Mission Space to be shut down!?


Well-Known Member
I really thought the warning signs and announcements were much stronger at MS then other rides. I get motion sickness on teacups and star tours but I really wanted to try MS, so we got in line. Well in that 10 minutes we stood in line, I can't tell you how many times I heard the warning. I believe we heard it again in the preshow at least once. I used the chicken out door.

I thought they did an excellent job of warning people. Much stronger warnings then other rides.

Disney Hog

New Member
Originally posted by Thessair
I wouldn't think age would be a reliable, reflective indicator for health.

I'm not saying that age should be the only warning, but it could hit home to those that are older and that are questioning whether or not to get on. If they were aware that age has been an indicator, they might rethink the ride.

I think that MS is by far the most intense ride in the parks and most people just assume that it is like the other rides. They get on and think that the warnings are just like the other warnings on the tame rides. I think bringing out the fact that age is a factor could be very helpful.

They need a sign like you see on some highways:



Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Disney Hog

They need a sign like you see on some highways:


This, I think, would do the job rather nicely. :D


New Member
I think they should leave the ride i got a little dizzy at first but it was more because i had been feed ur going to get dizzy and throw up so much i really felt i was but by mid ride i was like hey i dont think im going to throw up i havent yet. Now i love the ride i think its great mind u horrizons was my favorite ride at epcot but im glad if it had to get replaced it was with mission space not some dumb ride. I believe not everyone can read so they should put a cast member at the door saying warning if u cant read or are a complainer please dont ride this ride. Maybe lots of those people just dont know how to read.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by LivefortheMouse
I think they should leave the ride i got a little dizzy at first but it was more because i had been feed ur going to get dizzy and throw up so much i really felt i was but by mid ride i was like hey i dont think im going to throw up i havent yet. Now i love the ride i think its great mind u horrizons was my favorite ride at epcot but im glad if it had to get replaced it was with mission space not some dumb ride. I believe not everyone can read so they should put a cast member at the door saying warning if u cant read or are a complainer please dont ride this ride. Maybe lots of those people just dont know how to read.

The warnings at M:S aren't just signs. They announce it periodically while you wait and it is further reinforced in the pre-ride video. Of course, if someone is unable to read or comprehend english, that might be a problem. Personally, I think Disney has covered their collective backsides as well as possible. I agree about the complainers wholeheartedly.



New Member
Disney is great and they should not take a ride as great as this off. I was being sarcastic with what i wrote. i mean im not tring to make fun of those that cant read that is my job as a tutor to make every child learn how to read at grade level. But yes they do give enough ovious warnings so that u can understand that if u fit on of the catagories they mention u should not ride this ride.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by WDWFREAK53
whenever she said that she had his life in her hands...and she had him...but she lost it...and she saw him fly away...you could tell that she's really taking this hard...when it's not her fault...it's the damn ride operator's fault for not checking the restraints (this just from people on the ride saying that they were not checked by the ride operators).

Now we wouldn't want to jump to conclusions now would we? Of course she is going to take it really hard, no doubt about that. But definitively placing the blame on the ride operator before the investigation is complete seems kind of rash. BTW, that ride is my favorite coaster, so I'm very curious as to how the investigation turns out.


I don't do well on ride simulators ( :hurl: ), hence I know my limits, hence I use common sense, hence I wouldn't go on Mission Space. However, I agree with the consensus, M:S shouldn't be shut down, just because some people don't use common sense.

Was anyone able to confirm/deny whether or not M:S will be shut down or "toned down"?


Premium Member
Originally posted by JMishy

Was anyone able to confirm/deny whether or not M:S will be shut down or "toned down"?

The whole shut down thing has just come around from chinese whispers, no basis of fact.

The tone down wont happen either. The ride profile has been worked out over years of development in great detail, they are not going to throw that away due to a few people becomming disorientated and suffering side effects. Its the very nature of a centrifuge that this will happen, particularly during the spin-up and spin-down phase. That phase will always be there, regardless of how many G it pulls. So even by lowering the G (which isnt going to happen IMHO), it will not eliminate people becomming disorientated.

John Baynes

New Member
Mission Space

My little opinion on this issue is that everyone needs to know their own limits. I don't want them to shut down MS because I haven't been able to ride it yet. After November I might have a different idea. I have ridden on some very rough seas and in some very shaky aircaraft and so far no problems. I am looking forward to it. I know my personal limits and if necessary I will pass.:)


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by wdwmagic
They often leave their common sense, and reading capabilities at home!

That's why they take forever to order their food at fast food places!

"Honey, that says BACON CHEESE burger, not ice cream sunday." :lol:


Well-Known Member
Coming from someone who has a lot of friends over at space, has the same managers, and works right next door; I can tell you that Mission: Space will not be closing anytime soon. Nor has or will the intensity of the attracion be decreased.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
i think im going to have to put this as my tag line (see below) because of all the people believing hear/say, in which im guilty of to in my life, until my grandfather told me a very valuable lesson, "believe nothing that you hear/ read, and half of what you see". this is coming from a W2 vet and a man that worked in the newspaper business for 50+ years.

JJ just calm down......................... especially dont believe local talk radio......................... they just want to stir up stuff so you will call in.


New Member
i am sorry but this is rediculous to hear closing it down b/c of people getting sick. people wouldn't get sick if they weren't idiots enough to eat right before they get on the ride. beyond that if they listen to the rules and read the warning signs that tell you not to ride if....
and beyond that if your going to close down b/c people are getting sick b/c they can't take the ride then why not close down rnrc tower of terror test track and everything else some people sometimes get sick on.

i am sorry but real disney people shouldn't be kicked to the way side b/c some people aren't smart enough to think in there right mind.



Let's do it like the three bears, the Daddy bear, Momma Bear and Baby Bear. M:S could be set up into 3 sets. Let the wimps and babies go on a nice easy orbit. The average person go on the ride as it is. The rest of use could go on a balls to the wall flight!!

--- JUST JOKING -----

Leave it alone or make it more intense.



Well-Known Member
They knew people would be getting sick on this attraction. That's why they put barf bags there. But I don't think shutting it down is going to resolve anything. I get sick on Star Tours and Body Wars all the time but they don't shut that down because people get sick.


New Member
My wife wouldn't go on it in December when we were down there because she heard about people getting sick on it, but there was no way I wasn't going on it.

I will say this, I've never seen or heard so many warnings on a ride about motion sickness and all the stuff they warn you about on rides. Seeing all these warnings actually made me nervous about going on it, but afterwards I was fine. It was intense, but with all the warnings, I didn't think it was that bad. I thought it would have been worse.

As other people stated, with all the time and money Disney spent on the ride, they won't close it, maybe just tone it down. They toned down Body Wars. I remember riding it when it first came out and was spent for the rest of the day. I rode it about a year later and was fine. Also, after taking some back stage tours, they mentioned the same thing about Body Wars.

I don't see it closing. :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
I was twirled about on it last week, and imho, it isn't intense enough... Oy vey... I don't know what to say...


Well-Known Member
I truly dislike ingorant people who cannot read the warnings or assume they can handle it. You're putting yourself at risk when going on something that REPEATEDLY warns you not to go and - thus - should prepare for the consequences.

I will be EXTREMELY disappointed if it's toned down and extremely ANGRY if it is shut down.

Ignorant people really are going to ruin these parks. AE and not this? READ THE SIGNS!


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by crazydaveh
I have checked all the local news outlets in Central Florida as well as the AP Wire, and the Disney Press site. No one says anything about M:S closing or being toned down.

Just thought I would pass this along.

Originally posted by MicBat
Coming from someone who has a lot of friends over at space, has the same managers, and works right next door; I can tell you that Mission: Space will not be closing anytime soon. Nor has or will the intensity of the attracion be decreased.

Originally posted by wdwmagic
The whole shut down thing has just come around from chinese whispers, no basis of fact.

I think these three posts pretty much say it all.

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