Trip Report Mickey-less Lesson #1: Size doesn't matter, it's the motion of the ocean!

Yes, it's a non-Disney trip report. In a sea of Disney trip reports this is a non-Disney report. :eek: How is that pertinent on a Disney-centric fan forum, you ask? Well, this is how a solely Disney Cruise Line experienced cruising family took their first wobbly steps into non-Disney-fied cruising. Ever been curious? So were we! How the competition measures up is definitely pertinent! However, if the mods think this thread is better served in the cruise section or the other places section, I certainly understand. So sit back, relax, and slosh along with us in whatever "port" this thing sails off to.

Thread title:

Mickey-less Lesson #1: Size doesn't matter, it's the motion of the ocean! ((in my best double-rainbow dude voice)) What does it meeeaaan????? The ship we sailed is currently THE largest cruise ship on the seas: Royal Caribbean's Allure of the Seas. This ship is huge! How big? Let me show you. Not my picture, all credit goes to fet123 on Photobucket. Lined up here in Nassau are: Majest of the Seas, Disney Dream, Carnival Dream, the NCL Sky, and Allure's sliiiightly smaller sister ship the Oasis of the Seas. Good size comparison:


Allure of the Seas is 16 decks high, 1,187 ft long, and can carry a maximum passenger load of 6,296 serviced by roughly 2,300 crew members. In comparison, Disney's largest/newest ship in the fleet, the Fantasy is 14 decks high, 1,115.5 ft. long, and can carry a maximum passenger load of 4,000 serviced by a crew of 1,450. The Allure is a very big girl!

Among Disney's fleet my family prefers the smaller classic ships. Why? It's more laid-back, there's less people, and the overall experiences we've had were more personal and intimate if you will. We like that a lot! We knew going into this cruise that we were going to be on the biggest cruise ship afloat and that we probably would not be impressed by her size. We were right. We weren't. For us, bigger does not equate better. Size doesn't matter.

The motion of the ocean can definetly play a strong hand in your cruise experience! Leading up to our cruise I discovered (no thanks to Royal Caribbean which is my biggest aggravation with the entire experience of sailing with them) via Cruise Critic's forums that the Allure had been experiencing an issue with 1 of her 3 azipods. They had been sailing her without using the center screw for over a month before our sailing. She was safe and still functioned fine. They were just trying not to use the center pod as much as possible to avoid further/more extensive damage. So the ship sailed slower. Instead of her usual 22+ knots cruising we rarely exceeded about 16-17 knots cruising. AND, because the ship was sailing at reduced power, the captain did not utilize the stabilizers to keep the ship steady at sea. The stabilizers, like wings that extend from the sides of the ship to add stability and reduce rocking side-to-side, create drag which would slow the ship even more. So, the motion of the ocean on a ship not using her stabilizers was...well...a really FUN ride for us...not so much for those prone to sea sickness. ;)

*****Just for information sake, the Allure continues to run on 2 of her 3 pods. A cruise in February was cancelled back in mid-November to allow a week-long drydock to repair the pod. I believe it is a bering issue. It's my understanding this type of problem has been a reoccuring thing with ships that utilize the different azipods for their propulsion. To date Disney has not utilized the azipod propulsion for their ships.*****

So that nobody feels the need to ask before I get to the end and give my summation of the overall experience sailing without Mickey, I don't feel like it was better or worse than any of the 7 Disney cruises I have been on. I'm not just being nice. It's a whole different experience. I wouldn't categorize it as better or worse, it's different.


Active Member
Love that you got to experience a different ship. I'm thinking after our family cruise in February next year combined with Disney that the hubs and I may go on our 10 year anniversary trip. We really enjoyed Disney just him and I but maybe he will enjoy a cruise that we can take out of New Orleans and save on drive time. Only time will tell. But, he thinks this ship is amazing and huge.

On a side note, it would be the perfect place to be stuck for a zombie apocalypse. :)


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We returned to our room to make our final prep for our day's activities before it was time to head out. We did some people-watching form our verandah as the ships' gangways opened.

Next to us was the Carnival Conquest.

The picture didn't capture it but we could see Captain Hollywood up in the bridge. Thankfully he wasn't perched upon his hot-pants mini-Harley. :rolleyes:

As people debarked there were guys dressed as pirates that appeared to virtually pounce on the families and insist they take a professional picture. At the time we didn't realize these were crew members from the ship that worked with the photography service. We just watched and laughed as family after family was accosted.

Random pics.

We met Rachel & Ellen in the Promenade at about 12:45 and were off the ship at about 1:00. I was able to Instagram a little before we left the ship because we were in the US Virgin Islands. I had cell phone coverage. Woot! I loved in the elevators when headed for the gangways you don't have to know which deck button to push. All you push is the star button. The star button will take you to whatever deck you need for the gangway. Nice touch. Excited tourists don't have fully-functioning brains. Smart, Royal Carib. Very smart.

Steppin' off into St. Thomas.

We dodged the pirates. :D

This looked festive. Unfortunately, the Allure's crew could learn a few things about gettin' festive with the decorations in time for Thanksgiving. I was really looking forward to the flood of decorations to come out tomorrow!

We found our way to the taxi spot.

Total and utter chaos ensued. There were so many people trying to get taxis. The curbside dispatchers would send people all over the place. The taxis were all lined up and ready. Yet in the chaos nobody knew where to go, what to do, and nobody was really going anywhere. We got sent 3 different places by 3 different people before a taxi driver took us in no thanks to the dispatchers. :bored:

On the way to the marina where we were to meet up with our tour guide for the day. No, not the private charter. Much shorter tour for today. ;)

These gas prices are per gallon, not liter. When we left home we were paying right at $3/gallon for regular unleaded.

We made it to the marina well ahead of time. We'd rather be early than late.

We hung out until it was time for our eco-tour to nearby Hassel Island! We booked a 3 hour Hassel Island Kayak & Hiking Tour via this website a few weeks ago. It was the 6 of us, another nice couple, and our tour guide, Alexander. Score 1 for me getting us away from the maddening cruise ship herds.

Here's where the pictures were switched to my water camera so you'll see a difference in quality. ;)

We signed our releases, got ready to go, stored our gear in the lock-box, and off we went.

It was a short paddle across the busy ship/boat channel over to the uninhabited Hassel Island. There's our ship in the distance.

Hassel Island is an absolutely fascinating 135 acre island with a truly rich history all it's own. We got to explore just a little of it, starting with this path.

There's tons of trash and debris that gets washed-up onto the shores from the harbor. As we were walking along I was trying to be cautious where I stepped while looking at all the things that were washed-up. It was all sorts of weird randoms stuff. Like a shoe. Where did that come from? How did a single shoe land in the harbor? Was some poor drunkard stumbling along the water and WHOOPS! There goes a shoe? Was there a group of friends goofing-off horsing about and someone got shoved in the water, shoes and all? So my mind is wandering as I'm vaguely listening to Alexander telling us the story of the island's history when I spotted a broken bottle. In the neck of the bottle there appeared to be rolled up too carefully to be accidental a piece of paper sealed in a ziplock bag. I stopped, looked closer, and it was a message in a bottle! No kidding! It was! I showed it to Tracey who called to Alexander to come see it. Alexander walked back to us and said, "Dude, I've spent my whole life looking for a message in a bottle and you found one!" Okay so I'll take the finder's credit but I let him do the honors. This is what it looked like whenever he picked it up before disturbing the paper.

Alexander read the contents aloud for everyone to share.

It was a pirate story penned by a kid.

I'll save you the trouble of trying to read it:

From William Shakespear time.

There was a rum keg full of gold dubloons. There where 15 scally wags on a dead mans chest. The dead man would get of my chest it hurts my chest. There was a peg leg pirate named
(indiscernible) he had a parrot that spoke spanish and could order cocktails in french. A fair maiden was traped on a island with 365 waterfalls. Peg leg sailed the ocean blue is search of the fair maiden that was his true love. Peg leg conquored the scally wag by doing Kung Fu. The spanish speaking parrot led the way to the gold dubloons. Peg leg and the fair maiden where united in the blue lagoon. And they Lived Happily Ever After

There was no name or any other writing on the paper. Just this simple story. Really, tho, when reading the story you see what stands out in the mind of the author. I wonder what stories were told to the child who wrote this, how their experiences shaped the way this simple little pirate fairytale was told. Fascinating, huh?!

I was going to save the story but I couldn't because it was very wet inside the bag and I didn't want to haul that all the way home. So I took some other detailed pics then placed the story in the garbage. I was somewhat disappointed at not finding a name & address to send a letter to telling them their message in the bottle was found. So, if you write a story and put it in a bottle, be sure to include your name and address so someone can mail you a letter telling you they received your story! :cool:
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Well-Known Member
Original Poster
There's actually a big archaeological dig and restoration going on on Hassel Island right now.

Not entirely sure what this is.

What is all of this?


It's been carefully restored, too. This is what the archaeolgical project is about. Finding all these bits left behind, cleaning them up, and preserving them for future generations to understand the significance of Hassel Island. I'll clue you in soon. ;)

Alexander asked if anyone knew what this object is. Do you?

Brian knew. He said it right away. It's a dive bell. Basically it was a big iron bell-shaped thing that was lowered down into the water trapping air inside. Think like having a cup or bowl that you lower straight down under water. Air traps inside. Men would surface inside the bell, get a few breaths of air, then swim out to do repairs on ships and inspect damage underwater. The problem was that the bells were notoriously dangerous because of the carbon monoxide inside. Very dangerous to rely on. Brian knew what this was from seeing online footage of the new Assassin's Creed Black Flag video game which is set in the time of pirates. So there's some clues for you what this place is!

Back in the 1800's this is where ships were hauled out of the water for repairs! It's an old shipyard! It was one of few shipyards that would take any ships that needed repair including that of pirates. If pirate ships were coming into port a lookout would go to a flagpole at the top of a high hill and raise a flag signaling the port merchants who was coming. So if merchant ships were coming the stores would open and they'd be ready to trade. If pirate ships were coming they'd close up all the merchants tight and open up the bars and brothels. Funny, huh?

This was a high-tech place once upon a time.

Do you see the crane to the right of the bushy tree?

Look at the upper right hand corner of this placcard at the pictures. See the coal lumps sitting towards the bottom?

Coal was needed to fire up the steam engines that powered the winches that would haul a ship up out of the sea. Native women were employed when the coal ships came in to carry the coal off. One 95 lb. basket balanced on top of their head at a time. Women did this work. Lines of native women. They'd sing and chant together songs in their native tongue that the men working around them didn't understand to create a cadence to work to. These women could off-load all the incoming coal in under 2 hours. Incredible. Additionally, come to find out, their sweet songs that they sang were making fun of all the white men around them. :hilarious::hilarious::hilarious: I love this!

This chain that was laying on the ground was impressive!

I got down, placed my camera on the chain link, and shot towards the boat launch. I really like this perspective. I only wish I'd brought my better camera in a ziplock.

So here you can see what the railway looked like that hauled ships out of the water.

That's what this all is.

This is where the steam engines and drive system was housed.

According to Alexander, a few years ago a man (engineer? architect?) came to these ruins and said it was in terrible shape. He told the local authorities that it wouldn't last another hurricane. The government had no money to spend to shore it up and it would take a while for the money to be raised. So the man took it upon himself to haul all the supplies he needed over to this location, braced everything up, and left. He never asked anyone for help and he never asked to reimbursed. He did this entirely on his own free will. Isn't that remarkable? Imagine the man who values the ruins of an old shipyard engine room. Imagine how he might have the means to come in, spend the time & money, then leave without a word. The islands have a way of capturing the imagination, don't they?


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Original Poster
This is where the coal would've been shoveled in.

These things were big!

I told Tracey to stand next to this one so I could show the scale.

I could spend hours here with my camera. Look at the size of these gears! Keep in mind every one of the tools you've seen, all the parts to build these things, even these massive gears...each and every one of these objects was brought here on a ship.

Alexander found this big ol' fat hermit crab hanging out. He's way too big for his current shell.

I don't know how much you might know about hermit crabs but they get their name from their little hermit habits. They live in a shell until it's too big. As soon as they find a bigger, better shell they evict the current tenant and move in. I don't think hermit crabs stop growing. They just go shell to shell until they can't find another and prob'ly die of exposure if a predator or some other peril doesn't get them first. This guy definitely hasn't had any luck finding a bigger home. :joyfull:

I spy with my little eye the Allure of the Seas!

I played with this composition a bit.

I seem to enjoy views thru openings.

There's a crab resident in here! Do you see it???

Okay. I'll help if you need it. See the 2 slivers of reflected light. Look above the right side of the sliver on the left. The crab is sitting halway under the timber beam. Do you see him now?

This place was enchanting. Think of all the people who stood in this place. Think of what might have been on their minds. When I visit places like this I feel like I'm standing in presence of everyone who was here before me.

I wonder how many men might have had to unstick a chain here.

As we headed out a sea plane landed.

We saw several sea planes come and go. These are little island hoppers going from island to island within the chain of islands. A few years ago Tracey & Kacey were **thiiiis** close to being on a job in St. Croix, not far from St. Thomas. They would've been riding an island hopper! They had hotels rerserved long-term, airfare booked, etc. when the oil refinery in St. Croix announced it was closing. Like 2 days before they were set to leave for a project in paradise the rug got pulled out from under them. I don't know who was more disappointed: the guys or Tameka and me! LOL! We had grand visions of leaving our kids behind to visit our men in paradise!!! LOL!

We headed out to go look at one other site before we returned to our kayaks.

We walked up this trail.

These plumeria blossoms smelled so sweet.



Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Love that you got to experience a different ship. I'm thinking after our family cruise in February next year combined with Disney that the hubs and I may go on our 10 year anniversary trip. We really enjoyed Disney just him and I but maybe he will enjoy a cruise that we can take out of New Orleans and save on drive time. Only time will tell. But, he thinks this ship is amazing and huge.

On a side note, it would be the perfect place to be stuck for a zombie apocalypse. :)
I would love to sail out of New Orleans, too! I've looked. Don't think I haven't. Sailing out of Galveston last year was flippin' awesome because it was right there. No traveling!

Eeeeeeverything around here is zombie apacolypse. It's so funny! Brian says we need to go to Alcatraz. Good thinking!

I'm really loving this excursion. I may have to get you to find us some out of the way stuff to do in Nassau.

When I go back to read my reports sometimes I think the excursions often seem more glamorous than they are. Like I haven't mentioned the mosquitos on Hassel Island. Or having to step around gingerly so I don't step on one of these giant mega-thorns that can go right thru my flip flops. And we got rained on as per our standard. :rolleyes: I'm so over being rained on when on vacation. Oh! And no restroom. That was fun. Ugh! The looking back seems to erase the irritations of the moment and leaves all the cool stuff behind. I guess that's a good thing, huh? I've got a few things lined up for my next call on Nassau: rum distillery, Graycliff chocolatier, and a rum cake factory. Wow, there's some vices to indulge: rum & chocolate! :P


Resident Redhead
Premium Member
You calling me vulgar??!!!

Thanks, love! :) you know me well!

I will never forget the moment when I knew that we'd get along--your trip report where you wrote "sometimes you just have to drop an F-bomb". I think that was the same one where you broke into the Wedding Pavilion. ;)


Resident Redhead
Premium Member
If Colleen has an appreciation for what Disney does, she would be knocked out of her socks on one of their ships. Seriously. Anything is worth trying and finding something to enjoy. Broadening the horizons, expanding the mind, and all that jazz. ;) .


I'll readily admit it was not an instant realization that I was choosing time over destination. It took time for the gravity of the concept to truly be realized. I *now* imagine it in terms of quality vs. quantity. I'm not referring to quality of the destination I choose, it's quality of MY experience where I go. I could spend more time in a place I've already been but it might not be as exciting for me as a shorter time in a place I've never been. When thinking in terms of buffet or plated meal, I'll choose plated meal. I don't need quantity to equate value. ;)

I hear ya on the vices. We do all have our vices. Travel was a big on for me last year. This year I don't feel that desire as much. I've got other things occupying my brain these days. Yep, I totally know how you feel about the pinball machines. I once had a very valuable doll that cost me a couple thousand dollars. I got a phenomenal deal on her considering she was worth more than I paid. I always thought having one of the more valuable dolls would satisfy my itch to have one but it created a itch I never considered. For the length of time I had her I never could fully appreciate her. I couldn't love her the way I did some of my other less-valuable dolls. When I looked at her I saw the dollar signs. I saw the things I could do or the places I could go or the things I could provide my children. I just couldn't enjoy her. I didn't keep her long at all. Tracey was hopping mad when I sold her but I truly had zero issue doing it. I wasn't in a season of my life that I could appreciate that doll or be completely settled with her. Not the right time. I've never regretted letting her go, either. .

I like your math. And I've found myself lately not buying things I would normally have snapped up, because I think to myself, put that money aside and spend it on an experience instead of a "thing". In the last two years, I've come to value experiences WAY more than "stuff". (officially old? maybe!)

Remember! You're talking to the girl who prefers a smaller ship. Bigger isn't automatically better! I'm sure the Majesty was heaven on the sea for y'all. I'm so interested in Coco Cay. Don't even get me started on Key West. I've got a dedicated holiday trip to Key West pretty high up on my bucket list. I adore Key West...and not just because there's a Lilly store there. LOL! Did y'all do an alcohol package? Oh man, when there was no financial accountability per drink we seemed to really let loose and imbibe on a much larger scale than we ever have before. It was so fun to just go in the moment, let loose, and relax. During the cruise and several times since I've asked Tracey if he thinks his family now sees us as these mega lushes. They don't drink the way we did. His response, "I don't give a sh** what they think. I relaxed and did what I wanted to." Well, alrighty-then. :D LOL!

Just added to my bucket list: get to Key West with you and Tracey. :D I fondly recall your last Key West TR.

I would love to hang out with your hubs (and you, of course!) and am looking forward to doing so in Feb 2015! ;)


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
OMG, that would be so clever. Points to you for thinking of that!! (clearly, you live with women ;) )
Oh sh**! That one went completely over my head before! LOL! I was totally absorbed. Tunneled in. That's what happens when one attacks a TR in two 7+ hour blocks back to back with little sleep. LOL!


Well-Known Member
Oh wow! Now see, I've never been to Uni. It's on my list of to-do's. I imagine we will tie it in pre-cruise sometime. Discovery Cove, as well. Tracey's sister took her family to Discovery Cove years ago and they still gush about it.

If you ever get the chance to try a Disney cruise they're truly well worth it especially if you have a Disney love in your heart. It's a whole different way to experience the best of Disney.

Y'all right there around the same age as us. My boys ask sometimes if I feel old. No, I don't feel any different inside than I did when I was their ages. I've always been me in here. However, whenever I catch my reflection in the mirror it's not uncommon for me to have a startled moment when it's like "Who is that old chick looking at me?" LOL!

Be on the lookout for a full DL report from me around the end of May or beginning of June. I can't not write these things now!

Hey, I heard a lot about Discovery Cove, thats for someday in the future :)

I keep the Disney Cruise in consideration for someday in the future, and Disney is absolutely in our hearts :)

I definately will be on the lookout for the DL TR later this year!


Active Member
I would love to sail out of New Orleans, too! I've looked. Don't think I haven't. Sailing out of Galveston last year was flippin' awesome because it was right there. No traveling!

Eeeeeeverything around here is zombie apacolypse. It's so funny! Brian says we need to go to Alcatraz. Good thinking!

When I go back to read my reports sometimes I think the excursions often seem more glamorous than they are. Like I haven't mentioned the mosquitos on Hassel Island. Or having to step around gingerly so I don't step on one of these giant mega-thorns that can go right thru my flip flops. And we got rained on as per our standard. :rolleyes: I'm so over being rained on when on vacation. Oh! And no restroom. That was fun. Ugh! The looking back seems to erase the irritations of the moment and leaves all the cool stuff behind. I guess that's a good thing, huh? I've got a few things lined up for my next call on Nassau: rum distillery, Graycliff chocolatier, and a rum cake factory. Wow, there's some vices to indulge: rum & chocolate! :p
My husband has been obsessed with zombies since before I knew him. So much so that my now 6 year old daughter use to draw them for him when she was about 2.
Only thing with the excursions are they would have to be child friendly for Nassau. We will be traveling with a 12,8,7,2 and an infant. Possible two more 8 yo, two 6 yo, 11yo, and two 4 yo. Crazy I know. I'm thinking of the zoo, this pirate adventure, and maybe a tour of a fort. Not sure bc it's a ways away but I don't want to go thru Disney. Had too much fun on my own in Nassau last time to ruin that.


Well-Known Member
So glad to see this report! I was really looking forward to getting your take on Disney vs non-Disney. I love your pictures and writings as always! I think the one thing that you did touch on here that turns me off to the non-Disney cruises are all the upcharges. The thing I really liked about Disney, was not having to feel like I wanted something but couldn't have it because it was an extra charge. I know there are less choices and not EVERYTHING is included but most things are. It was so nice not to worry about costs. The ship you are on looks amazing though! I think I might be overwhelmed with the hugeness. Maybe we would try a smaller non-Disney ship.


Well-Known Member
I will never forget the moment when I knew that we'd get along--your trip report where you wrote "sometimes you just have to drop an F-bomb". I think that was the same one where you broke into the Wedding Pavilion. ;)

Sometimes you just do! I've found there is no other verbal equivalent for moments such as...

-"Breaking into" the Wedding Pavilion
-Seeing Spaceship Earth from your balcony
-No Jager on Castaway Cay
-About an hour and a half into a 3 hour wait to meet a villain

to name a few...:angelic:


Well-Known Member
Loving this TR, Kelly! My goodness is that ship HUGE!! I know I would get lost! lol

If I spent $770 on alcohol , I'd definitely always have a drink in my hand! Combined with the swaying of the boat that miiiight not be such a good idea. But I would want to make sure I got my money's worth!!

Not sure how I would feel about having a balcony that overlooked the middle of the ship. I'd want to see the ocean and the waves and the sunsets!

Can't wait to see you again in April!! Drinky drinks are a must!! ;)


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I like your math. And I've found myself lately not buying things I would normally have snapped up, because I think to myself, put that money aside and spend it on an experience instead of a "thing". In the last two years, I've come to value experiences WAY more than "stuff". (officially old? maybe!)

Just added to my bucket list: get to Key West with you and Tracey. :D I fondly recall your last Key West TR.

I would love to hang out with your hubs (and you, of course!) and am looking forward to doing so in Feb 2015! ;)

YES! I don't have tons of shoes like women are notorious for. But, for my staples, I have quality. Like boots. I recently went to buy a decent pair of boots. In my mind I was thinking under a certain number to spend. Oh, I went waaaaay over that BUT the boots I bought are timeless, very versatile, and are handmade for very rugged activity. With proper care I could still be wearing these boots 20 years from now. Quality vs. quantity!

I really want to do Key West for Christmas. Seriously. I've spent hours pouring over rental cottages that we can bring Riley Belle with us. I've done calculations and things for how long it'd take to drive down. All sorts of leg work. So far we aren't pulling the trigger but I see this happening in the next 2-3 years.

You would LOVE Tracey and he would LOVE you! I'll have to email ya about this more. ;)

Hey, I heard a lot about Discovery Cove, thats for someday in the future :)

I keep the Disney Cruise in consideration for someday in the future, and Disney is absolutely in our hearts :)

I definately will be on the lookout for the DL TR later this year!

Yes! Discovery Cove is on my list, too!

My husband has been obsessed with zombies since before I knew him. So much so that my now 6 year old daughter use to draw them for him when she was about 2.
Only thing with the excursions are they would have to be child friendly for Nassau. We will be traveling with a 12,8,7,2 and an infant. Possible two more 8 yo, two 6 yo, 11yo, and two 4 yo. Crazy I know. I'm thinking of the zoo, this pirate adventure, and maybe a tour of a fort. Not sure bc it's a ways away but I don't want to go thru Disney. Had too much fun on my own in Nassau last time to ruin that.

For us it's all about the apocolypse. Everything is justified by "Well, that could help when the zombie apocolypse comes." Like "Babe, I think I want to order another thousand rounds of .223 ammo." "Why? You aren't going to shoot them. They cost too much." "Yeah, but when the zombie apocolypse comes...." That kind of stuff. It's stupid but funny all at the same time. OH! And for Christmas Tracey's family did a Yankee Gift Swap game in lieu of drawing names. All the kids are older now so we figured why not? Well, 2 of the 4 gifts we put together for the swap were Zombie Attack Nerf weapons. It was fun!

There is nothing quite like hanging out with Tracey. It is an experience all on its own and in a good way. We miss you guys.

I swear, Tracey's entertainment factor was a huge part of my decision to spend the rest of my life with him. I even said it: At least I know I'll laugh every day. And I DO! I bet @Disneyfalcon is thinking we're full of doo-doo because he was on his very bestest behavior when we had dinner at Sanaa together in September. It's not often Tracey even cares what anyone thinks of him but with Tammy he does. It's a gentleman/respect thing, I guess. Think about Tracey in Myrtle Beach. I think @Tiggerish would appreciate a take on THAT Tracey. I tell ya, I saw peeks of him on this cruise many times. He doesn't go full-Myrtle-Beach anymore, tho. We're too old for all THAT! I'm hoping when J&G get a little older we can do another getaway again. That was sooooo fun! I got it! We'll have Chandler & Brian watch them! YEAH!!!!

So glad to see this report! I was really looking forward to getting your take on Disney vs non-Disney. I love your pictures and writings as always! I think the one thing that you did touch on here that turns me off to the non-Disney cruises are all the upcharges. The thing I really liked about Disney, was not having to feel like I wanted something but couldn't have it because it was an extra charge. I know there are less choices and not EVERYTHING is included but most things are. It was so nice not to worry about costs. The ship you are on looks amazing though! I think I might be overwhelmed with the hugeness. Maybe we would try a smaller non-Disney ship.

I think you have a very strong point here and I'm glad you brought it up. I hadn't thought of it that way before but you're right. It's not so much that Royal "nickel & dimes" the way most people think because so much is optional. You don't have to have it to still have a fab time. The large number of available upcharge options is what incites this feeling. If you don't partake of all the interesting things you see then you might feel like you were having to skimp on vacation. That's never fun. Personally, I like having the large number of options available to me. I didn't feel like we skimped but we did spend quite a bit, too. I'll tell you right now I walked off the ship at the end of the week with a $900+ account that settled with my credit card. I had prepaid my gratuities and for the upcharge dinners so those were not part of that number. I had almost $100 in laundry/pressing. I spent just over $300 on the professional pics. Probly close to $300 was merchandise/souvenirs purchased onboard. We ate ice cream and Johnny Rockets a LOT. The kids ate there more than us so they had additional charges for that, too. The other $200 or so was all the little things we bought plus extra tips to our favorite servers. It all adds up. You're very right. BUT, all these things can be budgeted ahead of time, too.

I'm in agreement. We all thought the size of the ship was overkill. I'll get more into that later. We are VERY interested in sailing one of the smaller Royal ships, maybe the Freedom class. Navigator of the Seas sails out of Galveston some so that could work out. The size is comparable to Disney's Dream/Fantasy.

Sometimes you just do! I've found there is no other verbal equivalent for moments such as...

-"Breaking into" the Wedding Pavilion
-Seeing Spaceship Earth from your balcony
-No Jager on Castaway Cay
-About an hour and a half into a 3 hour wait to meet a villain

to name a few...:angelic:

I really love this list. Especially #3. I'm still holding off so my girls can be with me for my first! As a girl I know you know the mentality: saving your first for that special someone.... ;):hilarious:
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Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Loving this TR, Kelly! My goodness is that ship HUGE!! I know I would get lost! lol

If I spent $770 on alcohol , I'd definitely always have a drink in my hand! Combined with the swaying of the boat that miiiight not be such a good idea. But I would want to make sure I got my money's worth!!

Not sure how I would feel about having a balcony that overlooked the middle of the ship. I'd want to see the ocean and the waves and the sunsets!

Can't wait to see you again in April!! Drinky drinks are a must!! ;)

I've been secretly hoping to convince you & Ash to come to Trader Sam's. ;)

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