Mickey,Minnie,Margaritas and Mayhem....(my first trip report)

Hi everyone i'm mamamouse,you may have seen me post on other trip reports ,but this is my first time writing one,I had been planning this trip for what seemed like FOREVER!!! and I'm very excited because I was meeting my "online" friends for the first time.I wanna start off by saying I am not a photographer or an english teacher,so my pics may not be up to some of your standards but,they're my memories and for that I cherish them as is,and I am a typo queen n known for lack of punctuation.Travelling with me are ,my hubby n 2 daughters,mom,stepdad,sister 3 nephews 1 niece n my partner in crime,her hubby n 2 kids.let's see ......ah yes the airport n the only time I ever smile at 5 am is when on my way HOME <3


that's me with my nephew "L"


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Oh goodness been busy busy busy ,okay so I'll try n get pics uploaded to photo bucket and work on an other installment today ,hope all u wdw fans are having a magical day 8o)


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So we had our fun st the pool that day and we went to get showered and changed for the ball,I seriously needed a fairy godmothers wand ( no pics of me today) LOL.Ohwell I was really tired out n didn't feel like getting too done up so on we went to our next destination hm...... wonder where we were headed??? I can tell you we found a monorail......


and we got in


I love this pic <3


we passed by Space mountain and I was excited because tonight if all went as planned it would be my first time on it


not quite sure what i was doin here but ok .....


and before I knew it we were going through the Contemporary,I don't get the big hype of this place,yeah it's cool the monorail goes through it n chef mickeys is pretty decent but it's just not a place that calls out my name ya know??


oh n someone was getting impatient "are we there yet?"
You'd think she had a date with a prince or something



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and then we found our way to The grand Floridian where another little princess had been waiting for us(it was my niece)


I love this staircase,too bad i didnt have a glass slipper for each of them,that woulda been cute but so was this....


and last November while we were waiting to go to 1900 Park fare my mom got a whole bunch of video of my girls dancing in the lobby area to a pianist,well in my house we are always dancing and singing ,everything we do we do while singing,well hubby not so much but the girls n I yes!!! lol,so it wasb only fitting that they wanted to dance this time.It was really cute to see my niece she got so into it because at home she has 3 brothers,she's not used to having girls to play with much and she loved dancing with my Roo n twirling and dipping.


then we were on our way to eat,My sister didn't think it was as good as the last time she had been 4 years ago but I love 1900 Park Fare,sure it's not the castle but I don't care for the food in the castle anyhow,although I might try it again soon and see if anythings changed(boo was 5 months old the last time n shes 6 now)


thats my plate I thought I had grabbed mushrooms n tomatoes but it was the sauce that made them sorta brownish and it turned out it was actually boconcini n tomatoes SCORE!!!!!! anyways my sis doidn't want the meat,it was too rare for her liking but I love roast beef so I was on it like white on rice,yuMMMMMMM.

then the characters started making their rounds....


my Roo loves the princes,when she sees them her little heart flutters it's soo cute




last November when we went I told my girls to ask the sisters to sing sweet nightingale n it was hilarious because they didn't really want too but they did anyways and it was horrible LOL but it was funny because then all the other tables caught on n asked them,so drizella came over n told Roo it was all her fault n she needed to own up so she took her to every table n made her sing it with them,it was a blast.


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then drizella came n we asked her to sing but no it wasn't happenin this time BOOOOOOOOO,I was kinda sad cause i know my niece woulda loved it,n she was being so cute so after drizella left she posed for me



then it was the part of the dinner where Cinderella n the prince come out to find a dance partner but no one was willing, n my roo was in shock cause she'd be all over that but was shy to get up there herself so I walked her over and she was so happy,I might have cried but you'll never know(I'm a huge sap)


I will tell you though our server was beyond rude that night,but we had fun regardless,and if it weren't for us having a group of 7 n having to tip 18% she would have gotten nothing from me,anyhoooo she came by n put a cupcake on the table n said "this for the birthday kid" n walked away with her face in a knot,but that was nuthin compared to some other things she said that night


I don't get it why are some ppl even trying to work there,ure gonna have bad days nomatter where u are I get that but when ure working somewhere especially someplace like Disney you gotta put that aside,when I worked at mcdonalds doing birthday parties there were some kids that really got under my skin but you gotta smile n be sweet anyways.


looks like you put a lot of effort into those girls dresses, they look adorable! such a shame about that server, some ppl dont deserve dream jobs like that. but looks like u had a good day despite her. Would you recommend that restaurant, or is it one to miss?


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hi everyone sorry it has been so long without another installment(dontcha just hate when real life gets in the way )Anyway when I last left you I was leaving The Grand Floridian and on my way to MK well it was originally decided that I'd go solo while hubby took the girls back to the hotel for a swim,but after some thought roo decided to join me ( i think somehow she'd now I needed her for this)I had things on my list to do that I hadn't done since my trip with gran n if it was gonna be with anyone else it had to be my roo because she's like my safety blanket n has been through some of my roughest moments in life right at my side,somehow she always sesnses when i'm upset without it being obvious to anyone else.Anyways first I wanted to show her an old fave


then i needed a walk through my fave place lol


and on towards the castle we went



and it was already set in my mind that tomorrowland was a must,and with roo at my side i hoped i'd have the courage to relive this


and by this point I couldn't contain my self

Roo loved it and then asked all about my gran n my trip with her,and then she told me that she wanted this to be a ride we would do aghain just the two of us awe.

I don't recall what this pic is from but i'll toss it into the mix



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WEll I collected myself and figured I could use a spin on the TTA ,which is a definate fave of mine n the girls



I always go in this shop but never seem to buy anything there lol,although I think next time I'll buy the silver sequince minnie head band n ears


and guess where we went next??? WEll I'll tell ya we did Stitchs great escape,and as much i love the little guy I hated this ,it was time i'll never get back again n I hated the shoulder things on the chair they really hurt!!! Then we went into the laugh floor n that was really cute I'll have to take my boo there next time she'll love it,she's a little ham.Finally it was time to go back to the speedway


and then my baby got her license

let's just hope when she gets the real,that she decides to drive with her eyes open lol


what a turkey she is


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well my baby girl wanted to do the teacups so I figured ah what the hec y not right?


and she had to get a purple one since thats her favorite colour (it doesnt look as purple in my pic though)


then she wanted icecream so we got that too,I was starting to wonder what happened to my sister because i still hadnt gotten a text from her yet,I didnt send her one incase she was still sleeping n changed her mind on coming,and besides i was having so much fun with my babe,at home we dont get alot of time alone becauise my youngest is there n so it was nice for us.Then she made me so proud and said "hey mommy you know how snow white is closing soon well why don't do it one last time just us" and ofcourse we did,but i was more excited that she knew her stuff than i was to ride it LOL








by this time the fireworks had started so we grabbed a bench n watched,it was so cool to see the fireworks this way because it really lit up the expansion space and we got to see fireworks over the beasts castle a bit so that was a new experience for us,I've always loved watching them from behind the castle but this night was extra special to me and I didnt want to end.Lucky for me there was still an hour n a half b4 park closing.


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Oh my goodness looks like real life's been getting in the way again i'm gonna try n finish up the report very soon,thank you all for the comments Hugs n squishes from mamamouse:)


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OMG!!!! I am back and determined to finish this report it has been far too long but If I want to get a pre TR started then I better kick my bottom into gear,so when I last left you I had just finished up Snow Whites scary adventure.So I seen a peanut stand heard a rubber band ,I seen a needle that winked it's eye but I been done seen about everything when I see an elephant fly ( by the way if anyone doesn't know of it check out Jim brickmans version of that song it's awesome sauce)




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so after Dumbo we were getting kinda tired and I realised then that there was no possible way I'd be getting up early enough to do everything that had to be done inorder to go home the next day :cry: so we made our way towards main street USA with one final stop at my own personal Heaven.....


MMMMM yummmmmyyyyy

and then we were off to hop on a bus "home" I put my little roo in bed n covered her up nice,hubby n my youngest were fast asleep and I sat there feeling the same way I do at home when they are all asleep happy and full and feeling so accomplished I dunno if it's just a mom thing or what but it's great.So I started packing and checking everything to make sure it was al ready to go except for what we'd need in the park next day (little did I know I packed some very important items by accident) Eventually I made my way into bed too.The next morning I was up at the ____ crack of dawn and got everyone up n ready to go down to luggage services before we headed out to drum roll please..........


(cue the beginning of circle of life) and apparently we were pretty famished because we only made one quick photo stop before heading into PIzzafari for breakfast.


and I'm guessing Duffy was feeling a little left out from the previous night because he "needed " his pic taken aswell



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So off in search of food we were


i love the wall murals in there



and I'm not the only one ,someone else likes them too


and my little finicky pants who wouldnt eat anything that mornning,sometimes she has her own agenda and thats okay,because I've learned to my pick my battles with her inorder to avoid chaos n total meltdowns.



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WE left Pizzafari


most of us with full bellies and wandered over to Camp Minnie Mickey we wanted to go see Festival Of the Lion King since we had skipped it quite a few yrs in a row,then it happened:eek: I realised I had packed my camera batteries n they died completely right before it was our turn to see Pocahontas (she was just outside the entrance) and although i have pics of the girls with her they are indoor n very fuzzy shots,this woulda been the perfect outdoor pic:( but we trecked on to the show n I think did our usual triceratop spin and carnival games in Dinoland before going on the bus to Cbr n wait for DME.
Once we got there we had alot of time to kill,I definately coulda spent more time in AK that morning but we hopped the bus over to the food court n used the last of counter services as snacks I think it was mainly juices n pineapple upside down cakes,which in my opinion were the tastiest things ever.Back at the main building we found ways to amuse ourselves.......






soon Dme arrived and we were on our way to the airport,gahhh I hate leaving Disney behind,knowing i'm going back to reality its so sad:cry:

but at least my camera batteries and i were re-united



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I find MCO to be one of the nicest airports i've ever been in so I needed a few pics in there


and ofcourse we can't forget you know who....


Now it's time to say goodbye to all our company M-I-C-see ya real soon K-E-Y why because we love you M-O-U-S-E


we had a pretty turbulent flight home and it was freezing when we landed in Buffalo but we were home n warmed up in our beds in no time.Thanks to all those who followed along and I'll try to be more um whatever the word is I'm looking for in my next report.It may have taken far too long but,I did finally finish so yay to that <3

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