post) and I was floored with how wonderfully he responded (also mentioned in the thread). I never in a million years expected to get a free day out of it.

I repeatedly complimented the Guest Services response on the thread, expressed how we spent the entire drive home gleefully discussing how it's things like this which make Disney a cut above everyone else, and even sent a thank you to the Guest Services email specifically sending my appreciation for the help I received.

The post was as much a comment on getting my very first evac as an amazing praise of Disney Guest Services. Don't bring negativity into what is a compliment to the wonderful CM's of WDW.

Don't waste your breath on a newbie. :lol:


Active Member
MissM said:
Thank you Enderikari. I think the tone of my post is pretty self-evident. We laughed that it of all rides we got stuck on, it had to be the TTA (which we ride about a half dozen times each day we're there) but were a little sad that we ended up missing Wishes because the evac took an hour. (Something I might add, has nothing to do with us mis-manging time. Had we chosen to miss Wishes on our own, that's an entirely different situation.)

I did not go into City Hall mad, angry, hostle or yelling. Just a little disappointed. The CM, Jeff, was an absolute dear (as also mentioned in the post) and I was floored with how wonderfully he responded (also mentioned in the thread). I never in a million years expected to get a free day out of it.

I repeatedly complimented the Guest Services response on the thread, expressed how we spent the entire drive home gleefully discussing how it's things like this which make Disney a cut above everyone else, and even sent a thank you to the Guest Services email specifically sending my appreciation for the help I received.

The post was as much a comment on getting my very first evac as an amazing praise of Disney Guest Services. Don't bring negativity into what is a compliment to the wonderful CM's of WDW.

I totally agree. First off, it's been stated that a calm complaint is more likely to get action than an outrageous, yelling one. Second, about 9 out of 10 people have something to complain about--About 10% of that 90% do complain. About 2/3s of the 9% that do complain, complain the wrong way. That's 3%. Of that 3%, they usually complain about somthing that can't be fixed or want something that can't be given. Now, those are some hypothetical numbers, but still that's a pretty small percentage. I must compliment you, Miss M--as a guest, for handling it the way you did. Strict and professional, just like the CMs taking the complaint.

BTW, as much as an EVAC is an inconvienence, you gotta admit that it's a cool experience, too--and probably one you'll never forget! :)


New Member
Laura22 said:
Don't waste your breath on a newbie. :lol:

A newbie? Have you ever worked for Disney and had thousands of people crap on you all day long because you were just doing your job?

If not, then I would suggest steppin off of it. No matter what kind of heat you get at your job, none of it compares to that that a CM gets day in and day out at Disney.

Ask any CM and they will tell you...any different and they are lieing.


New Member
I have never been evacuated from a ride, but Spaceship Earth has stopped/delayed the last 3 times I have been to WDW. Last May, we were stuck on the decend part after you reach the top for about 20 minutes.


Well-Known Member
BuzzComplexCM said:
A newbie? Have you ever worked for Disney and had thousands of people crap on you all day long because you were just doing your job?

If not, then I would suggest steppin off of it. No matter what kind of heat you get at your job, none of it compares to that that a CM gets day in and day out at Disney.

Ask any CM and they will tell you...any different and they are lieing.

Oh woe is me... I am in a terrible position where people yell at me all day long and I work all day for no redeeming qualities.
You criticized a woman for doing something she did not do... You made the mistake that I see far too many cast members (or, as in your case, former Cast Members) do... You assume the worst. You have, in your mind, had too many guest angry with you, so you want to think you have the high ground by assuming that MissM was like a lot of guests you have seen before.
I suggest you "step off of it," this was not an argument about how much cast members get criticized, and you are not the only one to bear that cross. This was about an exciting day for a guest, she got evac'ed off of a ride, and had some Guest Relations host give her tickets to see the fireworks she missed. You try to turn that into some "All Guests are Evil" tirade. This is a positive thing, and, in this argument, you never had the higher ground you thought you had.
Do CM's get heat? Positively, I experienced that in great quantities. But in order to work at WDW you have to love it. It shocks me how many people complain about working at WDW... Why? If you don't like a job, no one.... but, no one is holding a gun to your head to continue doing it... You got out, you are a former Cast Member. Seeing as to your attitude towards your former job, I think both involved parties (yourself and WDW) are better off for it. You sound disgrunteled, and for that I am truly sorry.
But this...
this whole thread is not about you...
This is not about your problems with your former employer...
This is about a guest at WDW receiving great guest service, and wanting to tell others about it.
This is about what could have been another negative post about the slide of Walt Disney World, and the downward spiral that some people feel is present.

But its not...

Thanks MissM.

Ask this CM... I love my job... and follow that 7th Guest Service Guideline - Thank Each and Every Guest... because without them, I wouldn't be able to do it.


Well-Known Member
stankly182 said:
I have never been evacuated from a ride, but Spaceship Earth has stopped/delayed the last 3 times I have been to WDW. Last May, we were stuck on the decend part after you reach the top for about 20 minutes.

Possibly a technical problem, but sounds too frequent... Keep in mind that in attractions like SSE and HM, all of the omnimover cars are on the same track... Everytime a guest has to get on that has mobility difficulties, the attraction may have to slow and/or stop. Now, CM's are supposed to make sure the guests with the most severe mobility difficulties (requiring a ride stoppage) get on every one complete round (sometimes more often depending on queue. However, some guests, who think they may be able to board when the attraction is only slowed, are wrong... Requiring the ride to stop a little more often sometimes.


Active Member
warlord said:
One time on the COP 2 guests got up while the thing was turning! I was like ! That was really dumb unless it was a medical emergency. More likely they were just bored. It made the ride move REALLY SLOW and the show was out of sequence. The CMs had to reset the ride completely. I wanted to knock those guests into the next century.
I went through the same thing. Some guy got up and left while it was still turning, played the scene through, then again, then again, everyone finally got up and left.

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