Mission Space to be shut down!?


Premium Member
MS has more than enough signage, pre-show information, and queue line monitors to give people warnings that the ride is intense and like nothing else. Millions of guests ride this attraction without incident. The reported cases of people going to hospital are largely those who have pre-existing heart conditions or other medical conditions, who are told in warning signs NOT TO RIDE. We cannot critisize Disney when guests who should not be riding choose to do so. Guests need to take responsibility for their wellbeing by not doing things that they are not physically fit enough to do.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by PhotoDave219
Amazing how that guy dying at Six flags wasnt this huge a story....
I heard the interview with the lady that was behind/beside him on the coaster...my heart went out to her...I started to tear up...

whenever she said that she had his life in her hands...and she had him...but she lost it...and she saw him fly away...you could tell that she's really taking this hard...when it's not her fault...it's the damn ride operator's fault for not checking the restraints (this just from people on the ride saying that they were not checked by the ride operators). Now this lady is going to go through life with the vision of her gripping onto this man's pants...and holding onto him so that he didn't fall to his death...and just loosing grip and watching him slip away. (Just think of the move Cliffhanger...when Stallone has the girl...and she slips from his grasp and he has to watch her fall to her death). Do you think the ride operator is going to be like this??? Granted he/she may feel bad and really be broken up...but that person will never know what this lady is feeling.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by wdwmagic
MS has more than enough signage, pre-show information, and queue line monitors to give people warnings that the ride is intense and like nothing else. Millions of guests ride this attraction without incident. The reported cases of people going to hospital are largely those who have pre-existing heart conditions or other medical conditions, who are told in warning signs NOT TO RIDE. We cannot critisize Disney when guests who should not be riding choose to do so. Guests need to take responsibility for their wellbeing by not doing things that they are not physically fit enough to do.

Amen to that!


Well-Known Member
FREAK - which six flags did this happen at?

I agree with everyone else about MS, they should not tone it down. My Dad and my daughter both said they felt great pressure on their chests but nothing too uncomfortable. I was dizzy, BUT I purposely didn't eat that morning.


Sorry if I insult anyone with this post, but I think it needs to be said.

I, for one, haven't been on M:S, and don't plan on going when I go back in September. Motion Simulator rides do absolutely nothing for me.

Therefore, I don't know EXACTLY what the warning signs inside of the ride actually state.

However, look at some of the other rides that have warning signs about motion sickness:

Space Mountain, Splash Mountain, Thunder Mountain, Rock n Roller Coaster, Dinosaur, Primevil Whirl.

I've never seen anyone get sick on any of those. Maybe it's not so much people not reading the signs, as it is not being able to take them seriously due to those signs being on the aformentioned rides as well.

Just a thought.


I love that ride, but it didn't make me sick. Cos this couple who had been testing it told me to just sit back staring forwards, and it worked.

God! Id hate to be in the same capsule as someone who:
a. chirped there chips
b. Blew Chunks
c. Made room for lunch (gross)


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by joviacdan
Sorry if I insult anyone with this post, but I think it needs to be said.

I, for one, haven't been on M:S, and don't plan on going when I go back in September. Motion Simulator rides do absolutely nothing for me.

Therefore, I don't know EXACTLY what the warning signs inside of the ride actually state.

However, look at some of the other rides that have warning signs about motion sickness:

Space Mountain, Splash Mountain, Thunder Mountain, Rock n Roller Coaster, Dinosaur, Primevil Whirl.

I've never seen anyone get sick on any of those. Maybe it's not so much people not reading the signs, as it is not being able to take them seriously due to those signs being on the aformentioned rides as well.

Just a thought.

I think it is to WDW’s credit that any ride that could potentially sicken someone has warnings. Regardless of whether or not anyone has actually gotten ill riding these rides, it’s an act of responsibility to have those signs in place. If someone is unwilling to take such warnings seriously they do so at their own risk and it’s not entirely fair for them to level the blame at Disney.



Oh, I'm not blaming Disney at all.

Like I said, I haven't been inside Mission Space, so I don't know what the warning signs actually say.

I'm simply saying, if they are the same warning signs as our present at Splash Mountain, it's understandable as to why guest would not take them with much merit.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by joviacdan
Oh, I'm not blaming Disney at all.

Like I said, I haven't been inside Mission Space, so I don't know what the warning signs actually say.

I'm simply saying, if they are the same warning signs as our present at Splash Mountain, it's understandable as to why guest would not take them with much merit.

Oh no, I didn't mean you were. I meant all of the people who ignore the multiple warnings, then get sick, and then get mad at Disney. :)


Account Suspended

In my personal opinion. I did not find it to be that intense at all.

If they take intensity out of it, they should just scrap it.

Also, many times the radio station doesnt say they are closing it down but may just be speaking on references made by the people claiming to be sick.

Generally the people listening distort it, just like in those games where you used to whisper to someone and by the time it got back it was different.

I'm so sick of people even posting this negative stuff about Mission Space (not this thread) because it's really giving people the wrong impression of this ride. I was actually bored when I rode it because I was expecting it to actually be INTENSE! My expectations of intensity were so high, my body was so prepared that I found myself less attracted to the ride. It's a pure shame people are destroying this ride verbally when there's rollercoasters out there that never get pub. Why? the only difference is you can see the intensity by watching it before you get on, whereas MS just tells you to keep your A$s$ away if you can't handle it, yet you still get 60 year old brain dead wrinkle wraps riding it because they can't read!


Well-Known Member
I doubt they would close this. I am not a big fan of motion sims, they tend to make me sick because the motion is timed perfect for me. Like Star Tours makes me sick. and those damn fake one you find in the malls as well. But I will give it a shot.


Account Suspended

Originally posted by bgraham34
I doubt they would close this. I am not a big fan of motion sims, they tend to make me sick because the motion is timed perfect for me. Like Star Tours makes me sick. and those damn fake one you find in the malls as well. But I will give it a shot.

Listen, I'll ride MS before I ride Star Tours. Star Tours throws you around and beats you up from my point of view. This is so incredibly smooth, you really don't feel like you are being tossed around. Everything is slow and smooth and just fun. It really is not as bad (intensity) as the one's in the mall.


Premium Member
Originally posted by joviacdan
Oh, I'm not blaming Disney at all.

Like I said, I haven't been inside Mission Space, so I don't know what the warning signs actually say.

I'm simply saying, if they are the same warning signs as our present at Splash Mountain, it's understandable as to why guest would not take them with much merit.

This is a very valid point. I am of the opinion that people get watered down by all the warning signs, and do not take them seriously. The ones on MS are of a more serious nature, and they do come across as being of a serious warning, BUT you know how people are on vacation. They often leave their common sense, and reading capabilities at home!


Those warning signs at the rides that most people think are relatively sane are there for people like my mother. When she rode Space Mtn, she did get sick. She's never ridden Splash Mtn, but I'm sure the drop would do her in. She's got a really sensitive equilibrium where drops and multiple dips really bother her. So by placing all the warnings (even in the rides where most people aren't bothered) is Disney's way of covering their backside, because there are always going to be those sensitive types who will upchuck even on Space, Splash, BTMRR, etc. I think the only place she doesn't get sick is ISAW! Just my $.02 worth.

BTW... There's no way on earth that she'd ever get on M:S!!!

Disney Hog

New Member
Would they ever impose an age limit? They have height limits that restrict what children can ride due to safety, what about an age limit for safety?

At least an age warning- If you are over fifty beware!!!

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