Mickey,Minnie,Margaritas and Mayhem....(my first trip report)

Hi everyone i'm mamamouse,you may have seen me post on other trip reports ,but this is my first time writing one,I had been planning this trip for what seemed like FOREVER!!! and I'm very excited because I was meeting my "online" friends for the first time.I wanna start off by saying I am not a photographer or an english teacher,so my pics may not be up to some of your standards but,they're my memories and for that I cherish them as is,and I am a typo queen n known for lack of punctuation.Travelling with me are ,my hubby n 2 daughters,mom,stepdad,sister 3 nephews 1 niece n my partner in crime,her hubby n 2 kids.let's see ......ah yes the airport n the only time I ever smile at 5 am is when on my way HOME <3


that's me with my nephew "L"


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Oh boy my little Boo was a cranker today ,I think she was super tired Disney was catching up with her.Funny though because we were only going at half speed compared to how we do Disney when Daddy's not with us(why do men get so much slower with age anyways,I mean sheesh we're only 32 and already I see a huge difference)anyways miss cranky sat in the stroller while Roo n I sat on the curb and watched the parade.


I'd really like to see Disney create new floats instead of painting old ones(magic kingdoms day parade to me is no different then it was in 2003,same floats just rearranged a bit)

Now I don't like bugs ,but theres an exception to every rule right????

and ofcourse here's my boo(when my youngest was really small she looked like boo but with blonde hair that's why we call her Boo)

and I love Sulley he's so cute




and then for a few minutes the parade got more exciting JESSSIE N BULLSEYE!!!!!!!!!
They did awesome dancing in the street ,they shoulda been in that flashmob,now that woulda got the kids up n moving more for sure



and Lotso awe!!!!


I really wasn't sure what I wanted to do next and the girls couldn't decide either so we just kinda started walking and well guess where we ended up???


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Okay well if you don't know where we went next I'll give ya 2 clues

No we didn't go to Paris


Nope it wasn't lights,motors action........this look familiar???

I'll tell ya this much we were lined up to meet someone pretty important,the one who started it all,that's right the big cheese himself



I dunno what was up with my hair musta been all that crazy dancin in the streets,ahwell c'est la vie right.The girls noticed the paint stations and had to give it a try so here they are



I totally want to cut this portion of wall off and bring it home ,crazy I know but its awesome,actually the wheels in my head are turning now I could totally do the girls room like that,I could paint the walls to look like animators palette in the black white n greys with cartoons and then get them rainbow coloured blankets,how cool is that,okay enough of me rambling here's what I fell in love with


pretty cool huh???I love Lilo <3


Premium Member
Ohh the pictures of you guys with Mickey were awesome! Your hair looked fine Mamamouse. Sounds like a great day! And, sorry, haven't figured out the thing about the guys yet. Wait til he turns 40 or 50! Sheech!


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Ohh the pictures of you guys with Mickey were awesome! Your hair looked fine Mamamouse. Sounds like a great day! And, sorry, haven't figured out the thing about the guys yet. Wait til he turns 40 or 50! Sheech!

yeah guys make me laugh,not sure I'll ever figure em out lol


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DO you know what time it is? I said do you know what time it is??? TSMM time baybeeeeee oh yeah,my score sucked royally i'll have you know I only beat my 6 yr old by a tiny bit cause i was trying to take pics,that didn't turn out anyways so don't judge me LOL





you ready for my crappy picture taking score ,this is too funny


hee hee hee,I would've loved to get an on ride pic but i didn't get to,they should have a car set up for pics like they do at dumbo,Infact I think alot of rides should do that




oh yeah and I think by this point in the trip we were up to 16 hidden mickeys



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okay so you know how your parents used to tell you to go play in traffic??Tell me I'm not the only one,well at this point I figured it was time we go play in the streets so thats exactly what we did


Oh and my kids have always been fans of the pressed pennies,I think next trip they'll need new holders anyways we made a stop for that quickly


and that was back into the streets,you'd think after this many trips I'd know how to figure this out but i don't someone please enlighten me???



we pretty just wandered around aimlessly


omg and why didn't I notice this before so cute!

oh and this too


and then I was so proud of myself,I didn't even go in and look cause I didn't want anything to sway me from my plans of trying out Hollybelles plush tree idea



and it's pretty much a given if ure in that area u gotta get this shot right?



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she wasn't satisfied with her earlier ponytail and had told me that before we went back to DHS she needed real rapunzel hair just incase(which is funny because as it's if she knew something awesome would be coming up soon)
here's my attempt at real rapunzel hair lol

Well, I'm impressed. I can't do any sort of French braid (or ornate braid) in my girlies' hair. Looks like a herringbone braid! Very pretty!

OK- I was going to resist the cake balls in my fridge tonight, especially since I've been back on my morning kettlebells and excercise ball routine...but MAN- those Starring Rolls pics are KILLIN' ME!!! Too yummy looking! :slurp: Can't wait to read more! :wave:


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omg i love making cake pops do you do them too? I saw ur toy story cake I do cakes too but only have a few pics of some disney ones on here most of my cakes r on my facebook page though


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hmmmmm odd I can only see some of them n yet yesterday they were all showing,maybe its photobucket because they were all here yesterday morning,okay well I can try to put more tomorrow n see if it shoews up but I'm heading of town today so it'll have to wait until then sorry :(


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bandwith exceeded in photobucket means you've uploaded too many pics that have been viewed for the free month. You'd have to upgrade to Pro if you want anyone to see them within the month. I had to do the same.


Well-Known Member
omg i love making cake pops do you do them too? I saw ur toy story cake I do cakes too but only have a few pics of some disney ones on here most of my cakes r on my facebook page though

I do some cake pops and cake balls- but it's usually from cake left over after sculpting. At least all that cut away cake doesn't go to waste. I remember you saying that you were also into cakes. It's such a fun thing- but awful for the waistline. :ROFLOL: TX recently passed a law allowing for home bakeries...I have a lot of prep ahead of me, but I'm hoping to get a small side business off the ground at the beginning of next year. It will strictly be cakes, but it should be fun. I've got a Halloween cake and an Evil Dr. Porkchop cake to pull off over the course of the next month. Should be fun!


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so we rounded the corner,and decided it was time for muppets


and then since we had missed our adr at Shutters i decided to text my mom n see where in the park she was,but it turned out she had given my hubby her phone so she could get in touch with my step dad (he doesn't know how to text) so I asked him how busy the Espn was n if we should bother boating it over to eat.He didn't get back to me fast enough n i decided to try my luck,finally i got a hold of him n told him i was on my way over so i guess he asked his server n she said since we were with them she'd get us in AWESOME!!!


and then after we ate n hung out to watch the end of the game it was decided that hubby n grandpa would go back to the hotel with the kids n I walked to the boardwalk to get a bus to downtown disney n xmas shop,I ended up lost though because i don't see well in the dark at all,but luckily some one found me n showed me the way,YAY I made it to DTD here are a few pics(i took way too many n dont wanna bore you all)





it was nice to have a break because at home the kids pretty much never leave my side but at the same time I wished they were there because last November we had the best time there n the kids were soo cute in the dance contest,but I had to be santa tonight.So I ended up with create your own vinylmations,pirate play sets,duffy clothes and a bunch of other goodies.I bussed it back to my resort n decided I had to get a pic of our resort window before I forget.

then I had to get some rest for day 5 oh boy so sad too close to home time for me,so I texted Beth n asked her if she could pick me up n hide me somewhere in her house so I didn't have to come back home,wish I could just pick up n move to Florida...:brick:


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DAY 5 OH EM GEE where does the time go???well we were up pretty early for what we're used to n hopped a bus to MK for our ADR


thats not where we were dining but its so pretty,anyways.....


I wanted so bad to be that special family,I hope someday we are chosen to open the park,but it wasn't today.we had to get somewhere


our first visitor was....


and then we saw


then like a good example I was i ate my breakfast so I could have my dessert,well nuthin beats poohs puffy french toast except of course poohs puffy french toast with whipped cream(I made sure to pile enough on my plate for the girls to have with their fruit too)


I'm tellin you thats the stuff dreams are made of,and you haven't lived until you've had it with the whipped cream YUMMERZ!!!!!Anyways we had 2 more visitors n eeyore even chose roo to lead the parade



breakfast was so good,and we decided to hit a few attractions,then the resort pool so we went to philharmagic( I hadn't taken the girls since boo was 5 months old,well it turns out even at 6 yrs old she's still terrified of it for some reason)



hey there mamamouse, i stumbled across your TR quite by accident and got so engrossed in it, its like reading a good novel! anyway, i've got a trip booked for Sept '12, and was looking for pointers to help us get around the parks, so your report is a godsend to me. keep up the good work, look forward to more :)


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THank you mr.fix it,I'd be glad to help wherever I can.

OKay on with the report........so we went to peter Pans Flight next


and look at my lil one acting silly


I love this ride so much,I've always loved Peter pan infact I've played him twice in school plays when I was in grade school.next up was It's a Small World and please excuse my lack of make up EEEEK:eek:


then Daddy had to make a pit stop,so I took pics of the girls on a bench outside(gotta get pics in all grandmas creations so she knows they were put to good use)

My little Boo loves dalmatians, and she used to watch it over n over when she was really small and then one day i realised how many times it says idiot in the movie n I stopped her from watching it because i didn't want her to repeat that.


and Roo in her tianna dress.....


Then we decided we'd ride splash mountain now rather than later when the girls would be in their costume dress,it was kinda nice that hubby was there to get a pic of us on it,so him n Roo hung out waiting for the shot(she's a bit of a chicken with rides)




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On our way out of the park we went into the briar patch and the girls spent the money grandpa had given then the night before,their purchases included a goofy hat and an outfit for duffy to comemorate his first vacation.



we went back to the room and changed so we could hit the pirate pool today

my lil cutie pies.......



and then we went to the kiddie section ,that is just too cool wish i could play in it too



I did go stand under the tipping barrel at one point though,I couldn't resist it looked so fun and it was lol

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