Mission Space is a centrifuge, which means that it creates sustained g-forces on the body. Some people, like myself, simply can not handle this type of ride. I can ride any roller coaster/drop coaster/tea cup without feeling a thing, but Mission Space brings me two seconds away from throwing up. A roller coaster creates very large g-forces, but for a very short period of time (a second or two). A centrifuge, on the other hand, creates a controlled g-force, but does so for very extended periods of time (tens of seconds in this case).
Is it too much for you or your kids? I don't think you will know until you try it (or another sustained g-force ride, such as the gravitron at a local fair). This is why people who get sick on Dumbo are fine with Mission Space, and vice versa. Dumbo or the teacups are a spinning ride, which cause disorientation, but exert minimal forces on the body. Mission space, creates a sustained G-force, and that makes some people very queasy.
I say try it unless you have prior experience that would indicate that your body does not like this type of force. If you don't want to take the risk of getting sick, go green, but you could be missing out on much of what the ride has to offer, and hey, they have barf bags ready if you need them... I for one, will never ride orange again, but I would not try to deter others from doing so.