Mickey's New 'Old' Image ...


Evil? Where do you get that vibe?

Is Popeye being evil when he says "That's all I can stands and I can't stands no more" eats his spinach and punches Bluto to the moon? That's basically what 'scrapper' Mickey is like in Epic Mickey. His appearance changes depending on how you play the game.

His 'Hero Mickey' appearance is similiar to how he looked in the colored animated shorts.

oh, as i said didn't get chance to read the articles and was just going off the image used by the ny times...he looked pretty evil in it so i thought that was the route they were taking...


Active Member
I remember hearing about Mickey's rebranding on this site shortly after I joined...and frankly, I was against it. I thought that he's superseeded himself in a way, and IS the icon for Disney, and honestly should be left alone. He couldn't be "real" becuase Disney isn't real. Disney is timeless, rich in nostalgic...In that, I thought that he should be left him "pure", innocent, and a symbol...


I'm wrong. Having Mickey BACK as a character that actually goes on adventures and actually IS in a story is something GREAT. Like Tiri mentioned...Back to his old plucky self. A self that Walt himself made.:D

So...Welcome back, Mickey Mouse.

On another note...I would buy a game system just for this game. :lol: Looks FANTASTIC. I hope that they at least make merch.

I too will be buying a Wii just for this game


Well-Known Member
Maybe this will open the door for an idea I have for a video game. It's called "Sniper Mickey". It revolves around the premise that international terrorist have taken over WDW. You become Mickey, and roam through the Parks. Your goal is to kill all the evildoers, by what ever means available, and release the characters they have taken hostage. I bet I could sell at least one copy to Evan.:D

I really don't see the possible gains outweighing the damage that could be done to Mickey's present image. The last time I checked character meet 'n greets, and charcter meals were still very popular. As well as the character merchandise. I understand wanting to introduce people to the "Old Mickey", but sometimes you just shouldn't look back over your shoulder.

I really don't care how dark, and scarey any of the Disney movies, and characters were intended to be. People grown up, and change, why not characters. There is already to much darkness in this world. I think that's why the Parks have done so well. They are an escape from the harsh reality, and violence of this world. The tourist already have an attitude. I don't need the characters to join in.

I may very well be totally wrong, and I must admit I am kind of interested in the concept. While I don't think this is a wise move on Disneys part, I will wait to see the final product before I approve or condemn the move.

Edit I forgot to mention my feelings on POTC. If they had to be so PC by reversing the roles, and have the women chase the men, why didn't they make the whole ride PC. Don't we have pirates bidding on women for what ever purpose they might have in mind. Sometimes people over think some things.
You're reading too much into it. No one is suggesting that Mickey is going to become evil. The "real" Mickey is a little bit of a scrapper and mischievous, but never dark or evil. The Mak's Popeye analogy is a good way of looking at it, but obviously Mickey isn't as surly as Popeye.

Yes, the Mickey meet and greets are popular. That is because he is such an icon. I think that Mickey can be an icon and still have his old personality without compromising the escapist quality of the park. During the Depression, the Mickey shorts were popular because people saw them as brief escapes from their troubles, and that's how he became an icon.


Well-Known Member
Wait? Where has Mickey gone?

Seriously though...I don't see the "Reinvention" Mickey, he's always been Mickey. Epic Mickey changes nothing, we've seen him in Kingdom Hearts and such. He has a ton of sides, There's the friendly side, the mischievous side, the helpful side, the adventurer side, the hero side...He's all that. Even if they label it a "Reinvention", it's not. All those sides will have been, and always will be, Mickey. He's never been a one trick Mouse people...
:shrug: :D

Agreed. I think this is much ado about nothing. Epic Mickey will be a video game with a large audience, but its presentation of Mickey will not extend beyond the world of the game.


Active Member
You're reading too much into it. No one is suggesting that Mickey is going to become evil. The "real" Mickey is a little bit of a scrapper and mischievous, but never dark or evil. The Mak's Popeye analogy is a good way of looking at it, but obviously Mickey isn't as surly as Popeye.

Yes, the Mickey meet and greets are popular. That is because he is such an icon. I think that Mickey can be an icon and still have his old personality without compromising the escapist quality of the park. During the Depression, the Mickey shorts were popular because people saw them as brief escapes from their troubles, and that's how he became an icon.
I certainly don't think I'm reading to much into this at all. I also never imagined that they would create an evil Mickey. Maybe I should have started my post off with satire follows.

I just don't see how reverting back to Mickey's old image is going to revitalize something that has already become a world wide icon. I said I could be wrong. I also said I was interested in seeing the final product. I'm not saying anybody is right or wrong with what they think about this. All I'm saying is, personally I don't see taking the risk in hopes they might possibly gain some amount of rewards at sometime in the future. Most folks didn't grow up with early Mickey. You have several generations that only know the Mickey of today. It has a real chance of damaging the image of an icon that has been cultivated over time.

The final product might be fantastic. I might absolutely love the changes. I'm just saying I don't understand Disney doing it. They seem to be trying to turn the MK into a kiddies park where the only people going there will be people with small children. So do you see my confusion with this move.

The Mak

I certainly don't think I'm reading to much into this at all. I also never imagined that they would create an evil Mickey. Maybe I should have started my post off with satire follows.

I just don't see how reverting back to Mickey's old image is going to revitalize something that has already become a world wide icon. I said I could be wrong. I also said I was interested in seeing the final product. I'm not saying anybody is right or wrong with what they think about this. All I'm saying is, personally I don't see taking the risk in hopes they might possibly gain some amount of rewards at sometime in the future. Most folks didn't grow up with early Mickey. You have several generations that only know the Mickey of today. It has a real chance of damaging the image of an icon that has been cultivated over time.

The final product might be fantastic. I might absolutely love the changes. I'm just saying I don't understand Disney doing it. They seem to be trying to turn the MK into a kiddies park where the only people going there will be people with small children. So do you see my confusion with this move.

All things said and done, I doubt this little makeover will touch anything outside of Mickey's portrayal in one videogame. How many meet n greets are there currently with King Mickey and his Keyblade? :cool:


New Member
Agreed. I think this is much ado about nothing. Epic Mickey will be a video game with a large audience, but its presentation of Mickey will not extend beyond the world of the game.

I don't know about that.
"I've had some discussions with people and really, really want to see some comics and cartoons and feature animation built around this," he Spector told Kotaku. "There have been discussions about all sorts of things talking about other possibilities around this project."

Here are some quotes from the Epic Mickey article in the Game Informer:

"They (Disney) said,"What do you think about Mickey Mouse? Would you be interested in doing a Mickey Mouse game?" and I said,"No! Because I don't do games for kids," Spector tells us as we sit down with him in his Austin,Texas office."You've done an incredibly good job of making Mickey lame and irrelevant to anybody over the age of eight over the last 30 years. I don't do games for kids" They said," No,no,no! We want someone to reinvigorate this character,reinvent this character." I literally said:"You know, this is probably impossible, we're probably going to fail. I'm in.""

"As people play the game and they look at things, and they move through the spaces and they listen to the soundtrack-I want them to have this feeling of recognition and familiarity, and then I want to yank the rug out from under them." Spector says "On top of that, I want to scare kids. I want to go to Disneyland and see a 10 year old kid crying,"Oh mommy,the clock tower's going to come to life and eat me!" That's my fondest dream. Disney scared the pants off me when I was a little kid. Disney needs to scare kids!"..."It's also going to be a funny game" Spector tells us."I want people to smile when they're playing a d@#*ed game for a change.""

"I want to see people going out there not just wearing a Mickey Mouse watch or t-shirt," Spector says,"I want people saying:"I want to be Mickey Mouse."

This page has a lot of interviews,screen shots, and a few videos about the game. It's looks pretty interesting and I personally can't wait to get my hands on it.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Actually, I think you just introduced a perfect analogy against your arguments. Without a doubt, it'd be going too far if The Haunted Mansion were to depict the bride decapitating one of her husbands. It doesn't, yet still includes that as a story element, alluding to that that's what took place. Same thing with Pirates. The original ride respected that same kind of boundary. If it were to actually show the act of, well, pillaging the women, that'd absolutely be going too far. It didn't, it was just implied. Arguably less so even than the suggestion of Constance beheading multiple husbands in The Haunted Mansion. Having been infused with the movie franchise, you're now also combining the ride with a world that has much more explicitly alluded to rape. It might help if you think of it in terms of movie ratings. The Pirates movies are PG-13, and the ride could also be considered as such. Especially with having such popular movies now, I'm sure the average person goes into this Pirates ride expecting to see some of the things that pirates are known for doing. If you think that over the first 30 years or so of the ride that the pirates chasing the women created any kind of notable amount of complaints at Guest Relations, or have any kind of negative effect on ridership or reputation, you're kidding yourself.

Exactly. And well put.

I used to just joke that very expensive visionary projects like Snow White, Fantasia, DL, Mary Poppins, WDW, EPCOT etc would never be built today because they'd be perceived as too costly and 'unknown' in the financial ledgers.

But really so much of what REAL DISNEY was would never happen today ... would we have Bambi and Old Yeller? Hell, no, they present death realistically and traumatize kids. And in parks ...Would we have Mansion? No way. Promotes ghosts and demons and anti-Christian pagan thoughts of an afterlife. What about CoP? No way. Do you hear the way the Dad talks down to his wife in some of the earlier scenes. We couldn't have even things like the dinner show at the Poly because do you see all the flesh Disney lets those dancers show ... oh, and the women too!:lol:

Disney has become uber sensitive to absurd notions and has dumbed its products down because of it in many cases.

I'm not gonna waste my time arguing with a child who misses points left and right. But you did a very good job of articulating why Disney doesn't always equal 'DISNEY BRANDED MAGIC!' nor should it.

Well, honestly, yeah, I'd have said (and very possibly did at some point) that modern Mickey as a personality and character is somewhat hollow.

Hollow? Yeah. One way of putting it. Mickey has become a watered down corporate symbol. That's not what he was created for. And it isn't him, even if a generation of folks don't know any better.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster

Being a huge fan of Golden Age cartoons in general, I'm thrilled to hear that Disney wants to take Mickey back to his roots. I hate that so many studios have sugarcoated their classic characters and turned them into figureheads. I hope this means the end of garbage like "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse". You're right 74, that is not Mickey Mouse.

I hope Disney follows through with this and lets Mickey be fun again. Maybe this will lead to some old school Mickey shorts down the road.

I hope so. I have to believe John Lasseter wants Disney's characters to be themselves and not simply corporate symbols.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
So I don't disagree with anyone here really that a change back to the old Mickey isn't a bad thing, but what I found interesting in the article, for all the parties that the author says are or will be concerned, he never cites a source.

Please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but other than broad statements of who might be offended, he doesn't have any facts that any one is actually offended by Epic Mickey.

I just found that odd.

Nothing odd about it at all. It's a commentary/opinion piece.

And he's not exactly going out on a limb.

There are always legions of people who live to be offended and find reasons in all sorts of things ... even say, discussion board posts.

You are never going to please everyone and in trying, Disney has made a big mistake. I think this is a good sign that someone realizes it.

I don't generally wear theme park wear, but one of my favorite items is an 'Angry Mickey' tee that I picked up about five years ago at a Nordstrom Rack in California. It's nice to see The Mouse showing emotion. That IS why people fell in love with the little rodent to begin with.


Well-Known Member
From my readings I don't think Walt liked the overly mischevous, meanspirited Mickey. But, I have been saying for years that Mickey has no presence in the parks other than being a corporate symbol. He doesn't even feature in any attraction except Philharmagic and stage shows. We do need some more personality from him and some more movies and a ride or two. I don't want his look to change though.

People are making a big deal about his "look" in Epic Mickey. That's stylization - taking the set image and tweaking it a little bit to the feel of the new medium. It's common in any art form, and especially video games. Don't expect Epic Mickey to be replacing the present one in the castle stage shows, etc.

Yeah, but is it because of how iconic he is or because of his strength as a character (which is pretty lacking now, which is why we're getting this turn back to the more adventurous Mickey)?

Iconic. Which is why I still don't think he really needs a big reinvention of his character. I don't think Disney would want to market that.

But that's a problem - what was once a character is now merely an image for t-shirts and backpacks. People that know nothing about Mickey Mouse or his stories buy those simply because he's cute and recognizable. Meaning Mickey Mouse and his sweet, saccharine personality still don't really appeal to anyone as a character but the 3-year-olds watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.

This new Mickey is a step in the right direction - if he continues to appear throughout media (cartoons, movies), he will make audiences really care about him and want see more of him instead of just recognizing him and buying his merchandise.

On a different note - has anyone read many of the comments under that article? It seems that 70-80% of the general public seems thoroughly PO'd by this change, some even threatening to cancel their trip to WDW or ban Mickey from their household. :(

Here are a few which stood out to me:

That is terrible, you are telling children that nice things turn evil. I think that is a terrible message to send to kids. There is enough evil in the world without turning our cartoons evil too.
But it doesn't suprise me its all about making the big buck. No matter at what cost. Thank God my kids are grown. I will never buy it for my grandchildren.
Prime example of how a more immoral and somewhat more God-less nation only cares about dark, cynical and crude humor and . Can't image what will be the standard 20 years from now when these jaded kids become the future of America.

Bad enough these kids are jaded by tv and video games (total inactivity and immoral training). The US military says most of the kids are unfit for military due to that, criminal activity and school drop out rate.
I totally agree. Why can't our kids have something nice for a change, something sweet to combat all the REAL wickedness that surrounds us? Disney is all about fantasy, escapism, a way to put aside the concerns of the day and relax. Fun creatures, beautiful princesses, etc...Why can't we still have that? Why must everything be changed? And for the worse?
I agree - there are too many things for kids to be wary or scared of anymore. Why can't Mickey stay the same - where dreams come true, friends are important and happy is good. Why would you gear a product to the small age group of disenfranchised youth/teenagers for a video game and alienate the kid's and the adults these teens will grow into who appreciate the simple message of Mickey and Disney. Walt is rolling over in disgust!
Sondra, AMEN! I think it's horrible. My mother is a Mickey Mouse and Disney fan, and has been to Disney over 60 times! Mickey is innocence and childhood memories. Not anger. I'm not buying it. Not a good move on Disney's part. Walt would be mortified!!!!!!
I totally agree. We have dozens of Wii games, and there is no way this one will make it into our home. And the Disney Cruise we were going to take the whole family on next year? NOT if they make a change to a mean Mickey. The best way to express displeasure with dumb moves like this is with your wallet. Keep your money in it!
This has to be a joke. I would never buy anything in the image of this Mickey Mouse. NO WAY! You might as well kill him off and tell the kids he is dead...because you won't market this Mickey. Not to the good people of the world...so tell me...what is it? Do you think only the evil people of the world will have the money to spend now for unnecessary toys and they will purchase this image?
How dare they change The Mickey Mouse image!!! Poor Walt will roll over in his grave. He developed Micky and the other Disney Characters to be a source of delight to children of all ages...............methinks this is the same mindset that decided our past "family" sitcoms were too 'nice' and decided EVERYONE should have problems like the 'real' world. Says who?? Disney has always been a place of fantasy where one turns to get away from the worries and meanies of the world. That old line from the Lil Abner movie puts it just right........PUT HIM BACK THE WAY HE WAS, YES, PUT HIM BACK THE WAY HE WAS!!
Talk about killing a brand! Who is in charge of PR and human resources? Did they try a survey? Here I thought icons were icons not to be changed. Well I won't be taking my younger son to Disneyworld now!!!!! That new Mickey just scares the H#!! out of me.
Of course, you have the occasional comment explaining how this IS the old Mickey, or saying they like the look of the new character, but most are like the ones above. I think it's interesting how many people said "Walt is rolling over in his grave!!!!!", as if they knew the guy, when in reality he would have said something like, "Why the h*** did you change him in the first place?"

If anything, this is an indication of how little the general public really knows what Disney is about - it's not all about castles, princesses, and happy characters running around a place where nothing ever goes wrong. The true Disney is about pushing boundaries and trying new things, and has a dark side, where good steps its toes into evil, but ultimately prevails. I'm amazed how many people claim they've been to WDW 60 times or whatever, and yet are completely oblivious to Disney's underlying themes.


Well-Known Member
This def. hurts Mickey's image. Mickey was never meant to be mean or violent. That's what Donald's for.

Hope this never makes its way as a costume to any Disney park.
Nonesense, I'm sure they may not do such a thing, making a new Mickey Mouse costume like that. Besides, it's only for a video game.:lol:


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Frankly, those folks (while entitled to their opinions under the Constitution -- that is unless the Patriot Act says otherwise) are nuts. What has happened to common sense and intelligence?

These folks are the crazy minority that speaks loud (and will likely gain outlets for their misguided -- at best -- views ... just watch as FOX News does a piece on EVIL, VIOLENT, SATAN-WORSHIPPING Mickey! ... It's coming!)

EPCOT Explorer

New Member

didn't get chance to read the articles fully but at first glance epic mickey seems pretty evil. as much as i'd love them to hark back to the days of steamboat willie and mickey's wilder side i don't think making him this dark is a great move. make him cheeky? yes. plucky? yes. troublesome? yes. but evil? definetly not. as someone said earlier, that's what donald's there for.
He's not being evil at all....He's just being human.:shrug:

Maybe this will open the door for an idea I have for a video game. It's called "Sniper Mickey". It revolves around the premise that international terrorist have taken over WDW. You become Mickey, and roam through the Parks. Your goal is to kill all the evildoers, by what ever means available, and release the characters they have taken hostage. I bet I could sell at least one copy to Evan.:D

I really don't see the possible gains outweighing the damage that could be done to Mickey's present image. The last time I checked character meet 'n greets, and charcter meals were still very popular. As well as the character merchandise. I understand wanting to introduce people to the "Old Mickey", but sometimes you just shouldn't look back over your shoulder.

I really don't care how dark, and scarey any of the Disney movies, and characters were intended to be. People grown up, and change, why not characters. There is already to much darkness in this world. I think that's why the Parks have done so well. They are an escape from the harsh reality, and violence of this world. The tourist already have an attitude. I don't need the characters to join in.

I may very well be totally wrong, and I must admit I am kind of interested in the concept. While I don't think this is a wise move on Disneys part, I will wait to see the final product before I approve or condemn the move.

Edit I forgot to mention my feelings on POTC. If they had to be so PC by reversing the roles, and have the women chase the men, why didn't they make the whole ride PC. Don't we have pirates bidding on women for what ever purpose they might have in mind. Sometimes people over think some things.
:lol: I don't know...I'm not a gamer by any means, and this is the only one thus far that I am considering purchasing... but I like the idea. ;)

As for your thoughts, while I disagree, I see the point. While I agree that Disney is escapism, and the characters are part of that, too....It's still just a part of the stories we love to see from Disney. It's just using Mickey...who is perfect for this. :D

TOTALLY agree on PotC. I guess that that does not imply everything?:lookaroun
I too will be buying a Wii just for this game
I hope I can too!

Agreed. I think this is much ado about nothing. Epic Mickey will be a video game with a large audience, but its presentation of Mickey will not extend beyond the world of the game.
So we can't discuss some things?:rolleyes::lol:

And I certainly hope it WILL be used outside the game. Having Mickey in a more active role would be quite nice, as already said.

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
People are making a big deal about his "look" in Epic Mickey. That's stylization - taking the set image and tweaking it a little bit to the feel of the new medium. It's common in any art form, and especially video games. Don't expect Epic Mickey to be replacing the present one in the castle stage shows, etc.

But that's a problem - what was once a character is now merely an image for t-shirts and backpacks. People that know nothing about Mickey Mouse or his stories buy those simply because he's cute and recognizable. Meaning Mickey Mouse and his sweet, saccharine personality still don't really appeal to anyone as a character but the 3-year-olds watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.

This new Mickey is a step in the right direction - if he continues to appear throughout media (cartoons, movies), he will make audiences really care about him and want see more of him instead of just recognizing him and buying his merchandise.

On a different note - has anyone read many of the comments under that article? It seems that 70-80% of the general public seems thoroughly PO'd by this change, some even threatening to cancel their trip to WDW or ban Mickey from their household. :(

Here are a few which stood out to me:

Of course, you have the occasional comment explaining how this IS the old Mickey, or saying they like the look of the new character, but most are like the ones above. I think it's interesting how many people said "Walt is rolling over in his grave!!!!!", as if they knew the guy, when in reality he would have said something like, "Why the h*** did you change him in the first place?"

If anything, this is an indication of how little the general public really knows what Disney is about - it's not all about castles, princesses, and happy characters running around a place where nothing ever goes wrong. The true Disney is about pushing boundaries and trying new things, and has a dark side, where good steps its toes into evil, but ultimately prevails. I'm amazed how many people claim they've been to WDW 60 times or whatever, and yet are completely oblivious to Disney's underlying themes.

Frankly, those folks (while entitled to their opinions under the Constitution -- that is unless the Patriot Act says otherwise) are nuts. What has happened to common sense and intelligence?

These folks are the crazy minority that speaks loud (and will likely gain outlets for their misguided -- at best -- views ... just watch as FOX News does a piece on EVIL, VIOLENT, SATAN-WORSHIPPING Mickey! ... It's coming!)
That and they are hiding behind the wonderful veil of anonymity that the internet provides. Give it time....They'll come around. Or: They are bluffing, being overly extreme, and I don't believe a stitch of it.

Electronic babble on this, our Spaceship Earth. :)


Well-Known Member
Nothing odd about it at all. It's a commentary/opinion piece.

And he's not exactly going out on a limb.
It's not odd that there are no facts to support his stance?

If it is a commentary/opinion piece, then why are we treating it as news?


Active Member
Simp. and FamGuy are examples, extreme ones, nonetheless. Disney is capable of going out ad targeting other audiences, you know that, right? Like they used to? Seriously, the "typical syrupy" family audience has it's place, but it's tired and overused in other areas of the company. They should me taking OTHER lines of thought, and OTHER audiences and going after them. Again, that would add more balance to the mix.

Great many people? I laugh at that. Introduce it the right way, market it the correct way, it'll be fine. Didn't say anything about attracting about audiences, here, I'm going for a richer and more immersive type of Storytelling. Which is EXACTLY what Disney is about.

Pirates, again. The ride is supposed to be face-LESS. It's supposed to be a EXPERIENCE through the universe of a pirate. Adding a character (unoriginal, at that. WDI Original would be interesting. ) is a simple marketing ploy. Research, again.

Your Disney History logic is flawed...Mickey became Mundane Mickey because Walt and his 9 Old Men created new characters. Keepling Mickey in the limelight was achieved because he's the original. The symbol.The other characters seemed to get all the fun. Disney History repeating itself? Who you calling dramatic, now? :lol: If you are alluding to Mickey reverting to his old character, yeah, it's happening. And I'm all for it.


For those worried about Mickey's image...don't. Nothing can change it. It's been the same way for 81, almost 82, years now. He's cemented as the icon. He won't be tarnished. He won't be changed. He will, however, be added to, and made to appeal to other demographics while still retaining his spirit.

Won't make this long but here goes....

yes, I get Disney is all about storytelling... but to a certain point. They never really should ever come near that invisible line of offending anyone. It'd be dumb for them to do that. Just because us fans know Disney used to cross the line, with today's standards and not yesterday's, doesn't mean they should bring it all back. It's not present for a reason.

And now back to Mickey,

Mickey was changed because of complaints of parents. Mickey was like a role model to children. He may have been mostly a nice and caring character, but he did have a not-so-role model like personality. That stemmed into Donald Duck. Donald Duck is the most drastic change for Mickey though over the years. And just so everyone knows, I got this information from Donald chronological part 1. I know many probably own this DVD and it seems pretty accurate coming straight from Disney.

And by Disney history repeating itself I mean: this game gets released-> Mickey may not be the role model he once was-> moms complain-> he gets reverted back. Pretty simple.

And to MarkTwain, if you ask the average WDW park goer I bet they don't know half the character's stories their taking pictures with. Do you really think they know about Mickey's history? Or who/what a Koda is? Or why Goodfello hangs out with Gideon? Or even what a Gideon is? :lol:

I could be here all day responding to you (I'll let Evan do that), but you are nothing more than an Epic Troll who sounds exactly jt04. Now that I've gotten that out of the way, you're wrong about everything on millions of levels.

I have no respect for people who take the opposing side of an argument just the drama of it.

I hope this was a joke. I really do.

I respect everyone here, including EE ... but evidently he may not since he agreed with this.

I actually took an opposing side to this argument because I disagreed with it. USUALLY, that's why people take to certain sides of arguments...


CaptainMichael, are you just trying to create drama in this thread for no apparent reason? And I'm the troll? Please.


And this is sorta off the topic I was on, but on this thread's topic.

I saw Epic Mickey when the concept art was first released. I admit I was in AWE. But then more, and more, and more concept art got released and my awe started to fade. I find it all sort of... odd. I don't think this is really what Walt, yes him... I'm bringing him in this..., would of wanted this. I usually rag on people who type "Walt wouldn't want this", but I really have a gut feeling this would be a total disaster to him. He created these "forgotten characters" to be loved and taken in. Making them into death machines like the Snow White's Dwarfs spider-thingy is a bit much. I'll probably still check out the game- but I really think it's going to flop with the family audience.

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